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*math class*
"Alright class please take out your—"
Tye interrupted the teacher talking by jumping up on her desk. "HEY EVERYBODY!!"
everyone gave each other looks. "A costume party?" Devon says. Tye nods. "IF YOU GOING TO COME MAKE SURE TO DRESS UP AS YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTER OR ANYTHING YOU WANT!!" Tye threw papers up in the sky of information about the party. "Get off the table!" The teacher yelled. Tye sat back in his chair right away. Everyone got up and grabbed the papers off the floor. Devon scans the paper with his eyes. "I think I can come since I don't have any work to do." He says, looking directly at Tye. Tye smiles. "ANDDDD how about you guys??" He asked, looking at his other classmates. "You wanna go Cleo?" Angel asked. Holding his boyfriend in his arms. "Yes!" Cleo said excitedly. Tye smile becomes bigger. The bell rings. Everybody ran out of math class cause it was the worst class of all the classes. Tye runs down the hallways. "I WONDER WHO SHOULD I—" he trips. "Ow...I really need to stop running in the hallways.." he got up and saw a group of people. "Bingo." He walks up to them and taps on one if their shoulders. "Uhm, excuse me?" the black haired girl turns around, damn she looks somewhat creepy... "what?." she replies and the 2 other people she was with turns around. Tye flinches a little. "I was wondering if you guys would like to come at my costume party today at 7:00pm!" He handed them the invitations for the party. one of the people seems to be a recognizable female kid, "party?! Helllll YEAAAWW!" she said standing on her tippy toes and snatching the invitation. "sure, dont see why not." a blonde dude says. The girl just nods slightly and takes the invitation just like the other 2. "Thanks guys!" Tye walked away from the group. "Wasn't that the kid who beat up the blue dude..?" He thought to himself. He continues to walk down the hallway and saw two people play fighting. "STOP THAT DANICA! YOU'RE PULLING ON MY HAIR—"
Danica pushed Alastor on the floor. "WHO'S THE LOSER NOW!!"
They started to attack each other. Tye just stood there in shock. "Ok then.." Tye pretended that he didn't just see two people beat each other in death. He walks  up to Danica and Alastor and stands there with his hands behind his back. Danica and Alastor stop. "do you need anything? or you just got some major staring problems?" Danica asked holding Alastor down. Tye handed them an invite. "come to my costume party down stairs in room u1! You'll have a blast!!! There will be games and—"
Alastor pushes Danica on the floor once again and grabs the paper. "Alright, I'll go." Danica takes the paper from Alastor hand and reads it. "SICK! I'M GOING! I'm going to wear my—"
"Don't tell me! I want it to be a surprise!" Tye walked away. Alastor and Danica watches as he fades away from the hallway. Tye was exhausted from walking. He saw TWO more people and went up to them. "Hi!" He was out of breath. "what in the outdated reddit jo-" the white hair guy stopped and turned around, and so did the other black hair dude. "hi, need anything?" he said with a lil smile. "Would you guys like to come to my costume party at 7pm downstairs in room u1?!?" Tye asked, handing both of them an invite. the white hair dude looked at the invite, "sure! How about you Ray?" he asked turning to the other guy, he just shrugged and took the invite in reply. "OK THANK YOU BYE!" Tye run away from the two. "Hmm..Who else should I-"
Alvin turns around. "what."
"Who are other two guys? I mean— I know who that dude is." Tye pointed at the brown hair with emo clothing. "My names Devon. How did you forget?" Tye shrugs. "Who's that?" Tye pointed an guy who's wearing an angel costume. "That's Chester."
"Would you guys like to come to my—"
"Devon already told us about it. Yes we will come."
"Oh okay thanks-"
"And you don't have to walk up to everyone. That's going to take hours. Just put posters everywhere saying you're throwing a party." Alvin stated. "Oh, you're right."
*at the dorms*
Nikusa squirmed, "THIS IS GONNA BE SUPER EXTRA SAMSUNG APPLE PRO GALAXY 60 BIG CHEESE BURGER KING MAC FUNNY WUNNY GUNNY FUN FUNNN!!!" she said in excitement, tugging on aiden. She was dressed as DJ from a roblox game and aiden was dressed as the reaper nurse from a horror game. Aiden smiled a little, "that totally made sense Nikusa—" "YES IT DID." she interrupted confident and grinning.
Danica was dressed up as a queen. "Hell yeah. I look pretty as fuck!" She says, playing with her curly hair. "Pretty ugly." Alastor insulted, walking up to her. "AND WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU A SUPPOSE TO BE?"
"among us"
Danica run. "Come back here you little shit-" Alastor chases after her with a plastic knife. kokona walked close the whatever the hell just happened with danica and alastor, "what in the actual flying shotgun magic burger chairs." she said confused. Alastor jumped on Danica. "HAHAHAH!!"
Danica saw Kokona. "BRO STOP THERES A KID-" Danica kicked Alastor off. "HI KOKONA! what are you dressed up as?" Danica ask kneeling down on her knees to Kokona height. Kokona punched danica's shoulder lightly, "ok. First of, don't 'bro stop there's a kid!' me, ill shove 3 paper rolls up your ass. Second of, I'm dressed up as panty from panty & stocking with garterbell! Pretty cool right?" she said grinning. "definitely cool—" Danica rubbed her shoulder. "Imagine!"
Alastor runs. "SHUT UP!!" Danica ran after him. Kokona striked some random dramatic pose: "just got ditched... #whyaretheysuchassholes..." she said faking a lil sinffle.
Cleo run out of dorm dressed as a captain with a fake  scar in his face. "ALL ABOARD!!" He yelled adjusting his captain hat. "This is NOT what I wanted. I told you I wanted slender man. Not a spider costume!" Angel says looking down. Cleo rolls his eyes. "Who cares! You look cute in it anyways!"
Angel becomes flustered "Yeah whatever."
"HEY!" A familiar girl ran up to Cleo. "Huh-"
Cleo shook his head. "No-" Pixie holds both his hands. "I'm a captain too, but I decided to dress as a princess today.."
Cleo look back at his boyfriend giving him a "help me look" Angel stood there watching with his arms cross. "ARE YOU GUYS TOGETHER?" Pixie ask tilting her head to the left a little. Cleo nervously nodded. "Y-yeah?"
Pixie let go of Cleo. "Hm, I can tell I'm making you uncomfortable. My apologies."
"It's fine." Cleo says, scratching the back of his neck. Devon walks up to Pixie. "Pixie! Where the fuck did you put my costume?!?"
Pixie turns to her brother. "NO IDEA SORRY!"
"help me find it you idiot!" Devon grabs  her sister and drags her all the way to their dorm. Aiden and Nikusa come up to the scene, "dang, what the hell was that?" Aiden asks confused. Cleo shrugged. "WAIT!!" Devon stops dragging Pixie and throws up. "AHH!! YOU THREW UP ON MY COSTUME!"
"SORRY SORR-" Devon throws up again. "STOP NOW I HAVE TO PUT ANOTHER COSTUME ON!" Devon continues to drag Pixie back to their dorm. "Keep on walking keep on walking—"
"YOU'RE DRAGGING ME!!" Pixie yells. Nikusa looked like a wet dog or something, she had no idea what was going on in that exact moment either. "what in the super mario smash kart movie bros pro max 63 was THAT?!" she asked like Aiden, but way more 'exaggerated' than needed. Ryana comes up to the situation, "no idea." she says bluntly. Angel looks at the time. "I don't know who the hell you guys are but its 6:00pm right now- we can all go together if you want." Angel suggested. Ryana shrugs and goes with it, "yeah sure, there's a lot of other people in the back here anyway!" she says happily. "don't mind!" Nikusa grins, Aiden nods. "oh uh, by the way, I'm Nikusa, this is Aiden, and whoever this over girl is too!" she says pouting at Aiden and Ryana, "Ryana." she smiles. "Nice to meet you guys! I'm Angel and this is Cleo."
"Hi!" Cleo gave a little wave.
Once they did their greetings they went downstairs to the party room. A lot of people was in there already. There was food, games, a karaoke machine— "A KARAOKE MACHINE??" Danica ran up in stage where Tye was standing. "LET'S DO SOME KARAOKE WOO—" Tye push Danica away from the mic. "Not yet!"
Tye taps tested the mic to see if it's working. "HEY EVERYONE!" The crowd of people cheered. "You all look so nice today!!"
"As you can see.. I'm dressed as Raggedy Andy!"
"NOBODY GIVES A FUCK!" A blonde dude yelled. That blonde dude was his best friend. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Tye yelled back. Tye stood there holding a piece of paper. "OK. THE EXPECTATIONS FOR THIS PARTY, YES THERE WILL BE GAMES, YES THERE WILL FOOD— LOTS ACTUALLY!"
Tye straightens his posture. "OH AND THERE WILL BE A COSTUME PARTY! Whoever wins get this diamond crown that my grandma gave me when I was a kid." Tye still remember that day. "LETS GET THIS STARTED YA? I'll be ANNOUNCING THE FIRST GAME IN THE NEXT FIFTEEN MINUTES!"
Kokona sits on the edge of some random empty table with food, "no way dude, FREE FOOD!" she says excited and takes a bite of whatever there was. "YOOO LOOK THEY HAVE PASTA!!" Calista says grabbing a paper plate. "Ugh! I hate pasta!" Quinn said in disgust. "HOW?!?" Calista said shaking her sisters shoulders.  zzhadxa walks up to quinn, "thought you were better than this..." she said making a sarcastic glare. "Oh hi zz-" Calista digs in to her pasta. "YUM!"
Quinn sighs and looks at her phone.  "watcha checking?~" Kokona sneered, dang, nosy. "Texting someone. They haven't texted me back this morning." Quinn responded. "hm, reminds me that Timmy and the others are probably wondering what happened to me.. I should text them about it." Kokona replied. Tamia slides in the conversation, "HEEY— AUF-" she hit the fucking table. Oh well. "guess who I fooound..." she says in a weird evil tone, getting up. "What did you found?" Quinn asked putting her phone in her pocket. Tamia tugs on kits shoulder and pulls her in the scene, "it's of course ms. Ask your mom! Couldn't believe she was here, we we're friends back in another highschool!" she said. "Ooo that's cool!" Quinn says smiling a bit. Kokona looked kind of confused, "what? What's her actual name though?" "just ask your mom." kit said bluntly— "I KNEW IT. Never changes!!!" Tamia said pushing kit. Quinn raises an eyebrow. "Interesting."
Tye comes in stage and turns on the mic. "HEY GUYS WE'RE GOING TO START OUR VERY FIRST GAME!!"
Chester and Devon came up with a tub filled with water and apples. "In order to play this game you have to grab the apples with your teeth. You cannot use your hands or else you're out." Tye continues to play. "In order to win you have to at least grab 3 apples with your teeth and put it on this small container!" Tye said holding up a small container. "While playing please keep your hands behind your back of all tines. Anyways, CAN I HAVE THREE VOLUNTEERS?" "I VOLUNTEER!!" Tamia shouted. "Ok ! Thats one! Please come up in stage." Tamia comes up in the stage as said. "Please give a round in applause for her!"
Everybody cheers. "I need two more please!"
"ME! ME! ME!" Danica ran up in stage. "Ok! Who else? I need one more!" Penny runs up. "me."
"OK!! CONTINENTS GET READY! WHOEVER WINS GET THIS 20 DOLLAR BILL!!" Tye wink at the crowd. "ARE YOU READY GET SET GO!" The 3 volunteers had started right away.
"Who do you guys think is going to win?!?" Tye asked putting the mic close to someones face.  Caden backed up a bit, "my money is on the queen girl for the win." he answers.  "WHITE HAIR GUY VOTES ON QUEEN GIRL! What about you?" Tye asked a black hair girl. Quinn started to get nervous. "Uhm- The girl right dressed as Calne Miku?"
"How about you?" Tye asked a blue hair person with stars in his hair. Archie didn't respond but he pointed at Penny who was dressed as Chibiusa. "Ooo interesting! Come on everyone let's cheer!"
"Sooo how our contestants going so far?" Tye look at the contestants containers. Tamia was in the lead. She was at a two apples while the others were still at 1. Tamia was shrugging a little but she got the last apple. "AND WE HAVE A WINNER!!" Tye held Tamia arm up for victory. Tamia grinned widely, "I DID ITTT!" she said happily raising her other arm. Everybody else cheered. Tye lets go of Tamia. "Heres your money!" Tye handed her the 20 dollars. she grabbed the money, "let's go!" Tamia mumbled in victory. "That was fun! Thank you guys for participating! I'll be announcing another game in the next 15 minutes!" Tye got of of stage.  the contestants got off the stage, "Just cause I'm feeling NICE I'll give you both 5 dollars!" Tamia told Danica and Penny. Danica and Penny both smiled at her. "Thank you so much!" They both said in the same time. Kokona scoffed, "ugh, you mean that Lumi person? They can rot in the deepest ever part from under my bed." she spat out. "well damn, didn't know you hated them that much I guess." Kiyoshi replied, "OF. COURSE. I. DO!!! Come on man get it right!" Kokona quickly told him. "Heyy kiyo!!" Alastor has slip into the conversation. "hey alastor-" "IS THAT AN AMONG US." Kokona interrupted giving alastor a quite weird glance. "Yup!" Alastor says proudly. Kokona sits back down, "well beat it amongus guy. We we're having an important conversation." she shot an angry stare at alastor. "Screw off I want to talk to the love of my life."
Alastor looks at Kiyoshi. "How you doing kiyo?"  "uh, good." Kiyoshi replied, Kokona stood up and kicked alastor in the no no part, great. "OW!!" He grunted.
Everyone who was near him started laugh. Kokona went back to where she was sitting, "when i told you to beat it you didnt. But I meant it." she spat out annoyed. "so this is your boyfriend or something k? I dont like him already." she said looking at kiyoshi. "oh." he just replied kind of surprised.  Tye ran up in stage. "who's READY FOR THE NEXT GaMe!" Tye says with a gag. It's like he's trying his best not to laugh. "O-ok I'm reaDy—!!" Tye shifted him self far away from the mic and laugh to himself. "S-so all you got to do is—" Tye started to wheeze. "I-"
"SO yOu hAve this tissueeee box here—w-with b-balls in— HAHAHHA Uh INSIDE!" Tye covers his mouth for a couple of secs to prevent himself from laughing. "A-and you have to—wrap i-it around your waist and—" Tye turn around to one of his helpers. "Alvin can you demonstrate? I'm not doing this—" Tye drop the mic and started to laugh uncontrollably. Alvin rolled his eyes. "So you wrap this around your waist. Make sure the tissue box is facing at the back of your butt."
"AHAHAHA!" Tye started to fall in the floor laughing. "Tye shut up."
Then you got to—
"ShAkKee!" Tye said. "Bro."
"Then you have to get all the balls out. If you succeed on that you get a $50 gift card."
Tye took the mic out of Alvins hand. "Who would like to volunteer?!?"
"I would like to volunteer." Quinn raises her hand. Cortney raises her too. "Yeah just only two for now!"
Quinn and Cortney went up in stage and put the tissue full of balls around their waist. "Ready set go!"
"GO QUINN!!" Angel shouted. "GO COURTNEY!" Owen shouted. "NAH QUINN!!"
Quinn was winning. "CORTNEY!!" Owen shouted. "We have a winner!!"
Everyone cheered. "Here's your $50 dollar gift card!"  Tye handed her prize. "WOOO!!"
"THANKS FOR PARTICIPATING! THE NEXT GAME WE WILL BE PLAYING IS GUESS THE SONG IN THE NEXT 15 MINUTES!!" Tye ran off stage. "Well, that was weird." Angel says crossing his arms at Quinn. "I know. But it was worth the prize." Quinn flexes the gift card on Angels face. "Show off." Angel says sipping on a cup of Fanta. "What are you supposed to be? A spider?" Quinn put her hands on her hips and squinted her eyes at him. "Yes, I was supposed to be dressed as slenderman but CLEO got me a spider costume instead." His eyes trail to Cleo who had a mouthful of candy corn in his mouth. "HM?"
Angel sighs. "I can't be mad at him though.." Angel leans against a table. "How's your day been Quinn? I know we haven't been talking for over a month now." Quinn wraps herself in her arms. "I'm doing fine. How about you?" Angel smiles. "I'm ok. I been having a good time, but college is really stressing me out." Quinn giggles. "I agree." Calista taps on her sister shoulder. "Sis. Mother is calling you."
"Oh? About what?"
Calista hands over her phone. "I don't know. Maybe something important?" Quinn puts Calista phone over her to her left ear. "Hello? Mother?"
"Hey. Your stuff got delivered here by accident. Do you want me to drive over there and drop it off?"
"Yes please mother."
"Okay. Bye love you."
"Love you too mother." Quinn hangs up and gives the phone back to Calista. "What was it about?" Calista asked, putting her phone away in her pocket. "Oh, nothing. Just my delivery got drop at her house."
Cleo walked behind Calista and jump behind her. "CALISTAA!" they both fell in the floor. "CLEO?!?"
"What are you supposed to be dressed up as?" Cleo asked getting up from the floor. Calista got up and lifted her cap up like a superhero. "Bat woman." She said in a deep voice. Cleo and Calista started to laugh. Cleo look at Quinn who was texting somebody on her phone again. "Quinn? Who are you supposed to be?"
Quinn looks up. "Oh! Vanessa from Phineas and Ferb."
Cleo eyes lit up. "That show was my childhood!" Quinn grinned.
Tye was scanning the room to make sure everything was alright. He noticed how lonely Alvin was in a table sitting all by himself. Tye walk up to him to give him company. Tye sits next to him. "Hey dude, you ok?"
Alvin rested his hand on his chin. "I don't feel good." Alvin responded. Tye pats Alvin shoulder. "Do you want me to get you some water?" He offers. Alvin rests his head on his arms. "I'm fine." He denies. "Oh alright." Tye turns his head to the dance floor. "So you not going to have fun with them?" Tye says looking at Chester and Devon who was doing ring around the roses like little kids. "No. I'm not in the mood today." Alvin picks up his cup of punch and takes one sip. "It's alright.." Tye puts both of his arms on the table and leans closer to Alvin to hear him more better. "So. You still friends with that one dude..?" Tye ask in a low voice. "no. we aren't friends anymore. He barely talks to me."
"Is that why you're feeling down?"
Alvin didn't respond. "I don't wanna lose him like how I lost..." Alvins heart was broken. He had a other friend in his life but they died. "Alvin its ok." Tye wraps his arms around Alvin for comfort. A dude in a panda costume walks up. "Whats up Tye."
Tye looks up. "Ew dude—"
"Never mind."
"Who's that?" Alvin asked. "Archer."
"Your boyfriend..?"
"No. He's my best friend. He already has a girlfriend."
Alvin sighs. He was almost about to burst into tears. "What's wrong with him?" Archer asked, raising an eyebrow. "Personal reasons." Tye told him. Archer looks behind him and saw his girlfriend. "I have to go. My girlfriend is waiting for me at the dance floor."
"Ok, have fun dipshit."
"Don't call me dipshit." Archer flips him off and left to go see his girlfriend. "Fuck you too Archer!" Tye shouted out. He turns his attention back to Alvin. "I have to go and announce the next game now. You want to participate?"
Alvin nodded. "Sure I guess." Tye got up from the chair. "Ok." He walks up on stage and turns on the mic. "Are you all ready for the next game!!" Tye shouts. Everybody cheers. "For this next game. You'll have to guess the song!"
Danica perks up. "OH MY GOD! I LOVE THIS GAME!"
"SAME!" Quinn says.
"To guess the song you'll have to run and grab this stick"

College life [book 2] slender x baconWhere stories live. Discover now