chapter 10

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Killshadow Pov

When Killshadow woke up he looked around and saw it he was in a cell and started to freak out.

Killshadow: where the Primus name am I?

Autobot vehicle/bot: first,for the love of Unicron stop screaming and second, you're in the nemesis ship.

Killshadow: oh okay?

Autobot vehicle/bot: Your not go to ask and not freak out it the nemesis ship.

Killshadow: and why do you think l go to freak out it l in the nemesis ship?

Autobot vehicle/bot: because the last time you met lord Optimus he was fighting the decepticons and when you came out of nowhere and started shooting him and the other Autobot vehicle/bot it made he mad.

Killshadow: And?

Autobot vehicle/bot: what did you mean and he went to kill you.

Killshadow: ok but why does he call his self a prime when Megatron the prime?

Autobot vehicle/bot: because he jealous that the council didn't choose him as a prime so he started the war.

Killshadow whispers: it almost sounds like the original Megatron.

Autobot vehicle/bot: um did you say something?

Killshadow: oh not.

Back to original knockout

original Knockout thought: where could you be killshadow?

Shattered glass Knockout: original knockout you've been awfully quiet are you ok?

original Knockout: l find l just worried if killshadow is endangered or something and I'm not there to help him I just can't think straight.

original Knockout: first, everything is all right and he is just testing out the ground bridge and second, I lost killshadow and he somewhere in your universe.

Shattered glass Knockout: yeah I feel the same thing as you some time.

original Knockout: you do?

Shattered glass Knockout: yeah is when breakdown in a crumpled case and when he gets injured and I'm afraid he will die.

Shattered glass Starscream: seems like you two have in common more than you think.

Breakdown: I agree with you starscream.

original Knockout: Wait where did you two come from?

Shattered glass Starscream: oh me and the others went after you went to see if killshadow still there.

After other shattered glass decepticons and original Shockwave catch up with them and got to where the shattered glass decepticons last see killshadow.


I hope you guys like this chapter and I'm so sorry for not updating like I used to but I hope you have a great day all night and now peace out ✌️😎

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