Chapter 20: Shiki Ryougi

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Another day, another battle

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Another day, another battle. Well, that wasn't entirely accurate. They were getting better, Shigure would have to be blind not to see that. His Servants were already massive powerhouses in their own rights. They wouldn't have been summonable if they weren't. He was basically the Master of the most powerful force on Earth. 

But then, end of the world and everything... he and his Servants were probably the LAST source of power on Earth. Regardless, they were getting even stronger these days. Their teamwork had improved as had Shigure's ability to plan out attacks and lead them in battle. It was funny, because one would honestly expect things to get harder as time went on. 

It really wasn't. Harder, that is. The more he and his Servants fought at each other's sides, the more he invested in their growth, the easier things got. Shigure didn't want to get TOO cocky, because that way led to over-confidence, but this wasn't anywhere close to OVER confidence, at least in his opinion. This confidence, this pride that swelled in his breast every time his Servants came through for him, it was well-deserved and whole satisfying. 

Suffice to say, the day had been long, but it had not truly been a hardship. In the end, it'd only been a long day because Shigure had led his Servants through more than one battle. When they were working together so well, there was no point in waiting, right? He might as well push them to their limits and his own. And push he had. They'd made a significant dent in their enemies today... and in the future, they would eventually win out. The Master of Chaldea would become the savior of the world. 

It was only right then that he be worshipped as something akin to a god, right? Shigure grinned at the idea, chuckling and shaking his head. He knew he wasn't a god, no matter what a few of his Servants might seem to think now. He knew... but that didn't mean he didn't like being treated like one. Being worshipped, adored, and loved by so many beautiful women of all shapes and sizes... it was a glorious thing indeed. 

Yet, sometimes Shigure DID want a break from it all. One might call what he had a harem and dealing with a harem could sometimes get exhausting. Everyone wanted a piece of him, and while he was the Master and he was the one who decided who got what and when they got it, that didn't stop them from begging. Shigure had no doubt that if he went to his bedroom, he'd find someone waiting for him. Hell, he might not even make it to the door before another Servant ambushed him out in the hall.

He really wasn't in the mood for that though, so rather than heading in the direction of his quarters, Shigure turned around and went the opposite way. It was entirely possible that one of his more intelligent Servants had banked on him doing exactly that, but not today it seemed, for he saw no one on the way to his eventual destination. 

Arriving before a rather nondescript door, Shigure knocks politely, smiling slightly at the thought of his newest Servant. She was a strange one, this woman. That much was for sure. But he thought they got along quite nicely if he was to be honest. She'd been cold and standoffish at first, but one did not remain that way around the Master of Chaldea for long. Still, they were more friends then lovers, even now. He had yet to make a move. 

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