As I watch the horizon
On my long drive back
I can't erase the feeling
This isn't my place

I've been in a few places now
That I've called "home"
Yet no matter where I am
I haven't found my peace

I can't keep living this life
Where I lie to everyone I know
I can't be real with anyone
Because nobody is home

I want to find my spot
The one where it all makes sense
The one where when I look at the horizon
I don't dream of giving in

I've met my goal to be a graduate
But life made it harder for me now
The path I always wanted to take
Became an impossible battle

I want to just start over
With where I am
Who I talk to
What I do

I can't go on like this
The girl in the shadow
The one who trusts the wrong people
Then ends up completely hollow

I feel the end is near
I feel close to my destiny
Like the place and the people
They aren't far away from me

I may leave this all behind
In search of something new
But I think I'll come to find
This time will be the last

It's all I can hope for
A future I can claim
That way I don't stand in the mirror
Feeling hopeless again

I am done being used
Done playing stupid games
I want to find real connection
Even if it takes a couple tries

I'm not just talking about a man
I'm talking about it all
My friends, my work, my house
And of course, my dogs

I have grown tired in my search
It made me weak to the game
I refuse to let these people hold me back
For their own selfish gain

It's hard to break the ties
To leave behind what you know
I believe it will be worth it in the end
When I can finally say "I'm home"

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