Chapter Nine

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Today was the day.

Mirabel awoke with the sun rising in the sky and she stood up getting herself ready. Today is the day, Antonio's fifth birth his gift ceremony, the day they learn if the miracle ended with Camilo as the last gift given or if Mirabel was just-no! Don't think about that!

Mirabel got down stairs sliding on the railings, saying a quick good morning to Pedro's portrait, and quickly got to her morning task of setting to table.

Leonardo was already down in the kitchen with his eldest brother checking his hands over.

"Hola Leonardo Hola Rapheal," Mirabel said practically skipping into the kitchen as Casita tips the cabinet sending the plates all spinning out. Mirabel catches all of them but one nearly slipped from her grasp before she managed to catch it and begin setting the table.

She was making light chit chat with Rapheal and Leonardo when they heard someone yelling.

"Hey! What's Mac's gift!?" She turns her head and smiles fondly seeing some of the kids she looks after over by a pile of boulders.

Chuckling fondly she said. "My cousins gift ceremony isn't until tonight," she said. "What's his gift!" A energetic child screams demandingly. "We're gonna find out!" Mirabel calls back setting the last plate down. "What's your gift?" Cecilia asks. "Who's asking?" Mirabel replies back. "Us!" All the children answer.

"I don't know anyone named 'us' do you Mira?" Leo asks and Mirabel shakes her head. "Nope!" She exclaims popping the P before putting a finger to her lips and hums like she's thinking. "But if this Us wants to know more about the Familia," she said with a bright grin.

"Oh! The song! Do the song!" Raph and Leo chanted.

"None of you are going to leave me alone are you?" She asks. "Nope!" They all answer brightly.

She sighs fondly and gestures to Casita. "Casita help me out? Draws!"

The draws opened in a musical rhythm.

"Floors!" The floor moves.

"Doors!" The doors shined beautiful and bright.

"Let's go!"

Casita plays music for her as she sung the song much to Leo and Raph's joy.

"This is our home
We've got every generation and then some!" Mirabel sung knocking on the doors and then high fiving Mikey as he passed by casually floating.

"So full of music
A rhythm of its own design
This is my family
A perfect constellation!" She gestures to Isabela as she woke up her hair perfect as ever.

"So many stars and everybody gets to shine
Whoa! But let's be clear, Abuela runs this show, whoa," she passes by her Abuela who smiles looking out at the younger generation ready to start the day.

"She led us here so many years ago, whoa
And every year our family blessings grow," Mirabel said as everyone grabbed their morning cup of coffee while Donnie grabbed the rest of the more than half full jug with him.

"There's just a lot you've simply got to know, so!" The doors opened the Madrigals exiting Casita with skips in their steps and excited smiles for the day followed by the Hamatos leading out in their birth order.

"Welcome to the Family Madrigal, and Hamatos!
The home of the Family Madrigal (we're on our way)
Where all the people are fantastical and magical
I'm part of the Family Madrigal!" Mirabel skips into town following her family after waving goodbye to Casita the magical home waving back. As she skips into the village.

"Oh my gosh, it's them!" A gaggle of children excitedly crowd around Mirabel asking her millions of questions and she smiles at them.

"What are the gifts? (I can't remember all the gifts!)

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