Your Fault (Billdip)

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The blonde teen held the pale skinned boy close in his arms. "It should've been me. It should've been me. It should've been me." He muttered on constant repet. He looked at the brown haired teen he cared so deeply for, but in this condition he was hardly recognizable. The blood staining his now ripped orange shirt, you could see the clear claw marks that hashed his chest opened. The dark red liquid gushed from his head, dripping down onto Bill's lap, only causing the poor boy to cry more from the lose of his boyfriend. "έλα να ζήσεις ξανά... έλα να ζήσεις ξανά... έλα-έλα...." He screamed and cried at the same time from losing his lover. He couldn't even bring him back with a spell.

"Bill! Bill!" Yelled a familiar voice, or should I say voices. Mabel and Will's. To Bill all sense of reality was lose, he couldn't think over his brain yelling at him, he couldn't hear over his sobs, he didn't even realize anyone else was there until he heard the bloody Mary scream from Mabel. Will gaged at the sight, his poor innocent brain couldn't take seeing this much gore.

Frantically, Mabel pulled out her phone, calling her great uncle. "Grunkle St-Stan, great un-uncle Ford, come-come quick..."

A week had past, no one knew what exactly happened, besides Bill who would instantly break down into tears if it was even mentioned. All the Pines just blamed Bill, but deep down they knew if wasn't his fault. They just felt like they needed someone else to blame, someone that wasn't themselves. At the funeral Bill broke down while trying to give his speech. Everyone saw Bill having a panic attack in front of Dipper's coffin. When he crumbled to the ground and screamed as he cried more, Mabel and Will had to take him to the back to try to calm him down.

Currently Bill was in his and Dipper's old room, he didn't touch anything in there. The sheets were exactly how Dipper left it, the few pieces of clothing on the floor, chewed up pens in the trash. Bill sighed, he refused to sleep in there, it was only the couch for him. He walked into their bathroom, they only lived in an apartment and this was the only stupid bathroom. As he stood in front of the mirror he saw him. He saw Dipper sitting on their bed. "Baby!" He turned around quickly, about to rush into his arms. Only to realize there was nothing there. "Dipper..."

He turned back around to face the mirror, only to see the same thing. Dipper. The person he loved more than anything. He didn't dare turn around, even if he wasn't really there, he wanted to see him...

But then the mirror showed him coming closer. As he stepped closer his cuts, his blood, everything started appearing again. Bill's heart dropped. "N-no..." He looked away from the mirror quickly, expecting no one to be there. But right in his face was the bloody mess he called his dead boyfriend.

"Whats wrong BILL?!" his voice sounded glitched and demonic. "Didn't you want this?"

"N-no! Of course not!" He hugged his body tightly, wanting this Dipper to go away.

"We both know this is your fault Bill."

"It's not! I tried! I tried so hard to bring you back to life!" He screamed and broke down crying on the ground, clenching his shirt tightly.

"If you tried harder and was an actual good boyfriend maybe he'd still be alive." The bloody messed up dead boy looked down at the blonde.

He couldn't speak he just balled up, sobbing harder. "Pl-please stop..."

"You're the only one talking." The next time Bill looked up there was no one there... he was all alone again...​​​

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