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The cold night did not bother the girl, "what are you thinking about?" Sinu Han sat next to the girl with brown ponytails, the girl smiled at Sinu.

She breathed the night air which most people said was unhealthy the girl liked it instead, no matter how many people said the same thing, she would never listen to anyone.

"You always spend time here, think about him again?" asked Sinu again opening his voice because he didn't get an answer from the girl, "what for? he's a bastard who left the bigdeal and chose money and threw away that romance."

The girl's voice sounded soft, Sinu smiled a little, "I know you, you were the first with the sister's here before I arrived, I know you very well, Na Sarang."

Hearing that, the girl named Sarang smiled slightly at the man she considered like her own biological brother.

"Oppa, I'm very happy that you're finally back here, I'm just wondering if he's really living well there?" asked Sarang leaning on the shoulder that has carried a lot of weight since childhood until now.

"Maybe yes or no, you know? Money can buy everything, but family can't be bought with money, I'm sure he still remembers you to this day, because only you can make Samuel Seo follow your words." Sinu said stroking Sarang's shoulder gently.

"Hey, it's already midnight go to sleep, tomorrow you have to help me open a shop," Sarang and Sinu looked at Yeonhee who didn't know when they were there.

"I can't sleep..." Sarang said still in her position, "don't be jealous of your sister, let her stay here first." Sinu said to Yeonhee, "it's already 2 am, just force it, go."

Yeonhee didn't care about Sinu's words and pulled Sarang's arm leaving the vast ocean not far from the bigdeal street.

~ ~ ~

"Hoam~ the best morning mood..." Jake Kim didn't realize that someone was already sitting not far from his place, "Hey! my eyes can be stained seeing that."

Hearing someone's voice, Jake raised his zipper again in a hurry to discourage him from urinating, "Fortunately I haven't opened it yet, you can be enchanted~"

Sarang ignores Jake and takes a sip of her still hot coffee, "Are you the guardian of the sea here? Every time I come here you are always there." Jake approached Sarang who was not interested in seeing his handsome face.

Seeing the coffee in Sarang's hand, "oh I want too~" without saying anything Jake grabs the coffee from Sarang and takes a sip before the girl speaks.

"Still ho- t." She chuckled at Jake's ridiculous behavior, "AH! IT'S HOT!"

Jake returned the coffee and rubbed his tongue which felt like it was burning, "Why didn't you say so before! You did it on purpose, right?!" Jake looks at Sarang annoyed while the one he stares at laughs, "Who told you takes it~" Sarang again blows on the coffee before she drinks.

Jake reached into his trouser pocket and took out a cigarette, before he could light it, Na Sarang had snatched the cigarette from his hand, "don't smoke near me, how many times have I told you?"

Jake took his things again, "I'm not Samuel Seo who wants to obey you tch~" He again intended to light his cigarette but Sarang's gaze made him shiver.

Jake returned to discourage him. "I'm kidding, are you angry because of a cigarette or because I mentioned your ex-boyfriend's name?" asked Jake's with a mischievous smile.

"Cigarette, go there you ruin my morning mood!" Sarang snapped intending to leave him, "I have your boyfriend's number, do you want it? I know you're still thinking about that boy~ hey listen to me, he's happy there living with lots of women, just snap his fingers, any woman will fall for him immediately~" said Jake devilish smile.

Sarang stares at Jake flatly, "Me and him don't have any relationship, besides, only a stupid woman would fall for someone like him."

Jake looked at Sarang with a mocking look, "you're one of them~" after saying that he immediately ran away before Sarang could throw a stone at him, "gosh, why did his character get worse when he left prison?" she took another sip of the already warm coffee and then returned to the shop before Yeonhee mad at her.

~ ~ ~


Someone's footsteps entered the Chinese restaurant, "Where have you been, oppa?" Sinu sit on a chair in front of the girl. "Recruiting the chairman of Gangseo Middle School, hey please make ramyeon for oppa."

Sinu ordered casually, the girl obeyed without resistance, "It's as easy as ordering Sarang to cook! You can do it yourself right?" Yeonhee threw a punch but Sinu avoided it. "Osoi! My little sister is obedient, it's different from you sis, aigo~ the weather so hot..."

Soon the ramyeon order arrived, "here, eat it." Sarang said again eating her cold ramyeon.

"Hm? oppa didn't ask for a drink..." Sinu said looking at Sarang who was sitting in front of him, "the weather today is hot, how can it be possible to only eat but not drink, if you don't want to i'll take it again."

Sarang said flatly, making Sinu excited to ruffle the short black hair. "Hey! my hair is a mess!" shouted Sarang annoyed that Sinu didn't respond, "You are the best! Enjoy your meal!"

Yeonhee just smiled at the interaction, and chose to leave them.

"Why did oppa recruit the chairman of Gangseo Middle School? To be the successor?" asked Sarang still focused on her food. "Well, I'm already 19 years old. There should be a successor to replace me guarding this street, but that boy refused firmly, what can I do..." Sinwoo's voice sounded resigned.

"I want to be oppa's successor! I can hit people too!" Sarang said confidently making Sinu smile.

"Little kid like you can't do that."

Noan, who had just arrived, brushed Sarang's hair making the girl look at him annoyed, "If your sister allows, i'll choose you to be my successor, but she really doesn't like it~" Sinu said sipping the cold drink that Sarang brought earlier.

Hearing that, Sarang looked resigned. "I'm a big girl, don't call me a kid Noan, just take care of your weird hair!" Sarang snorted in annoyance, making Sinu laugh out loud at Sarang's words.

Noan looked at Sarang, "Hey! I'm older than you!" said Noan disapprovingly, "just a few years please." Sarang flatly refused.

"What about Samuel Seo? Does he want?" asked Sinu with his tone turning serious.

"Neither Samuel Seo, Sinu Hyung nim he doesn't accept it when he finds out that I'm one of your subordinates. The kid looks angry when he finds out that Hyung recruited Jake Kim directly, I don't know what he did and also that kid... is he really still in middle school? He's according to rumors indeed cruel, what now hyung?" asked Noan submissively.

"It's hard to force if they don't want to, just wait and see, have you eaten? Let's eat together." Offer Sinu.

"Sarang, make me ramyeon~" Noan said casually while Sarang looked at him disapprovingly, "make it yourself." Said Sarang tidied her own plate and rushed back to the clothing store.

"Hey, don't forget the 3 magic words if you want her to obey, how can she be told to do that, you!" Sinu said warningly, "she really doesn't want to listen to me, she only obeys if it's Sinu hyung who asks." Hearing that Sinu nodded, "Actually not really..."

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