Dipper in the Bathroom

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A/N: This is Billdip ish, honestly I don't ship them in this scenario. I don't even like Bill as a character in this. I came up with this while listening to . So it's influenced by it. Also it's the only song I know from Be More Chill so the characters, plot, etc won't line up. Also I drew that, I might change the picture later if I ever change it or color it cause that was a very quick sketch.

Trigger Warning: Self h@rm (death)

Dipper: Age 17

Bill: (human) Age 17

Best friends forever. What they thought they were going to be. What Dipper thought they were going to be. He's known Bill since he was born. Bill was only about 2 or 3 months older and they were next door neighbors. Their families were so close that Bill even got to visit Gravity Falls the last 3 years! They use to be so protective over one another. Bill beat up multiple people when they teased and bullied Dipper for his extraordinary birth mark.

Now it felt like so many of those amazing years were tossed down the drain and then someone turned the garbage disposal on.

Dipper loved Bill, he knew that much. But, he was on the fence about if it were platonic or the real deal. Sure, he's bi but none of that would matter if Bill was straight. As far as Dipper knew he was. No matter, he'll always be there as Bill's friend. Best friend...

Now in present time, both in senior year. Dipper had straight A's like normal. Bill an A and B student, he was extremely smart, even smarter than Dipper! He just didn't care to do the work, especially homework. Always saying 'School work is meant for school, not home. I'm not gonna stress over something that will never help me ever.' This would normally end up with Dipper giving reasons why school information can be important then that would end up with Bill sighing, knowing he was partly right. Even though he never liked admitting he was wrong.

Passing the hallway with his head up high, posture straight, being careful to not drop his books, looking like the perfect student. People didn't notice him, except the school bullies, but that didn't change the fact that he had to make sure he looked perfect. Dipper and Bill both knew that if Dipper's little bi secret got out then he would get attention and not the good kind. His school was very... homophobic to say the least. And with Dipper already getting bullied as much as he does, he doesn't need anymore. Bill has punch 5 different people that were hurting Dip, he thought that would be enough to teach everyone their lesson, but no. It continued. This time Mason never brought it up though, not wanted to see his only friend, besides his twin, get suspended from school.

The male Pine twin made his way to the locker, putting it the combination quickly. After his few failed attempts he gave up, 'And this is why you have to keep everything in your backpack.' The only thing he kept in his locker was his lunch after Regina kept stealing it everyday.

Bill Cipher had his locker right next to Pine Tree, pretty lucky, huh? The blond haired man put in his combo in a cool manner, giving the locker a small bang as it swung open, "Hello, Pine Tree." He grinned at his smaller friend. Him close, if not at 6 foot and Dipper at 5'6, he'd always wished to be taller. Even Mabel was at 5'7! Maybe even a little more!

"Hey, Bill," He turned his head, looking up at his best friend. "Did you need something?" He tilted his head a bit in curiosity.

"Oh, nothing much. Llama is having this huuuuuge party while her parents are out of town. I was thinking we could go together?" He leaned up against the locker and fixed his jacket collar.

"As much as I would want to go out with you-"

He cut Dipper off quickly, you could hear the small nervousness in his voice, "But of course I don't mean us together as a couple! Just friends." Ever since Bill learned Dipper was bi he chose his words more carefully, making sure Dipper wouldn't get any ideas or seem like he was leading him on. He loved Dipper, as a friend? He wasn't even sure of his own sexuality or his romantic thoughts on Dipper. Either way he wasn't sure Dipper was the one, he didn't want to throw 17 years of friendship out the window just because he was wrong.

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