Happy sibling day :D (special)

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Mino POV: I literally just came home from college, and I saw that the house was a mess. I stared at Kai. "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!?" He yelled, throwing stuff all of the place, nearly knocking down the lamp. "Clean this up, now!"
I ran up stairs, accidentally running into one of my sibling. "Oh, shit sorry Kaiser."
"it's ok! Welcome back home Mino!!" Kaiser beamed happily getting up. "Thanks bud." He patted Kaiser head. "Where are your sisters?"
"uh.. I'm not sure actually.."
Mino stood there for a minute than realized he forgotten something in his car. "Oh, wait! Stay here. I got gifts for all of you." "wait, really?! ALRIGHT!!" Kaiser just waited for Mino to go so he could also go downstairs. A few minutes later Mino came back inside the house and set all of the gifts on the ground. "GUYSSS I GOT YOU GIFTSS!!" He called out to his siblings. Everyone went down stairs immediately. "Oh, cool gifts. Why did you get us this time Mino?" Ivy says sitting down on the soft-comfortable couch. Eli runs faster than she ever could, possibly half bumping into nay. "WHAT IS IT WHAT IS IT WHAT IS ITT?!"
"Well...find out yourself!" Mino handed them all of their gifts. "You guys open it one by one. I want to see you guy's reaction."
Eli excitedly gets her gift and opens it quickly, "AAAAH!!2!4!2!$! IT'S MY FAVORITE BARBIE!! THANK YOU SO MUCH MINO YEAYSYAYGGG!!!!!!!!"
"Aw, no problem! I'm glad you like it. Just don't. Uhm. You know.. You know what it's fine I trust you." Mino chuckles. "Ok Marchelle you go first."
"Ok." Marchelle grabbed her gift and opened it very slowly. "Clothes?!?" A smile started to appear in her face. "Thank you so much brother..." she hugs him. "No problem!" he hugs back. He looks at Kaiser. "You're turn kaiser!" Kaiser opens his gift happily, "woah, headphones! AAH thank you so much big bro! My other pair broke.." he says while holding the headphones. "No problem little one!"
He looks down at Kai, who had his legs up close to his stomach. "You're still mad?" Mino asked, lowering his face to Kai level. Kai nodded slowly. Mino shoved a cat (in a shark costume) plush on his stomach. "The plushie you always beg to me to get."
Kai smiled widely. He jumped up and down almost breaking the floor. "Hm, Nay. How about you open yours next? I got you the whole shelf if you wondering why the gift is so big." Nay kind of flinched hearing that, "huh??" she opens the gift and it's... (fake, of course) so many weapons and a pair of 'weird' looking gloves! "no way..." Nay said slowly, amazed. "Thanks so much Mino!" she thanked her big brother happily. "No problem." Mino smiled happily of how his siblings are enjoying their gifts. Cury rip the whole wrapping paper apart. "COOL A GAMING COMPUTER."
"A WHAT?!?"
Kai perked up. "GIVE ME THAT!!" Kai ran up to Cury and tried to steal his gift away from him. "No it's mine!" He pushed Kai away, putting his gift from the other side of him. "No more devices for you Kai. You literally threw his computer out the window."
Kai tears up in frustration. "FINEE!!"
Dominic open hers. It was just a bunch of hello kitty jewelry/scene clothing and some band posters to hang up on her wall. "I ALWAYS WANTED THESE!!" Last but not least, Everett opened hers and got a punch of nail polish, unicorn plushies, unicorn headbands, necklaces, and clothes. "AHHH YESS THANK YOU!!" She ran upstairs with her gifts. "You're welcome. I hope you guys like your gift."
"yeah! Thanks again Mino!!" Kaiser beamed, and went to kitchen, mostly to get something to eat. "So, what do you guys want to do now? I was supposed to go out and hang out with my friends but it's important to take care of all of you first." Nay Looked at the clock on the wall... "Uh, I've gotta do something right now. See you." she went upstairs. Eli looked at her go, and decided she'll just play with the barbie and some other toy she has; "I'll go play with my toys! BYEE GUYS!!!" she also ran upstairs. Nay Looked at the clock on the wall... "Uh, I've gotta do something right now. See you." she went upstairs. Eli looked at her go, and decided she'll just play with the barbie and some other toy she has; "I'll go play with my toys! BYEE GUYS!!!" she also ran upstairs. "I'm going to play on CURY COMPPPUTERRR!!" He ran upstairs with Cury gift. "COME BACK HERE."
"Well, I guess all of my siblings are busy..I'm going to invite my friends over."
"TELL ME IF YOU NEED ANYTHING FROM ME GUYS! I'LL BE DOWN HERE.." he looks outside. "With my friends.." he says quietly.
Neykate climbs out of her window and gets onto a tree, then slides down. Classic trick, always works. She's gonna meet up with Hologrammer and a bunch of other heroes at their underground base, aka some unused underground garage Neykate found in the wild, and did her own thing to it. Looks like Neykate finally arrived! Hologrammer is waiting near the water dispenser. "hey Hologrammer, where are the others?" Neykate asks, with a lil' frustration. "probably late, don't worry though! I'm sure they'll be here soon—" and just as that's said, Taser and Knifer Belt arrive. "oh." Neykate lets out in defeat, why does this always happen?? Nicblack came in through the tunnel, looking a bit dizzy. "S-sorry guys...I was..I got..hit by a tree..!" "oh, shit then." Neykate replies. Hologram beams happily, "hey guys!!" She greets everyone, Taser waves energetically, smiling. Knife Belt waves just a bit. "So..what are we doing..?" Nicblack asked sitting down on the couch. Hologrammer sits next to Nicblack on the couch, "yeah, tell us comm'!" ... "i told you to not call me that, Hologrammer." Neykate says with a little pinch of anger, "whateverr... sorry..." Hologrammer says rolling her eyes with a small frown. "so yeah actually, what are we doing today though?" Knife Belt says leaning on a wall while Taser sits on the edge of a table. "guys, we... We have some enemies on the watch."
Taser spat out the water he literally just got, Knife belt flinched harshly, Hologrammer looked a lil flabbergasted,
"Well, fuck!" Nicblack fell off the couch, way too lazy to get up. Neykate sighed, "yeah, I know..." she spat out tired. Taser got up and put down his drink, "but who? Do we have any information at all?" he asks looking at Neykate, "no, not any actually. That's why I called us all here. We'll need to gather as much information as we can even if it's little, even if it's useless." Neykate replies crossing her arms. Nicblack finally got back on her feet. "Ok, what's the plan?"
Neykate looks at Nicblack, "I'm still working on it, but I'll need some help. All I've saw was blonde hair with a cape, along with some boy looking sorta red costume and black hair." She replies explaining. "well thanks... Surely useful..." Hologrammer tells Neykate sarcastically, Neykate just shoots a death glare at her and Hologrammer just immediately knows her place. Kaser walks up next to Knife Belt, "Alright Neykate, we'll all try our best." he says. Knife Belt nods, Hologrammer does a thumbs up with her thumbs, Nicoblack just smiles. Knife belt walks next to one of the exits, "I think it's best if we go home for now. My parents might get mad at me if I come back late for dinner." he suggests. "Yeah. Bye guys, see you." Neykate agrees and waves a little, Kaser waves energetically and goes away, Hologrammer nods quickly and walks away, "WAIT HOLOGRAMMER!" Nicblack calls out. Hologrammer stops right where she was, "yeah?" she turns to Nicblack. She runs up to Hologrammer and hugs her. "SEE YOU TOMORROW!!! WISH YOU THE BEST." ... Hologrammer blushes a bit? "thanks! WISH YOU THE BEST TOO!! SEE YOU NICBLACK!" she hugs Nicblack back quickly and runs. Nicblack squeeled to herself quietly.
"NO WHAT THE FUCK, HE'S MY COUSIN." Mino shouted pushing his best friend on the ground. "WAIT FUCK REALLY?"
"BROTHER!!" Cury drags Kai all the way to the living room and throws him on the couch. "Cury, what happened?!?" Mino asked looking down at Cury who was mad. Cury held up a broken keyboard. "This happened." And drops it on the floor. Mino mouth open slightly. "How the fu-"
"I let Kai play on the computer."
"Why?!? You already know that he—"
"I'M NOT SORRY!!" Kai repeatedly jumps on the keyboard breaking it even more. "Stop Kai!" Mino says, stopping Kai. He grabbed the keyboard and threw it out the window. "Luckily it was an old one." Cury shrugged and went back stairs. "You have siblings?" Mino best friend got up from the floor. "Brother, who is this?" Kai says looking up to the stranger. "My best friend?"
Kai leans closer to the stranger and proceeds to push him. "I DON'T TRUST THIS GUY! HE IS GIVING ME BAD VIBES!"
"Ow- what the fuck-"
"Kai n-"
Kai kicked the stranger in the nuts causing him to fall back on the floor. "OW -"
The door bell rings. Mino walks to the front and opens door. "Hello?" He looks down. It was a kid. the kid waves a little, "hey, uh... Is there someone named Kaser here?" he asks. Mino nods. "Uh, yeah. He upstairs in his room right now.." Mino steps aside. "Come in!" The kids smiles, "thanks!—" Kaser comes downstairs rushing, "MILESS! hey dude!!" he greets the kid... well, miles i guess? "Have fun you two." Mino helped his hurt friend on the ground, with his little brother beside him doing a goofy ass smile. "you got your stuff?" Kaser smiles at Miles, "yeah, I got a new knife set and finally got call of duty back by the way." Miles puts his arm on Kasers shoulder, "WOAH!! for real dude?! Let's play that tomorrow at your house!" Kaser hugs Miles a little. "alright." Miles blushes a little with a smile, and their voices fade as they go upstairs."BROTHER, BROTHER-IN-LAW , BROTHER!!" Kai pulls on Kaser shirt. Kaser immediately stops, "huh?! What is it Kai?" he asks turning around while Miles also stops. "NOW WHO IS THISS PERSONNN???" Kai did an bombastic side eye to Miles. "oh, this is my best friend Miles!" Kaser answers with a grin. "HM OKAY!!! Damn it i wish i had a best friends my online girlfroiend droupped me for my beust friend but i left them ok anywayd have fun guys" Kai ran to his room. Kaser and Miles looked a lil shocked. "online what now.." Miles said, "uh, nevermind that I guess!!!" Kaser quickly said, grabbed Miles's hand which made him flinch a little, and ran to his room. Kaser closes his rooms door, "alright! so, let me get the stuff ready, do whatever you want in the time!" he says enthusiastically, Miles looks at some book on the desk and decides to let his curiosity take over. It was... An album of photos with him and Kaser! Aw, how affectionate— "hey, wait!- uhghh... Failed surprise.." Kaser frowns in defeat. "wait, what?" Miles asks confused, "well, this was meant to be a surprise gift that we could share together over time, I was gonna give it to you in a few days!" Kaser explains, walking up to miles. "oh, I see.." Miles blushes a lil, "well, I think it's a great surprise either way." He adds quickly, "then I'm glad you like it!!" Kaser hugs Miles tightly with a big grin, Miles blushes a bit more.

College life [book 2] slender x baconWhere stories live. Discover now