Chapter 3

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Cameron's POV

“Gee, some help you are,” I said as Izz rolled over and fell back asleep. She can cut some serious Z’s for a girl whose bouncing off the walls 24/7. I sighed, feeling pretty exhausted myself. After yesterdays encounter with a man-eating beast and man who looked like he ate a beast, I wasn’t really up for any more surprises.

I got up, stretched, then looked around. The sky was a pale blue, streaked pink, purple, and orange. The sun wasn’t yet visible in the sky. The ocean was still crystal clear and calm, the waves gently reaching the shore before they retreated back into themselves. From the jungle I could hear the birds calling out to one another. It was very peaceful and beautiful here.

“Maybe this won’t be so bad after all…” I thought to myself. The serene beauty was disturbed when a growling sound pierced the air. I looked down at Izzy, asleep on the beach, laying next to my new ‘best friend’. The noise erupted again and I rolled my eyes. “Well at least until we can find different places to sleep.”

I stood long enough to watch the sun rise in the sky until the whole golden sphere was above the horizon. Gage still hadn’t returned. The island didn’t look that big when we were crashing. Then again, everything looks miniscule when you’re 3,500 feet above ground.

So, being uncharacteristicly brave, turned and walked towards the jungle. I was almost there when the cougar stood up and growled at me.

“I thought we had finished this yesterday. I don’t kill you, you don’t kill me, got it? You’d be pretty lean too. Yuck.” I stopped, then added. “Hey why don’t you come with me? Never know when I’ll need protection and you’re the next best thing after a stick.”

I could have sworn that cat gave me a look like “this girl is insane”, but then again I could have post-traumatic stress after plummeting into the ocean and nearly being eaten alive by an oversized house cat. I guess the thing was right. Stupid cat.

I started back towards the jungle. I smiled to myself when I heard paws walking right behind me.

I didn’t really have a plan of where to go, so Handsome and I just went everywhere. I had led in the beginning, wandering off down my own paths, but somehow Handsome had made his way in front and was now leading this little trip. I hadn’t even noticed how long we had been walking until I felt my scalp sizzling and looked up. The sun was now in the middle of the sky.

“Whoa! It can’t be that late already! We just left!” Handsome growled in response and kept going. Not wanting to be lost I followed. A few more minutes passed as we meandered through the jungle. I was fascinated by the trees and the plants, like I had been yesterday. More than anything (even more than wanting to be rescued) I wish I had my sketch pad and water colors with me. I could sit in here every day for the rest of my life with my sketch pad and water colors and never capture the same place twice.

Handsome growled and started to leap forward. Stunned out of my day dream I had to run to catch up.

“Handsome, wait up!” I called, but he still kept at a fast pace ahead of me. I’ve done sports all my life, but I was never good at running. I’d be the first person to get nabbed in a zombie invasion.

“Handsome, stop!” he kept going. My lungs were aching and my throat was burning. “Whoa! Halt! Slow down! HOW DO YOU STOP AN OVERSIZED RUNNING HOUSE CAT!?” The words barely had time to leave my mouth before I caught up to Handsome and almost crashed right into him. I tripped and stumbled to the ground in my attempt to not hit the cat.

“Handsome! What in the name of Elvis Presley and all things rock’n’roll did you have to FINALLY stop like THAT for?!” I said, standing back up and brushing myself off.

I like the beach, but not when I'm LOST.Where stories live. Discover now