I Kissed a Boy (Heather part 2)

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Trigger warning: There is no actual r@pe, but there is a false rumor saying that someone was. You have been warned

Bill's Point Of View

I felt the sting on my cheek. He slapped me and pushed me away. Before my brain could properly process what I did and what he did in response, he was gone. Running away quickly until he was out of sight.

What did I do...?

As I stood there by myself, the harsh wind blowing threw my hair. I should've gone after him. I should- I was about to take a step but I felt a hand on my shoulder. Oh, Heather. "I'm so sorry, I just-"

"You've been gone for 10 minutes, I started to get worried." She was so nice, she wasn't even being mean about it. There was only worry that filled her eyes. I felt her soft petite hands grasp mine. "Is everything okay?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." I turned to face her and I felt her wipe my cheek. Tears. I didn't even realize some fell. "Pine Tree just left..."

"Well screw him! He's an idiot if he left someone like you!" She said with a smile, trying to comfort me but that only made me more mad.

"He's not an idiot! He's the best person I've ever met!" I quickly snapped back. I know she was just trying to be nice but I just didn't want her to say that about him! He's my best friend and I'd do anything to protect him. I don't want anyone talking bad about him. I moved away from her. "I'm going home."

"But baby, I need to take you home."

"I have fucking legs Heather, I'll be fine." She said something in response but I couldn't give anymore shits.

Once I got home I was greeted by my cat, Nacho, a yellow fluff ball with some black spots. We both quickly went up to my bedroom, as I layed in bed trying to think of a way to redo my life choices, I felt Nacho nuzzles against me. I run my hand through his fur, starting to feel it's calming effects. Why?! I scolded and screamed in my head. I kissed him to be nice! I thought he had a crush on me! I was just gonna kiss him then be like, 'Hey, you're my best friend and I love you, but I'm straight. I'm still going to be with you but in a different way. This doesn't change anything between us.' And blah, blah, blah, chessy romantic movie shit.

But when I kissed him, even though it was for only a second. It changed everything. I thought I would hate it! Maybe Pine Tree is just a really good kisser. Yeah. I'm straight. I don't like him. He's my best friend, who would like their best friend? That's just weird... It would ruin everything. Plus I'm straight! I can not be gay or bi or pan or anything like that! Sure, other people can do whatever they want, but I can't. I'm straight. I'm straight...

The next day at school was awkward. There was no way to avoid him. I guess I'll just have to face him, "Dipper, I-" Push. He went right past me. "Wait Dipper!" I grabbed him by the shoulder, spinning him around quickly to face me. "Look I'm sorry. I know you have a crush on me, but I don't like you romantically at all. I'm straight. It's okay to be gay! I don't care. I'll support you no matter what! I'm not mad or anything at you because you kissed me. We're still friends. Best friend." I could tell he was about to speak, correct me on how I kissed him. But the crowed that gathered around us started clapping.

"This is why we love Bill! He supports anyone no matter what! He even forgave the gay for forcefully kissing him." Someone in the crowd said.

"Wait, he didn't force-" I tried to explain to the crowd, but got cut off.

"We should all learn from Bill! We all should be like Bill!" A lot of nods and yeahs could be heard in agreement. They all loved me. Besides one. The one I actually loved. How was I supposed to know that this would start a shit ton of rumors?!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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