Happy Families

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averee stood leaning against the door frame of the cafe as zane pulled up on his motorbike, smiling at the girl as he took his helmet off. she stared deadpan at him as bella and rikki walked out of the cafe door, bella smiled at zane before grabbing at the bottom of averees shirt trying to pull the girl closer. averee smirked at the blonde, not budging as she watched bellas face fall, staring at the brunette with an annoyed expression, rolling her eyes turning around.

bella made eye contact with will who was standing off by the tables with his sister, she waved, hearing shuffling from behind her as she felt averees arms softly move around the girls waist as the brunette leant into her side. averee glanced over to will, seeing an annoyed expression on the boys face, making the girl turn back to bella with a small chuckle, "what?" the girl murmered as she smiled up at averee. the brunette just shook her head, holding a smug smile before the three walked away.


the girls went swimming, making eye contact with each other time to time, smiling. when they got to the moon pool, averee leant on the wall by bella. "that was so cool." bella half leant her arm on averee as she glanced over at rikki. "oh, it sure makes a change. theres so much to do at the cafe these days. i'm so stressed out." averee glanced around the cave, not too interested in the conversation. "you need more help." "thats why i'm interviewing for new staff this morning." averee nudged bella, raising her eyebrows at the blonde.

bella shook her head at the brunette with a smile, turning back to rikki. "how do you know you'll pick the right person?" rikki glanced around the cave, "oh, 5% reason, 95% instinct." she raised her eyebrows at bella, glancing behind her to see averee. "that scientific huh?" bella smiled at the girl. "well i've gotta see them almost every day." "what sort of experience are you looking for?" "not much. why?" bella tilted her body slightly off averee as she looked towards rikki, "well, i mean, i'd be interested in trying out." bella fidgeted with averees fingers as she anxiously looked at rikki. "sure." "yeah?" "yeah." the two smiled at each other, bella leaning further into averee as they sat in silence for a bit, enjoying each other's company.


averee went back with the girls to the cafe. bella kept assuring her she didn't need to but averee had nothing better to do. she spent most of her time by the cafe sketching in her book anyway. "it should be good, us working together." bella said as the three entered the cafe. "yeah well i'll just go tell zane and then we'll see if there's a uniform that fits." rikkis voice began wavering as the girl stopped walking with furrowed brows. averee leant on bella, looking over the blondes shoulder, following rikkis line of sight. the girls saw wills sister wearing a uniform. rikki walked towards the girl, bella following behind as she pulled averee by the hand.

"what are you doing here?" the red head glanced up, smiling. "rikki, right? i'm sophie. zane told me all about you when he gave me the job." the girl stuck her hand out to rikki, the two shook hands for a moment, "that's great, congratulations." rikki walked into her office, zane close behind. averee leant into bellas back as the blonde reached around trying to grab her hand, "hi we've met before." "yeah, i remember. can't stand around talking. i've got work to do." averee felt bella falter slightly. "hey don't waste your thoughts on her." averee mumbled, closing her eyes slightly. "by the way, you look really nice in yellow" she heard bella chuckle slightly. bella was glad the brunette couldn't see her face as she flushed red.


bella started her trial shift, telling averee she didn't have to wait around. yet the brunette didn't listen, averee sat in a booth sketching in her book, oblivious to the world around her. averee loved art, though she was never incredibly good at it, she was impatient so majority off her works consisted of messy scribbles. she almost only ever did self portraits that never looked like her. they were all destructive and dark, just messy patched of lines. she liked that about her art, she could almost turn herself inside out and draw herself for how she really was or how she truely saw herself at any given time and no one would ever know what any of it meant. it was the same reason she liked poetry, especially poetry only the writer could interpret. it was such a personal art form.

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