Dysphoric (trans Dipper)

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I'm tired of it all. It's so fucking tiring.

Everyday to here almost everyone call me by my dead name. Honestly, I can't even call it dead cause basically everyone uses it still.

Currently I'm balling my eyes out because of how much discomfort I'm in. Whenever I move I feel the disgusting things on my chest move and I can't do anything about it. I would kill for a binder right now. But as my mom says,

"That's gonna ruin your back and kill you, especially with your heart problems."

I don't fucking care! I'll do it safely and I'm more likely to kill myself than a binder will.

'Hey, Maddison.​​'

'You're an amazing daughter.'

'I'm so lucky to have you as my daughter.'

Well you know what mom and dad?! I'm your son! My name is Mason or Dipper! With he/him pronouns!

I'm so fucking done with them, Mabel's the only one I have right now that doesn't misgender me. She only does it by accident when mom and dad are around. Even people at school do it, teachers include. Only 2 out of 6 teachers have never misgender me or called me by my birth name. Well, since my choir class is with girls, she has said 'ladies' when she means us as a class, but I don't really count that. It just hurts still. When the kid at school do it on purpose it hurts way more. Why can't they just accept it?! Why couldn't I have been born in a male body?!

Do people actually think I want to be trans? I would do anything to have been born as a cis man. It's definitely not a bad thing to be trans, I am it. I just wish I was a cis male. I'm tired of always getting misgendered or misnamed. I'm tired of living in the wrong body that makes me feel like I want to die more. I'm tired of the people at school I have to go back to that will do it on purpose.

And all I can do about it without being yelled at is curl up in a ball on my bed and cry until I fall asleep.

A/N: This is just a vent cause I can't tell anyone right now. I'm sorry if stuff is wrong with it, I've been crying the whole time while writing it. Bye 

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