34. Our Father, Who Aren't in Heaven

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"Is this John?" Adam asked.

"John died," Dean replied. "Who is this?"

"I-I'm his son."

"Adam was our brother. He died like a hunter. He deserves to go out like one."

"Maybe we can bring him back, get ahold of Cas, call in a favor," Sam suggested.

"These angels tell me that I'm chosen," Adam said. "Michael, I'm his sword or vessel."

"Hey, assbutt!" Castiel cried.

Glass shattered and there were screams.

"We're brothers," Sam told Dean.

"God is doing this to us!" Dean yelled.

"God was supposed to be gone," Sam said bitterly.

"What if I'm seeing Chuck's endings?" Sam wondered. "Aah!"

"Eileen, we can bring you back." Sam began the spell. "Ex spiritu incarnatum est."

Sam grunted. "Chuck is weak. I think we can beat him."

"I can see it now, "Supernatural: The End"," Chuck said.

"It's God, Sam. How the hell are we supposed to fight God?" Dean asked.


Take Me For What I Am by Henry Ford played.

A slot machine blared and coins clacked as a waitress slowly made her way to a man.

"You went easy on the rum this time, right?" Chuck asked.

"Uh-huh," the waitress replied nervously.

"'Cause, you know, you don't want me cranky. Keep 'em coming."

The slot machine blared and coins clacked.

"That's a winner!" Chuck cried.


There was a snarling and Eileen breathed heavily and cried as she got hit. "Aah!"

The grunts and roars continued.

Eileen rammed into a body. "Sam!"

The growls and body thuds sounded again.

"Hey! Were you tailing me?" Eileen asked.

"You could have left a note," Sam replied.

Eileen smirked. "You're worried about me."

"You... you think I'm being overprotective?"

"A little bit."


Dean sniffed and Jayci sat in a chair and the former said, "I got it! The answer to all of our problems maybe. So, we know that Chuck is weak, right? If we're to take our shot, now's the time. But a weak God is still God."

"So, how the hell are we supposed to take him down?"

"Well, I was doing some thinking. And then Jayci found this cloth. What if the answer is right under our noses?"

"The Demon Tablet?"


"This was dictated by God Himself instructions on how to seal angels and demons back into Heaven and Hell if they ever tried to take over the earth," Sam reminded him.

"Exactly. But if Chuck was so freaking invincible, then why wasn't he able to protect us from the dick demons or even the dickier angels? 'Cause remember, these babies were dictated before he took a powder."

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