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Language Warning!•

"Un-Hand me at once!" Shu screamed.

"Haha... you've gotten much bigger, but so have I!" Kuro cheered.

Shu pushed Kuro away with one hand and covered his face with the other.

"I-I demand you put me down dammit!" he choked out.

Kuro was holding Shu bridal style on the street.
Kuro continued to laugh. He liked seeing his little "Friend" so flustered and angry. He threw Shu over his shoulders to piggyback him. Shu was completely speechless.

"I-I uhm... I Said....." Shu trailed off and he slammed his face into Kuro's shoulder blades. He was very amused.

Kuro gripped onto Shu's thighs, so he couldn't move. Shu squeaked in shock, he reached his left hand to Kuro's chest, grabbing him so he wouldn't fall.

"I'm not gonna drop you or let you fall y'know! i'm not THAT careless!!" He rolled his eyes

Shu was very anxious and scared of being dropped, he didn't know what it was, but it made him so nervous without Kuro holding him like before. Kuro must have felt him shaking because he put him down, and they continued to walk down the street together. Shu just could shake his anxiousness, shaking until they arrived at Kuro's house. Shu loved Kuro's mom, like another mother to him. They went into Kuro's bedroom, Shu was still very shaky.

Kuro sat criss-cross applesauce on his bed, and pulled Shu on his lap. Shu wrapped his arms around his neck as he leaned into him. Tears started to roll down his face.

"What's wrong?" Kuro asked.

"I.. I don't know.." He whispered

Kuro didn't believe him, but he genuinely didn't know why he was upset or anxious. Kuro leaned and put his face to Shu's neck. He immediately felt much better. He took some deep breaths and when he came to, Kuro had his forehead pressed against him, with his eyes closed.

"No more tears please" Kuro whispered.

Shu nodded as he stood up and stretched. Him and Kuro had always been close, but never that close, he was thinking about what to say. After what felt like the longest 5 seconds of his life, Kuro broke the ice.

"i'm starving, let's make something to eat" He said as he stood up.

Shu followed and rolled his eyes. Typical. He was always thinking about food. Shu still wondered if they were just friends though, he could help but wonder if he would ever see his true love for him, or continue thinking about spaghetti.
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