Chapter 1

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Cameron's POV

“Mayday!” Isabelle yelled from the pilots seat. I jumped up from where I was sitting behind the cockpit and fell down.

“We’re WHAT!?” I yelled using the seats to stand up and keep balanced. I walked into the cockpit and sat in the other seat with a thud. “How on earth are we crashing? You said you knew how to fly this thing!”

“I do! But this thingy blinked and that thingy buzzed and I pulled up on that doodad and now we’re gonna crash and die!” Isabelle said, looking innocent. Well, innocent my big toe.

“You said you learned how to fly a plane!”

“I did! I played video games and I became a pilot!” Well that would explain why I never saw her take any classes. She couldn’t have taken classes anyway because she couldn’t even pay the rent on our apartment this month. I sighed and the plane nose shot towards the earth. I grabbed hold of the wheel and pulled back, righting us a little bit. I took Isabelle’s nails out of my arm and grabbed the radio, clumsily pressing the talk button.

“Niner niner, we’re falling out of the sky!” I yelled into it, hoping for a response. After ten seconds I yelled again. “Hello? Hello anybody there?” Silence. “HELLO? Is there anybody on the other end of this line?” Nothing, just static.

“Great, our radio is shot, we’re plummeting to the ground, and we have no parachutes!” Izzy said.

“Did you check about the parachutes?” I asked.

“No, I’ll go see.” She moved to the back of the plane and searched for our much needed parachutes. I tried again with the radio.

“I can’t find them!” Izzy said, coming back a few seconds later with empty hands and a desperate look on her face.

“Did you look under the seats?” I asked. She opened her mouth to say something, then closed it and bent under a seat. She pulled out two parachutes and gave one to me.  “Quick, strap them on!”

“I don’t know how!” Izzy said, trying to put the various straps over her arms.

“I don’t know either! Just put something around you and hope for the best!” Isabelle tightened a strap around her stomach and I pulled mine over my arms. “Ya ready?” I asked. She nodded and I opened the side door. Wind ripped through the plane and nearly pulled me out.

“I’ve always wanted to sky dive!” Izzy said then winked at me before she jumped. I watched her get smaller and smaller and jumped off the plane into the vast blue water below us.

The water was surprisingly warm for the depth as I landed into it. The weight of the chains connecting me to the parachute pulled me under and dragged me down, down, down. I unclipped the top strap and pulled at the second one. Pull. Pull. Pull. The second strap didn’t come out. Fear threatened to take control as I continued to sink farther down into the ocean. Oh please God, help me! I thought as I tried again to undo the clip.

Something dark hovered over me, making it even harder to tell what I was doing. I looked up to and see a large black object getting closer and closer. Holy crap, It’s the plane! I forgot about the parachute dragging me under and swam backwards as fast as I could.


The impact of the plane crashing into the water hurtled me backwards. My lungs began to ache and I once again fumbled with the aggravating clip. It opened without any problem. Well ya could’ve done that sooner! I thought as I swam to the surface.

When I surfaced I filled my lungs once again. I tried to tread water but was too exhausted to even move. I looked for something to hold onto. The water was still except for a massive plane half drowned with parts laying everywhere. Smoke was fuming from the engines of the plane. Our suitcases were floating about. A seat floated past me and I pulled myself onto it. Oil must’ve leaked because the surface of the water looked like a rainbow and I could smell fire somewhere.

I like the beach, but not when I'm LOST.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora