Chapter 26

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"Casey? Hello Casey?" Leo asks into the phone but he got no answer.

The Madrigals were all watching him except Mirabel who had fallen back asleep. They were all in Antonio's room because if Mirabel woke up again and went hyped up crazy they wanted Antonio's animals to stop her.

Though for a really weird reason Antonio was insistent no one goes in his room and even through a tantrum. He only calmed down once the family explained he'd be really helping Mirabel be safe if he had his animal friends protect her so he finally agreed.

His behaviour was weird for his usually quiet and calm nature, but they all wrote it off as being emotionally overwhelmed with everything happening.

Anyway back to Casey Leo got worried by the sudden silent. "I'm going to open a portal," he said and opens one.

The second it had opened Casey dashed through it and grabbed Leo's shoulders the portal snapping shut behind him.

Casey's mask was on making his green eyes glow and look very frantic.


Actually frightened Leo points at Mirabel snoozing in the hammock nearby.

Casey rushes over to her and presses a button on the side of his mask that bathed Mirabel in a soft green light with green square lines on it.

"What is he doing?" Augustine questions. "No idea," Leo answers.

The light stops and they all heard a beeping.

Casey slumps back against a tree stump sighing in relief pulling his mask up.

"Thank Hamato she's still fifteen," he reveals confusing all of them.

"Why wouldn't she still be fifteen?" Alma questions.

Casey hadn't seemed to realize he had said that out loud and nervously laughs. "Uh no reason! No reason at all anyway Leonardo could you send me back to," Casey began.

"Oh no Future Boy you are telling us everything right now. If you have any idea how or why Mirabel had a mystic overload last night while she has no gift or how she knew details about trauma no one told her about?" Leo questions sternly and to the facts.

Casey goes quiet and then crosses his arms shaking his head.

"It'll make you upset. It will make them all upset. It made her upset to talk about it," Casey said glancing at Mirabel.

Leo goes silent, but Casey's explanation was not enough for Isabela.

"If my sister is in danger or sick or something you better tell us now. If you actually cared about her," Isabela began.

"I cared!" Casey suddenly exclaims surprising them at the sudden loudness of a boy they had known to be very quiet thus far.

Casey hides his head not looking at them. "I cared.... I begged her to stop. The general just wouldn't stop though," Casey looks lost in a memory. Haunted even. It scared the Madrigals.

"Let's let's take this outside," Leo offers and everyone agrees.

They left Antonio's room, but kept the boy back. He didn't argue this time because he wanted to take care of Mirabel.

They all went to the living room and sat Casey in the comfiest chair.

Casey remains quiet. Carefully Julieta approaches and put a hand on his shoulder prompting him to look at her.

"Chico I know things must be scary right now. I know they're really scary for me. My daughter's suffering and I don't know how to help her, but you know how to help her so please," Julieta grips his shoulder. "Tell me how to help my Mariposa," She said.

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