009 | From The Firehouse

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⚠️Possible TRIGGER warning ⚠️

The next day I decided to spend it in bed, I was still nursing a hangover from my weekend with Maria and I was relieved it was Monday since I didn't have a shift until tomorrow, I honestly don't think I would be any use if I was on shift today, that's for sure. I was so ready to get back to work tomorrow, it may have been one shift off but I miss my firehouse family.

Would it be okay if I come by your firehouse tomorrow? I'd love to see where you work before I head back to New York? Xx

My phone pinged from my bedside table, I reached for my phone and saw Maria had texted. I knew she had always wanted to come see the firehouse but she had never had time.

That would be great M. You would love everyone and everyone would love you too xx

I replied before letting out a small yawn, I was tired, really tired so my plan to stay in bed was definitely needed today.

Awesome! What time would be best?

Maria replied which made me think for a moment, maybe around lunch time. I was cooking tomorrow, moms chicken wings with noodles and salad. Mom made these awesome chicken wings and she handed her recipe down to Elle, Olivia and me, I've been the only one to cook them though and they are a hit at the firehouse.

How does lunch time sound. I'm making my moms chicken wings with noodles and salad for anyone who doesn't want noodles.

I informed Maria, I remember Maria loved moms chicken wings.

I love your moms chicken wings!! Count me in 😘 don't forget to call the girl from the other night. I can totally see you two getting together 😉 x

I rolled my eyes letting out a small laugh at Maria, I mean Blair was gorgeous! She was incredible, She seemed interested in me but was I really that interested in her? Yeah she made me feel incredible, the things she did to me, what we did together, it was... it was wow! I had never had that with anyone, never. But was Blair the one I had a future with, I didn't see myself having a future with her, every time I thought of my future, I thought about Hailey Upton. I thought of growing old with her, adopting a child with her or even trying for our own child, going through IVF. Hailey was the one I saw in my future.

I dunno M, she was hot but I don't think she is the one I see a future with x

I sent the text and threw my phone onto my bed before pushing back the duvet so I could go and make myself a coffee. I headed into the kitchen and brewed myself a fresh pot of coffee. Being back home I felt a lot more anxious, the weekend had seemed to push the thought of Thomas to the back of my mind, actually all weekend I hadn't thought about him, the morning seemed to bring the thought of him back, the memories too.

Third Person

The weekend went by rather slowly for Thomas Wild, he was planning the final stage of his payback on Paige Voight. He was going to take her, back to his house, it wasn't near town, in-fact their weren't really any houses nearby, the only thing a close to the house Thomas brought were trees, loads of trees; you could say that the house was in a forest. Thomas spent the weekend finishing my up his plan, he had to pull it off without detection and seeing as he had been following Paige for weeks now he knew exactly where she parked when she was on shift, he knew where the cameras were, he knew how not to get caught. He got the chloroform he planned to use to knock Paige out, he hoped it would keep her out for at least an hour, even if it didn't be had planned to tie her up so she can't escape.

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