Chapter 12: Coffee

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🐵 Shaun 🐵

hey we need to meet at a different coffee place today


we just need to

its closed


Where else do you want to meet?

i found another one, i'll send you the address


Katy trudged up the steep hill towards the navy blue building. Apple red painted the metal window panes and door posts, popping out against the ocean colored walls. She stepped in and ordered a cup of drip black coffee- not currently in the mood for her usual sugary order- and sat at a table at the back, far from the dark windows. Time passed and the line at the counter grew, Shaun joining once the crowd had died down.

"So do you want to tell me why we had to go to a different coffee place?" Shaun asked. Katy looked up from her phone. "I was a block away from the Starbucks we usually go to and I passed it and checked what was wrong with it and there was nothing. It wasn't closed, it was actually surprisingly quiet, and there were no Martians or aliens." Katy hid her lips with the heel of her palm and squeaked out an answer.

"Your um..." She began. "Your sister was there..." Shaun resisted the urge to roll his eyes and spoke up.

"I told you to just talk with her!" He said. "She'll probably understand-"

"Exactly!" Katy said. " 'Probably!' You don't know what she'll say- she probably doesn't even remember it and I'm making this huge deal out of it!" Katy ran her fingers through her charcoal hairline. "I don't know what's worse, that I may be over reacting or under reacting."

"It's defiantly an overreaction." Katy opened her mouth. "Don't tell me it's not! Just-" He took a breath, calming himself. "Just text her. Please? Chances are she wants to know how you feel." Katy pulled out her phone and swiped up and to the left four times before clicking the grassy colored icon. Her thumbs flicked above the keyboard, typing nothing unbeknownst to Shaun. She set her phone on the table and finished her coffee. Shaun smiled. "How hard was that?" Katy hid her face behind her mug.

"Not at all," she answered. Because nothing was said. She finished in her mind.

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