[Not so healthy sibling relationship]

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Day 2:(of college)
Delilah POV: I hid behind the bed and waited for Paisley to stand up for I can charge at her and hit her with a pillow. Yes, I'm having a pillow fight with my siblings right now—well only Paisley since Atlas was just standing aside being a scary cat cause he thinks he might die from such a soft thing. I peaked to see if she was there. Nope. I hid quickly for she doesn't throw a pillow at my face. "You'll never get away!" Paisley shouted. I stayed quiet. Paisley you really think you can win? Nope. You'll never WIN. You NEVER win. You're a LOSER. You know what? Since there's no rules saying I can't cheat I got up and headed to the other side where Paisley is and threw the pillow directly at her face hard. I fell over and laughed. "That's cheating!" Paisley shouted throwing 2 pillows at me aggressively. "The rules never said you could cheat!" I said to her getting up and picking up the 2 pillows that she thrown at me. "But the rules never said you CAN cheat." Paisley stated, crossing her arms. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I stared at Paisley but she wasn't looking at me. Good because I'm going to hit her. I quietly chuckled and slammed the 2 pillows on her head. She noticed and immediately got up and pushed me to the wall. "You're going to pay for that!" She jokingly said. She grabbed a pillow from the floor and hit it harshly at me. She didn't hit me once though. TWICE. "Can you guys stop? I don't think its necessary to fight when we are literally in college! The teacher might catch you." Atlas said interrupting our pillow fight. I frowned. "You're no fun." He scoffed. "You're no fun either. Shithead."
My blood started to boil. I don't accept the fact he called me a "shithead." He's the shithead here. Not me. "Calling me a shithead for what? You're the shithead here. No brain." I shouted and then quickly covered my mouth realizing what I just said. "Look at your grades from last year." Atlas promulgated taking a sheet of paper and shoving it on my face. I took the paper off and looked at it. I groaned. "It's old anyways! Now my grades are way better now."
Paisley peaked. "WHOA. YOU HAD ALL F'S IN ALL OF THE SUBJECTS?"  I jumped. "SHUT UP PAISLEY!" I yelled then slap the paper across her face. "OW!" "That's what you get!" I laughed. Paisley angrily looked at me. "Not funny!" She said tearing up from the pain that I caused to her. I then stopped and noticed what I had done and felt guilty. "Oh shit..I'm sorry!" I apologized noticing a huge smack mark on her face. Paisley looked up. "Forgiven..I'm ok." Then she hugged me. I hugged her back. I could feel Atlas jealousy floating around him thinking. "Why can't my siblings hug me too? Am I that BAD?" Yes, yes you are. Ever since Cleo liked Angel more then Atlas he started to become an asshole towards him. I sigh and pulled Atlas into a quick hug. Not a full hug cause he doesn't deserve it. "Now what?" Paisley asked putting the pillows back on the bed. Since were done doing school how about socializing with people! Like NEW people. The people we never met! "Let's talk to new people." I said. Paisley and Atlas looked at each other and at me. Atlas simply let out a no. "Why? Is it because you're afraid that everyone here hates you?" I asked looking at Atlas. "No. I just don't want to see a certain someone." He said looking down on his phone with unread messages. "Hey? Who are you texting? Let me see." I reached my hand for his phone but he slap my hand away quickly and let out a "no." I raised a eyebrow. "Atlas? What are you hiding? Let me see." I asked reaching my hand out for his phone again. "I-its nothing!" He stuttered out. I looked at Paisley. "Paisley?" Paisley sighed. "He broke up with Owen. Again." She spat out. "Again?" I copied. "Not AGAIN. They—-" Atlas covered Paisley's mouth before she could say something. Paisley swift Atlas hand away and began to speak. "What I was going to say was they ended up breaking up for whatever reason. I don't know." I looked at Atlas. "This is why you can't be in relationships." I seriously stated. "You will just—" Paisley cut me off. "that's not it. They'll end up together again. I don't know why it's weird." I farrowed my eyes in confusion. What? I looked at Atlas. "Weird.." I thought. I shrugged it off. "Anyways, fine. If you don't want to come then don't come. Come on Paisley let's go." "Ok!"
Paisley POV: it has been 40 minutes and nobody wants to become friends with me or Delilah. Except for that Devon dude. I wonder where he is? Poor dude has been throwing up all day...but why? "Delilah do you think we should—-"
I looked in front of me but she wasn't next to me. "You got to be kidding me...!" I mumbled out then continued to walk to find her. "DELILAH?" I called out. I could feel everyone's eyes on me but I don't care. I just want to find my sister. She can't be back to the dorm! She could of told me! In fact—I could just text her right now!—-oh never mind I forgot my phone at the dorm. Oh well! I then stopped walking. I found her! That was fast. I quickly ran up to her then hugged her.
"Hey! What the hell?!?"
She pushed to the ground. My eyes widened. "Ow! What was that for Delilah? You usually hug me back..! Not pushed me!" I mean yeah Delilah does pushed me a lot but not HARSHLY. I looked up. "You look a bit...different?" She narrowed her eyebrows. "Me? Different? I'm always the same! And who is Delilah?" I got a bit confused on her sentence "Who is Delilah?" I stand up and dust the dirt off my clothes. "You? You're Delilah!" I answered to her. "Delilah" tilted her head. "I'm not Delilah. you're confusing me." She said turning away. I grip her wrist."But Delilah—- Y-you're my sibling..don't you remember me?" She scoffed. "You are not my sibling. I don't like my siblings anyways. They're a bunch of crackheads who don't know how to properly take care of themselves. All they do is sit down on their lazy asses and do nothing." She continued. "They are Arseholes, Bollocks, motherfuckers who know nothing!" Then she went on and on with the insults. I was stunned from what I just heard. She's never like this..I swear..The Delilah I know would never say that to her own siblings..that's straight up disrespectful! I opened my mouth to talk but I can't cause how stunned I am. "Now if you excuse me..I have to go.."
This isn't Delilah. I ran up to her and tried to hug her. "This isn't you Delilah! T-this isn't you!" I started to tear up. Where is the Delilah I know? She turned to me and looked at me from top to bottom. "...Penny..?"
I stopped. "Penny who's Penny?" She scoffed. "All of a sudden you're acting like your caring about me now?!? Well it's to late PENNY. You're a bad sister and I wish you were NEVER BORN!" My heart dropped. Who's Penny and why is she acting like this...? I started to tear up even more. Do you think..she has lost her memory..? But how..? I whip the tears away. "Why.." She scoffed. "Fuck off." Then walked away.
I burst into tears.
She hates me
She hates me
She hates me!
Delilah's POV: I headed around the hallway looking for Paisley. I lost her. Shit. Well I did text her but she's not answering..is she back at the dorm? I'm to lazy to go back and even check but I know she around here. I started to walked deeper on finding Paisley..Jeez this college is big. I stopped a but cause I could hear sobbing in the bathroom. "Who's that?" I called out entering the bathroom. All of a sudden the person stopped crying. Do they really think I don't know? Once again I said "Who's that?" I then heard another noise coming from behind. Turns out it was Angel and Cleo were making out with each other in the hallways. Barf. I turned back around and headed next to the stalls. "Is anyone there?" I called out AGAIN. The stall door opened. I guess they didn't locked it properly. "Paisley...? Why are you crying?.." I got closer but then she gestured me to stay back. "S-stay back! You said you hate me right..?"
"Hate you? No! I never said that. I love you!"
She looked up. "Liar!" She shouted. "I'm not lying..." I mumbled. "All of a sudden you start to be a nice supportive sister.." She choked out not making eye contact with me. I sighed. "Look..we can talk things out back in the dorm.." She stayed quiet. I'll take that as a yes.
Paisley POV: Me and Delilah headed back to the dorm because I was getting really tired. I laid myself in bed and thought to myself: Something doesn't feel right... something feels different...
But what is it?
I looked up to Delilah who was on her phone texting someone. "Hey Delilah? Wanna play Uno?" I asked her. She looked at me like I was some sort of a crazy person. "Aren't you a little to old to play uno?" Delilah said. I shook my head. "No."  "Ok? I'm not gonna play with you. Crybaby." I stopped. Crybaby...? I got up from my laying position. "What is wrong with you Delilah...? You're acting pretty...rude." Delilah gave me a death stare. "Can you STOP calling me Delilah and call me by my real name?!?" I farrowed my eyebrows. "I don't get it..aren't you Delilah?" She frowned then shouted "No!" That hurt me. "Then who are you..?" "I'm—-"
*doors open*
"Oh great it's my older brother."
"Wait Atlas—I mean Alastor—Atlas?!?" I keep getting names mess up but what is Atlas I mean alastor—probably Alastor doing here? "Delilah" gave me a confused look. "Who's Atlas? Who's Alastor?" She questioned. My eyes widened. Does she not remember her brother or her cousin? "Alastor...your cousin..! Remember..?" I reminded her. She gave me a weird look. "Are you stupid?!? We don't have a cousin!" She shouted. "Then..?" I turned to "Alastor" or "Atlas."
"Hey Alastor..?"
No reply. Maybe he didn't hear me. "Hey Alastor!" I said again but still no reply back. "ALASTOR!" I shouted back but he stepped back and got scared. What did I do wrong? I saw "Delilah" facepalm. "Did you forget that he doesn't speak?!?" I tilted my head. "But he does..." I mumbled. "Delilah" sat in the other bed. "Look Penny I don't know what kind of drugs you're on but you not knowing anything is making me hate you even more." She gestured. "I'm NOT STUPID!" I half shouted. "Alastor" stepped back even more. I turned to "Alastor" and grabbed his wrist cause he was about to fall down the stairs. I don't want him to experience what I have experienced. "Alastor" took his away from me quickly and ran back to the room. Wow, now even a thank you? I headed back inside too. Maybe it isn't Alastor maybe it's Atlas. "YOU NEVER DO ANYTHING RIGHT!" Is the first thing I heard when I enter. What is Delilah yelling about? I looked around and water was spilled on the floor. "Delilah? What's going on...—"
I swallowed. What is up with Delilah today..? Or maybe I should call her "Devina" since she wants to be called that. "Devina..what's wrong?" I repeated the question but with the word Devina instead of Delilah. Devina didn't listen so she got closer to..."ARCHIE..ANSWER ME NOW!" Archie..what? This doesn't make any sense! I watch as Devina pushes Archie to floor and started to punch him. I stood their stunned not knowing what's going on.. this isn't right. I pulled Devina off of Archie and point my finger in front of Devina's face but she punched me leaving me with a broken nose. At this point this is making me piss.
Archie crawled to the corner and watch as me and Devina fight each other. Devina started to punched me so I punched her back. This time it's not sarcasm...ITS PHYSICAL.
Delilah POV: I headed back to the dorm with "Paisley" (penny) and poured a cup of tea for her. I know Paisley likes tea! It's make her release lots of her stress. She sat there at the bed looking emo. I grabbed the tea and sat next to her patting her back. "There..There..what's wrong? Why are you crying...?" She looked up at me with teary eyes then looked down at the floor. "I-It's because y-you h-hate me!" She replied. "Hate you..? No I don't hate you! I was only be sarcastic. Of course I love you! I don't hate you!" I said to her pulling her into a hug. She pulled away. "Doesn't seem like you do!" She half shouted looking away from me. I sighed. "Paisley. Listen. I truly do love you. Don't say I don't because it's not true. I DO love you. You are my sister and I care about you..You are the reason why I'm never alone." "Paisley" scoffed. "Hah, liar. You're a liar l-like y-you always are!" Then she begin to cry again. "I'm not lying...I promise.." I assured her then pulled her into another hug. "I promise.." I said again. She started to burst into a lot of tears and immediately hug me. "Thank you..Devina thank you! Y-you finally changed!" Wait..Devina? I slowly hugged her back. "I never expect this from you...do you really..apologize for all the things you did to me and Archie..?" What..? Who's Archie. I shrugged then just said "Yeah!" Then she started to smile. I smile back. She got up and looked around. "Where's Archie?" I ignored her question and look out the window. "Hey Paisley it's getting late. I think you should be heading to bed now."
Penny POV: I stayed up because I was happy of what happened today. I got up from the bed and looked out the window admiring the beautiful view. My eyes sparkled. Today was a good day! I look away from the window and stared at pictures that were placed on top of the drawers. I picked one of them up. It showed me and my sister building a snowman..what? I don't remember doing that. I picked another picture up and it showed older brother (aka Archie) with his—-friends? He doesn't even have friends—-and I never remember having all of these fun moments with my siblings—we never had fun! We all hated each other.. then I sat there and think. Then I realized this isn't my siblings. Its just...random people who looked like my siblings. I started to get upset again. My mind told me that me and my siblings will never get along REPEATEDLY. I sat in the ground feeling ashamed of myself. All if this was false. They are really not my—- "Paisley..? What are you doing up..?"
"Paisley...? I'm pe—I mean—-I—"
"Paisley what are you doing up..?"
I started to sweat. "I-I" I think of an excuse to make. I let out a fake yawn. "I was just get...water!" I nervously let out."
Narrators POV: "water..? There's water under the table." Delilah pointed out tiredly. Penny looked down and started to get even more nervous. "What's that your holding..?" Delilah asked taking the picture out of Penny's hand. "Oh! Is this our family photo?"
Penny shook her head. "Look at this one! This is when we are babies!"  Penny smiled. "We look so cute-!" Penny said unsurely that she shouldn't be doing this. Delilah picked up another photo. "And this one.. this one is my favorite one." Penny giggled at the picture. "Ice cream in a rainy day?" Penny said giggling even more. "Yeah!" Delilah giggled as well and placed the picture back where it belongs. Penny looked down thinking if she should tell Delilah the truth. Delilah yawned. "You ok Paisley?" Delilah ask with worry in her eyes. "I..I need to tell you something." Penny said looking down at the ground. "What is it?" Delilah asked crossing her arms. "It's well..uh.." Penny stopped. "I'm...not Paisley.." she admitted.  Delilah then froze. "So that's why you were acting weird.." Delilah realized. "I'm so stupid!" Penny looked down in disappointment. "Please don't bring me back to my sister." Penny begged. Delilah sigh. "Chill I'm not. I don't know who your sister is anyways."
"But why..? Do you guys hate each other?"
"What happened?" Delilah questioned wanting to know why. Penny sat in a bed and gestured Delilah to sit next to her. "So basically it all started.."
*12 years ago*
"no! Mother!" Penny cried out. Devina looked down hiding herself from crying. Archie cried too holding their mother in their hands. "Mother is dead.." Penny choked out. Devina sniffed. "No..she's not dead! She's still alive..right..?" Penny promulgated talking to her upset siblings. Devina clinched her fist then looked at Penny with an scrunched up face. "Moms dead because of YOU TWO Devina yelled out tears streaming down her cheeks. Penny gave Devina a confused look. "What do you mean...our fault?" Penny questioned getting up and facing directly at Devina. It was raining hard. "ITS YOUR FAULT THAT MOTHER DIED!" Devina shouted pushing Penny on a puddle. "DEVINA! WHY?" Penny shouted getting up all soaking wet. "YOU MADE MOM GET KILLED!" Devina shouted then pushed Penny again. "MOM DIED BECAUSE OF YOU!" Devina shouted again. Devina started to punch Penny repeatedly saying "Mom died because of you." Between the punches. Penny started to get injured badly so she fainted. Archie held into Devina.
"LET ME GO!" Devina shouted trying to get out of her older brothers grip. Archie denied and threw Devina on the floor. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" She asked getting even more angry. Archie couldn't say anything cause he was muted..well he's a guest of course. Devina stood up and attacked Archie but Archie dodged it and made Devina trip on a rock. Devina became even more and MORE angry to the point she just wants to murder her siblings. "I HATE YOU BOTH. I HATE YOU!! WHY DID MOM EVEN GAVE BIRTH TO BOTH OF YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE? IF YOU GUYS WERE GONE THEN MOTHER COULD OF LIVE A HAPPY LIFE BUT YOU RUINED IT BY GETTING IN THE WAY."
"You know what..it should be you who should have gotten shot at." Devina laughed out pointing at the unconscious Penny. Archie went from scared to angry.
"She thinks that it's me and Archie's responsibility for our mothers death... but I swear it's n-not! Our mom was protecting from a bad guy."
"Devina neglects us a lot, yells at us, and she doesn't help us with anything!"
Delilah looked down feeling bad. "Were not like you..yours is more..better when ours is broken.." Delilah started to tear up feeling bad for Penny. Delilah gave Penny a hug.
"Hopefully you guys could work it out.." Delilah whispered. Penny smiled and hugged Delilah back.
Paisley POV: "Ow! Devina..why?" I asked looking up to her. Devina laughed. "Remember? Mother died because of YOU." Devina said kicking me harshly . I groaned. "Stop!" I insisted. "No." Devina denied picking me up by my wrist and forcefully throwing me into a wall. "DEVINA STOP!" I insisted again. Devina didn't listen but Archie came to the rescue and stopped Devina by pulling her down. I got up and thanked Archie. "Thank you." The door opened. It was DELILAH? Wait..what? But I thought— "Paisley?!?" Delilah noticed me running up to me with worry in her eyes. "Delilah!" "What happened..?!?" Delilah asked looking at the bruises that was on my body. "I-it's nothing—-" "Devina..hurt her.." A girl said who looked exactly like me. "What..?" Delilah mood immediately changed to MAD. Delilah looked at Devina. "WHY WOULD YOU HURT MY SISTER?!?" Delilah yelled trying to jump on Devina but I stopped her by grabbing her by the arms. "DELILAH LET ME—"
Devina scoffed. "What is this? Copycats?"
Delilah: "Copycats? Who are you calling copycats!"
"You guys! You copied OUR look." Devina spat out. Delilah growled. "WE DIDN'T!" Devina scoffed again. Penny walked out the room not wanting to be involved the fight. Archie sat there stressed. It became silent for a few so Delilah grabbed Paisley and left. Before Delilah exit the door she pulled a middle finger and left right away after doing that.
Penny POV: I watched outside the window seeing the 3 siblings Delilah and Paisley..I don't know who's that blue hair but they looked like they were having fun. They were hugging each other, caring, nice..etc.
I wished I had a sibling relationship like that..

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