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Dipper age: 13, 8th grade

Trigger Warning: su*c*dal thoughts and actions

Grabbing Stan's gun, running far into the woods where no one would find me. Then finally be free. That's what I wanted. Having my brain spatter on the near by trees, my lifeless body hopefully there forever so no one can find me. I'd have to use a gun, that's the only way I'd know for sure that I would be gone. If a noose fails I'd just end up with a broken neck and Stan forcing me in therapy. If I jumped off a cliff I might hit something down below and I'd have to live even longer as I would fall. So no. There's many more ways I could kill myself but this is just the simplest...

My thoughts were cut off by my Algebra teacher telling us class was almost over and to hand in our semester exam. I looked up, some of my questions left unanswered because I'm a stupid dumb fuck thar can't do anything right. I just handed it in, not even meeting his gaze. He told everyone who didn't finish would finish on Monday.

And with that the bell rung, I left to the rest of my classes as the day just continued.

Time skip

I sat there with Stan and Mabel as we watched Christmas movies, my thoughts wandered I just want to hurt myself. I promise Bill I wouldn't, but guess what happened, I've broke it 3 fucking times and I really want to do it again. Leave more bruises on my arm that I can just lie and say I don't know where it's from. After the movie I excused myself and left to my room that was now to myself. I took my small psyduck plush and opened the back where the voice box should be, reveling to me my scissors.

Quickly I took it out. "Just one cut. Just one cut." I snipped at my skin gently with the dull scissors. I didn't want to cut too much then Bill and my family would notice. Speaking of Bill, I got a notification from him. His life has been shit recently so I really rather him never know about this. I don't want him to ever break up with me but at the same time I want him to leave and find better. Anyone would be better than me... I'm a shitty boyfriend and person. Everyone in my life should hate my guts! It would be better if I never even existed! Fuck! That would be do much better for everyone! To have me dead! I know Bill would be sad for the longest but he'd move on. Everyone would move on within two weeks at most. Bill maybe 3.

That's it. It wouldn't matter if I was gone. Everyone would just be better off! Fuck it! Tomorrow I'm going out in those God damn woods and shooting my head! Tears just started pouring out as I thought about everything I would do. I would leave a detailed note for Bill telling him how much I love him and just a more simple one for everyone else. Finally I'll be fucking done! I won't have to deal with the pain anymore... I'll just be done...

I finally read the text from Bill, he seemed happy enough. Good. Oh and he's hanging out with a girl. Even better, you lose one you gain one. I told him bye as I kept crying in the dark. I cried and stayed up all night thinking about tomorrow.

The next day

I walked out the shack door, I left the note in my closet and had my text to Bill on draft, ready to be sent right before I do it. Finally it'll all be over...

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