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"You late, again?" asked the aunt in the restaurant, "i'm sorry ahjuma, the food stall was more crowded than usual so I can't come back sooner..."

Sarang looks down in shame, how can she not be ashamed? The aunt in this restaurant took her back after she had stopped because of Sinu's orders and now she is still accepted. The aunt likes to give the restaurant food that is still left, which also sometimes gives extra pocket money, even the salary is never deducted because it is often late .

Auntie feels bad for Sarang and is curious as to why this child chooses to work instead of focusing on school and forgets about her own health. "Hey! have you eaten?" Aunt asked seeing Sarang who was still in position.

"Yes, i just did..." aunt smiled a little, "don't keep lying, eat first after that back to work." Aunt rubbed Sarang's shoulder and returned to serving customers.

~ ~ ~

The night was getting late, with languid steps the girl with shoulder-length hair saw the shops on the street that were already closed, she wanted to go straight to bed in the middle of the street because she was really tired but it was impossible but for some reason her feet stepped here instead.

"The jacket is still here, how is your life there? It's been a year since you and Sinu oppa have been gone... Do you enjoy playing with other women there?! Samel Seo! Why are you here Sarang stupid!" Sarang threw Samuel's jacket a second later, she tidied it up again and put it where it was.

Unknowingly, Jake and friends who were eavesdropping looked confused, realizing that Sarang's steps were getting closer, they left the place before they were caught.

"She seems to have 2 personalities, she was sad and then angry like that.." Jason said and Brad and Jerry agreed, "still thinking about him? even though it was already a year ago Na Sarang..." Gimyung thought.

"Come on, eat ramen, it looks like she's taking a break right away," said Jake, agreed by the others. "Then hurry up and eat before she finds out, I already miss this ramen too." Jake enjoyed his hot ramen.

~ ~ ~

"... Why did you get injured like this? who did you beat up?" asked Sarang cleaning the wounds that had dried up, "it's not a serious wound."

Hearing that, Sarang gave a slap. Jake winced and looked at the girl confused. "Hey! Why did you slap me? You think it doesn't hurt?!" Sarang smiled, "I slapped you lightly, so be quiet before a lot of maggots grow~"

Jake gave her a flat look, "stop talking nonsense."

"Ah, slow down, this hurts too!"

Sarang cleaned up the blood-stained cotton earlier and threw it away keeping the first aid kit, "Is everything going well? Your job, you don't do anything weird, do you?" Jake didn't answer and stood up to get a cold drink not far from him, Sarang was still waiting there for the boy's answer.

Don't mind me, just focus on your business, I'll do anything to get Sinu Hyung back, that's what you want too right?" Jake took a sip of the soda, "You... what do you do? other than at the auntie's restaurant? I want to know too."

Sarang seems to think she is imitating what Jake did, heads to the fridge and sits back down, "Why are you curious? It's none of your business right?"

Jake stared at her flatly. "Answer, you're not working weird right? You looks ..."

Sarang exhaled heavily, "early in the afternoon at the mini market, late in the evening at the food stall, and until late at the aunt's restaurant, are you happy now?" Sarang takes a sip of her soda.

Jake rubbed his forehead gently, "Don't push yourself too hard and I've been seeing Samuel Seo lot lately, do you want to meet him?" asked Jake looking at Sarang who was silent for a moment then he looked at Jake who seemed to be really waiting for an answer from her.

"For what? I don't care anymore, why are you asking this?" Sarang asked, "maybe you miss your lover? It's been a long time, right."

Sarang folds her arms across her chest. "Hey, I have no feelings for that person anymore, I'm just wondering if he gets what he wants like he said before?" Jake smiled a little "Yeah. He got it, as he said, you don't like him anymore right?"

"Of course not, it's good that his life is better." Jake can be seen breathing a sigh of relief, "it's good that I'm relieved."

Sarang stared at Jake for a long time. "You don't have any feeling for me, do you?" she asked with innocent face, Jake stared at the girl in front of him for a long time. "Yes i do have, i like you as a girl, what would you do?" asked Jake while Sarang stood up from her seat and approached Jake and rubbed his shoulder.

"Hey listen. I don't know if you're serious or joking but, believe me it's just your feelings, that will change like me who doesn't feel anymore after he left, don't trust your heart too much." Sarang leaves Jake there.

Jake smiled a little. "I hope so..." Jake thought, sipping his soda again. Then decided to go with Jason and Brad to work as usual.

~ ~ ~

"Jiho's friends are making trouble, they ask us to return Jiho's money, how is this?" while Jake looks thinking. "Don't worry, we often encounter problems like this, right?"

"Good job everyone, come back, and don't forget your umbrellas." All members bowed respectfully to Jake, just leaving that place, 2 people who claimed to be Jiho's friends confronted him.

"Give back Jiho's money." Jake smiled looking at that person, "don't want to~" while that person didn't like it and of course there was a small fight there, "boy, please shave your beard first before coming here."

"It's great that you survived this far, what exactly is your body made of?" Jiho's friend who looked like a thug kept getting up every time he fell, "You advanced because your boss lost, didn't you?" the big ear tried to fight against Jake but was stopped, "Gun Park?"

~ ~ ~

"Sarang have you heard?" Yeonhee asked her sister who was busy daydreaming. "Yes, from Jerry, sis, can I ask you to make some hot tea, please?" Yeonhee rushed to make Sarang's order,

"He really.. I can't stop thinking about Jake Kim, my head... aish!"

After sipping some of the hot tea. "Jerry do you want to come? meet Jake?" Jerry enthusiastically tidied up his books and got ready, "You're really excited, aren't you?" Sarang and Jerry rush to visit Jake and friends.

"I thought you would get angry? It's been 2 minutes just standing there.." Sarang stared flatly at Jake Kim while Jerry stood by her side. "Now I understand, why did you forbid me from playing Toto and didn't tell me about the business you were running, right? I don't even know what expression to make now, whether I want to be angry or laugh."

"That's all you want to say? go there" Sarang held back her laughter.

"Where are your teeth?" no answer from Jake who is annoyed, "good let's just say you can rest and prison food is better right? than ramen? you think I don't know you guys are eating ramen secretly? what about the Jason and Brad?"

"Still discussing ramen? They're fine, I feel guilty for dragging them here, those jerks I'll definitely pay back later! Jerry you study hard right?"

Jake turned to Jerry who didn't say a word, "That's right hyung, I study hard and practice the flute well, the flute that you gave me takes good care of it."

Jake is happy to hear that. "Study properly and don't make trouble in your school."


"Visiting time is over!"

"Give my regards to both of them, me and Jerry will visit often." Sarang stood up. "Hey, no one is guarding you there, I leave the streets of bigdeal and the sisters to you, and Jerry."

Sarang smiled "don't worry, we'll be fine there, Jerry is still with us, then we'll go."

Jake looked at the two shoulders until they disappeared from his sight, "Sorry to put you in this situation, even though Sinu hyung ask me to keep them save." Jake felt really guilty.

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