As the sun goes down
The stars come out
My room grows dark
Where do I stand

One year ago
I would've denied
Nobody knew
When I cried

Each night I fought
My brain and thoughts
It was a constant battle
Separate from everyone else

The people that knew me
They swore I was fine
Each time something was wrong
I would just hide

My friends were the boat
I was the anchor
They depended on me
To hold their lives together

That rope that was thrown
Was never brought in
After constant use
The thread snapped

The one thing that tied me
To that old hopeless boat
Taken by the tide
Away from all my friends

When I thought I was lost
Trash in the middle of the ocean
I was retrieved from the water
A handsome gentleman

Instead of being the anchor
Leaving my pain to myself
The man allowed me to be more
He saw I needed help

When the sun faded
My room grew dark
The old sensation
Fell apart

Instead of being alone
Night after night
My man was right next to me
Letting me breathe

After pretending so long
It was so relieving
To finally relax
To begin my healing

That gentleman
Changed my life
There for each other
It felt right

When I lay in my bed
My thoughts persisting
He's there to hold me
To love me and kiss me

The old me
The fake one
The anchor
Washed away

The new me
My real emotions
Became all he knew

I thank my friends
For losing their anchor
It brought me to that man
My sweet sailor

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