Chapter 4

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Cameron's POV

I watched Izzy stomp off into the jungle. We stared at her retreating figure, me, Handsome, Gage, and the mystery man. After the jungle completely engulfed my friend six eyes turned to look at me. Awkward.

I opened my mouth to say that I had to go to escape this awkwardness when Gage said, “I’ll go make sure she doesn’t hurt herself.”

Gee, thanks. Now it was just me, Handsome, and the mystery man. The dude was still looking at me. You could almost breath in the awkwardness it was constricting the air so much.

“You know, what would make this less uncomfortable would be if you told me your name.” I said.

“Right.” He agreed. “Names Micah, like the angel from the Bible.”

“I know who that is,” I said quickly. “My name’s Cameron.” I stuck out my hand. He grasped it and shook it.

“Well, nice to finally be formally acquainted.”

“Yep. Micah huh?”

“Yeah,” He said, reaching an arm behind his head and looking to the side at nothing in particular. I hoped he didn’t notice my face turn from beige to red in that second. Why did guys have to be so hot and not even know they were doing things that turn a girl on? “My parents were – are, very religious. They enrolled me in an all boy private school to keep me “away from the evil perils that roam the earth”. I didn’t know what they meant then, but know I know what they meant by ‘evil.’ Pretty girls.”

He dropped his arm to his side and stuffed it in his jeans pocket and looked at me. I thought that God must have been teasing me on this island, making me dream about something like this when in reality he wasn’t real. And he couldn’t be. Nobody that good looking is real. Its just not possible. Is it?

His light brown hair was short on the sides and longer at the top, making a small raise like a mini Mohawk. He had high cheekbones that bugled a bit at the sides, the way muscular guys do. His eyes were like two Hershey’s kisses, with a strong, straight nose between them. His lips… I’m not even going to go there or else I’d start drooling, and that’s NOT a hot first impression.

I casually ran a hand through my hair, subtly trying to make it look like I didn’t just sleep on the beach last night. I replayed the last five minutes, trying to etch them in my mind before I woke up from this amazing dream.

Then my mind caught on something. “Wait whoa back track. What do you mean, ‘nice to FINALLY be formally acquainted?’ ” I said.

He chuckled and I tried my best not to keel over and die. “I saw your plane falling out of the sky yesterday so I decided I would investigate. Not often that Gage and I get visitors here. Well, not at all actually. I mean, I’ve prayed that God would send us somebody, anybody – heck I would’ve taken a hobo – so that we’d have more company. We never expected to find you.”

Aw, that’s sweet. Wait, is it? He never actually complemented me, he left that statement open to interpretation.

“Wait again. You know Gage?”

“Well, yeah.” He said in a way like I should have known this. “We were both on the same boat when the storm hit and we fell over the sides. We swam to this island and met. He’s not my favorite guy in the world, but when you’re stranded with only one person on an island, you’d be wiser to make friends with them instead of enemies.”

“Oh. Well what did you mean ‘never expected to find us’?”

He gave me a confused look.

“Well it’s just that you left that so open to interpretation that I’d like to know how you meant it.”

I like the beach, but not when I'm LOST.Where stories live. Discover now