Chapter 25: Fem!Merlin (A.K.A Coochie Caster)

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Another day, another battle, another victory

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Another day, another battle, another victory. Par for the course, for him. So, of course, it being a normal day in which Shigure found himself walking through the halls of Chaldea alone towards his quarters, he was expecting to find a woman waiting for him in his bedroom. Be it one of the Servants he'd already fucked countless times, or someone entirely new, Shigure knew what was coming on an average day like this. A day only became unusual when it DIDN'T involve sex at this point.

So, he's not all that surprised when he opens the door to his bedroom, only to find a white-haired chick lounging on the bed. He is surprised to realize he doesn't recognize the female Servant at first. She is a Servant, though; he can feel it through the air between them, the bond that connects them as Summoner and Summoned.

He is her Master, just as the Master of every other Servant summoned to Chaldea. That said, even as he closes the door behind himself and walks deeper into the room, he still isn't quite sure who she is. Not until she looks at him and smiles brightly. Not until he looks a little deeper, beneath the underneath, and figures out exactly who he's dealing with.

"... Merlin?"

The Magus of Flowers sits up and dangles her legs off the side of his bed as she smiles at him wickedly. Because even though he'd originally summoned Merlin as a male, the genderfluid Servant is most definitely a woman. The cleavage alone would be enough to convince him of that, but the fact that the white robe is currently open and showing off delicious lingerie and a crotch that most certainly isn't packing heat tells him he's not dealing with... mm, a trap of sorts.

"Hello, Master~ I've been waiting for you!"

Shigure lifts a brow at that. Merlin is... a tricky sort, to say the least. Be the man or woman; this isn't a Servant to be trifled with. Of course, Shigure isn't a Master to be trifled with either.

"Is that so? And why have you been waiting for me?"

Even as he asks the question, Shigure's eyes flicker down to Merlin's cleavage. Was she working some magic on him? He couldn't look away. Her tits, covered up and hidden behind a lacy bra, are superb, and he wants to sink his teeth into them. Of course, that's not necessarily magic. Shigure is a bit of a horndog, after all.

Merlin, for her part, continues to smile brightly as she bats her distinctly feminine eyelashes in his direction.

"Isn't it obvious, Master? I've turned myself into the form I know appeals to you most, so I can get some of that sweet, sweet loving that's driven the rest of your female Servants so crazy! Even my dear, precious Arturia has fallen under your sway... to speak nothing of her other incarnations who've had practically no interactions with me! Mm, I need a taste of you for myself, to find out just what's... worth it~"

Well, that's certainly a good reason, if true. Shigure tries to find an ulterior motive, but he does. Even as he stares at Merlin's cleavage, much to the white-haired woman's immense pleasure, Shigure looks for even a single reason to use his Command Seals, maybe even all of them, on Merlin right here and now.

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