Chapter 1:

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I close the door quietly behind me and walk out onto the main space station gathering space. I check my watch, it's 7 am now. I sit on the edge of a ledge and stare out a window, I can see the earth from here. Humanity has been living on this space station for 100 years now, but we still aren't used to it. We're still getting used to gravity and the fact that everything is connected through thick glass. The view of the planet Earth from here is amazing. I could spend hours looking out the window, trying to find something worth seeing. The world outside is so beautiful, and the colors are so vibrant. I close my eyes and imagine what it must have looked like when humans first saw it. But, eventually, my thoughts turn towards my future, my return to earth.

I feel nervous. And excited.

Ever since I found out I had been chosen to return to earth, I've been thinking of nothing else. But more importantly, I've thought of little else. I have never known what the future holds for me. What kind of person will I become back on earth? How will I live? Will I be able to make friends? It seems like there is so much to wonder about. Suddenly, a warm hand is thrust upon my shoulder. I turn my head and see my best friend, Logan Hudson. He smiles and waves his hand in front of my face. His brown hair sticks out a little bit on top of his head. He is several inches taller than me and has deep green eyes. I smile weakly at him and wave back.

Logan and I met in grade school. Even though we were separated by different schools we quickly became friends. Our parents were very similar; they both loved books, classical music, math, and science. They both had dreams of one-day becoming chief engineers of the spaceship or teachers for the children on the spaceship. Although our personalities clashed sometimes, we still managed to work together, making sure nothing happened to the kids on the ship. We knew we were responsible for their safety and well-being. We wanted the children to be free to explore and grow, and to hopefully live the rest of their lives on earth, and not in this space station.

We sat silently beside each other waiting for the others to show up. Finally, we saw the rest of the 100 teenagers come running through the airlock leading to the gathering center. We ran down to meet them. I can see the worry in their eyes. I also see sadness and hurt, especially for those of us who are staying on earth for good.

Once everyone gathered, we stood at attention and saluted each other. We then formed a circle. Our leader stood tall among us. He turned around and faced us. He said something that made me freeze. "Hello fellow hundred teenagers, we all know why we are here. Our mission will commence today in approximately 30 minutes. Please wait patiently till the briefing starts." His voice was firm, stern even. He then took off his cap and placed it gently on the ground near him. "May the heavens bless and protect us." As he finished speaking, all of us joined hands, praying to whatever god was out there for our safe return.

A woman's voice spoke, "Hello, you are the 100 teenagers chosen to return back to earth to see if it is safe for our return," I recognized her, she was the chosen president of the space shift. Alexandria Clauson.

She continued, "You may begin your descent now. Good luck, and may God protect you on the way," her eyes twinkled. Then she walked away, giving the signal for us to follow her.

The 100 of us followed Alexa across the open space station. She led us to a set of stairs. "Please remain close together and do not get separated, please," she said as she began to climb the stairs.

After a few minutes of climbing the stairs, I hear the unmistakable sound of a shuttle docking. "Stand ready. All students," Alexa shouted above all of us.

Alexa stops on the landing of the shuttle. She takes out a small device, presses a button and the doors of the shuttle slide open to reveal the red and gold interior of the shuttle. "All passengers enter the shuttle and report to your assigned seat."

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