Chapter 2 (more added)

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Cameron's POV

“Cameron, I’m STARVING! You said you knew how to fish! Why haven’t we have caught one by now? It doesn’t have to be a huge fish, heck I’ll settle for a tadpole!” Izzy complain for the seventh time – I was counting.

            “Yeah, well I’ve always caught fish with a FISHING POLE AND BAIT. Not a pointy stick. Give me a break. And what’s this ‘we’ business? I’m the one actually trying to feed us. What are you doing?”

            “I’m make fire!” Izzy said in a fake Neanderthal voice, hunching over and rubbing two sticks together. Despite everything, I laughed. I couldn’t be mad at Izzy, not at all. We were too close for that. I mean yeah, sometimes the stupid stuff she does is like “Well what did you think was going to happen if you set of a firecracker in the apartment?”, but she knows how to make a bad situation seem less bad. And that’s one thing I love about her.

            I had known Izzy since fifth grade, when she joined my Girl Scout troop. We just clicked, like puzzles pieces. We’d stayed close through high school (even though she was home schooled and I went to public school) and were roommates at Duke.

After graduation we decided to reward ourselves after finally finishing 16 years of school by going on vacation. We had connections and were able to get a private airplane to take us to Australia (hottest accents ever). The pilot was already two hours late and we were already on the plane, so Izzy being Izzy said she could fly us there. Take off and in flight were perfect... and now here we are, Swiss Family Robinson on an island somewhere between the west coast of Africa and Australia. Let’s just say life with my best friend is FAR from boring.

Now, I stood thigh deep in the shallows of the ocean, a stick in my hand, looking down into the water to try and catch dinner. At least the water was somewhat clear.

“Ugh!” I grunted after I once again stabbed at the water and came up empty.

“Ok well Miss Outdoors, I gotta eat sometime in the next hundred years, so why don’t you make the fire and I’ll work on cathing the fish.” Izzy said, walking into the shallows, holding her hand out for my stick.

“Fine with me! Goodluck.” Happily I got out of the water and walked over to the pathetic pile of stuff that we found that was flammable.

“Izzy, we need more wood. I’ll be right back.” I headed away from the beach and towards the jungle.

I got no response so I kept walking. When I got to the edge of the jungle I panicked a little. I don’t go into woods usually, so how am I supposed to go into a jungle filled with snakes and monkeys and wild cats that want to eat me?

“Don’t be a baby.” I said and slapped myself in the face.

“Did you just…” I heard Izzy yell from behind me.

“YES I DID! And if you’ve got a problem take it out on the dinner you’re supposed to catch!”

“Okay okay, gosh. Just go get the firewood!”

Shaking my head, I walked into the green jungle. After a few minutes of walking and collecting sticks I calmed down. It really was pretty, with all the colorful flowers, the tall greens trees, the pretty birds, the cougar in that tree hunched and ready to leap, the… wait. I stopped walking and back tracked in my mind. Birds, trees, flowers, and… cougar? I glanced over at the tree. Yep I was right. There was a large black cat with fangs crouching in a close tree, its eyes not moving from me. Why can’t I have my bow and arrows then I need them?! Slowly, I walked backward. The cougar growled.

“Hey there, little fella…” I started to say.

The cat ducked its head lower. I could see the bulges of its shoulder blades in its back. Yikes!

I like the beach, but not when I'm LOST.Where stories live. Discover now