Not an update, just a question

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Heya everyone!

So I just want to say thank you so much for reading this story and I'm so glad that you're really enjoying it.

Sorry about the slow updates recently I've had so many ideas and filtering through them and writing chapters for the ideas and integrating them has been a lot harder then I thought.


I know some of you have been interested in learning about Lance's backstory and how he ended up on the path he is in this story.

Do you want it as a part of this story? Maybe as a series of flashbacks?

Or would you guys like a whole sidestory like a prequel story to this one as an explanation?

If you guys could let me know in the comments then I can start adding bits into the story or start a new one just for Lance.

Thank you so much ☺️

Hopefully I'll get a new chapter out soon for you guys 😊

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