021 | I love you

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Filler chapter

Hailey and I had been helping David and Jamie for the last few weeks, Jamie is behind discharged in a few days but first he needs some physiotherapy to make sure his legs are actually strong enough after the accident.

"Right Luna let's get ready to take you to see Daddy and Dada" I said to Luna while Hailey was finishing up getting ready.

"Okay auntie Pip!" Luna grinned happily climbing from the sofa. Luna was spending the day at med with Jamie and David and Hailey was picking her up from their after work.

"Minnie Mouse or toy story?" I asked Luna as I got two outfits from the chest of draws in the spare room. Hailey and I had brought these sides to go onto the bed so she didn't fall out of the bed we only go back next door to get Luna some fresh clothes if needed and although we still have some in the draws.

"Minnieee!!" Luna giggled excitedly.

"Good choice Luna" I smiled. I changed her diaper as she wasn't fully potty trained yet, Hailey and I have been helping Jamie and David with it but currently we haven't got anywhere. I helped Luna into her Minnie Mouse outfit and then added her cute little Pink shoes to complete her outfit.

"How do you want your hair today Luna?" I then asked the toddler who toddled over to the desk where she reached for the bows which were hanging over the edge.

"Bows, yellow or pink?" I asked as I looked at the pack which had two of each.

"Ello pwease" Luna smiled cutely, not only did I smile in return but I mentally repeated the word Ello, she tried to say yellow and it was just the cutest thing ever. Soon Luna was dressed and Hailey was also ready so the three of us set off. I buckled Luna into her car seat and Climbed into the passenger seat afterwards while Hailey got into the drivers seat. I rested my head against the door with a small smile on my face; I was happy. After dropping Luna off at the hospital hailey drove me to work.

"I love you Paige Voight, Always" Hailey said leaning over to me and kissing me, her soft lips tasted of cherry's making me guess she had used some cherry lip balm

"I love you too Hailey Upton" I said breaking the kiss for a brief moment before connecting our lips again.

"Stay safe today. Please, I don't want a trip to med saying you had been shot" I said to hailey before I got out of the car.

"Promise... And you stay safe too Paige, no unnecessary heroics" hailey said smiling a small smile

"I promice" I said although I didn't know if I was sure I could do that, especially if a child needs rescuing, I would never leave a child to suffer or to die. The pair of us said our goodbyes and I ran off into the firehouse as I would be late if I didn't hurry.


Third Person

A week passed and it had been a long week for both Paige and Hailey. Hailey had been really busy in intelligence with a major case being on the table, it made it hard for the couple to spend time together but whenever they were together they made the most of it, especially if they didn't have Luna for Jamie and David they were having sex, they were passionately making love whenever they were together.

Today was no different Paige was spending the day with Sylvie, talking and chilling and they both were happy. Intelligence were about to finish the case which everyone was relieved about. Hailey was mentally planning a date night for her and Paige, she owed her that after the busy week, she was planning on taking her to the Cheesecake Factory and then a movie before they were going to stop by Mollys for a few drinks and then home it was, the night probably ending in the couple having sex and most likely annoying Paige's neighbour's.

Paige was thinking of asking Hailey to move in with her permanently because, it would be better than just having two apartments when they only really spend nights at Paige's and what's the point of Hailey paying rent on her apartment rather than not.

Paige asked Hailey to move in with her during the meal for the date Hailey had planned and Hailey said yes and that she would be phoning her landlord the next day to get the ball moving sooner rather than later. The couple were happy and Paige had moved on from what happened to her, she still occasionally had flashbacks and she was sticking to her therapy but Paige was moving on and she had moved on to the best of her ability and that was all she can do, move on as much as she could and when she could.

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