Chapter 1- The Beginning

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Obanai's POV

Mitsuri is so cute, i could stare at her for days. She has a kind personality, gorgeous pink eyes and a great heart that can make anyone fall for her. I want to tell her how i feel but i am too scared.

Fast forward two weeks

I'm gonna do it, im ready. i hope she feels the same. I walked up to her nervous when i spotted Shinobu walk up to her first holding roses and then KISSING her. I was shocked, Shinobu got there first. I was sad, filled with rage but i knew i had to accept the fact that she had found someone right for her.

I quickly fled the scene and climbed my favourites spot to weep. I started crying in my tree whilst Kaburamaru was wiping my tears away when Giyuu suddenly appeared, making me jolt, he was only sitting inches away from my mouth. I could feel his hot breath on my neck. "A tissue?" Giyuu asked, and i hesitantly accepted it. He saw me crying, i was so embarrassed. "Did you see all that?" I questioned him. "No, I only saw you crying in this tree, i want to know what happened" He said in a gentle tone. I hesitated thinking whether or not i can trust him but i saw a humbled smile on his his face so i started blurted out how i loved Kanroji and now she's in love with Shinobu, but i'm not mad at her it's just that i'm sad it's not me. Giyuu looked sympathetic towards me and embraced me into a hug, I push him back and he goes to his usual glum look.

Giyuu's POV

After hearing that I felt like i needed to be there to support him and i tried to hug him but he pushed me away and said he doesn't like hugs. I understood and dropped my smile. For some reason he manages to put a smile on my face whenever i see him. It makes me happy.

"How about some food, will that cheer you up?" I ask. He nodded and said to be ready at 5pm. So i did as he asked and was walking to his estate at 4:50pm to pick him up. When I saw him I noticed he was wearing the most beautiful black and white striped kimono. I stood there mesmerized until he snapped me out of my zone. "Why are you staring, it's just a kimono" He said with a confused tone. "You just look really good" I said but knowing he looked really hot, I was gonna die.

"Let's go then, we don't have all day" He said in an aggressive tone. He looked quite flustered.I followed him until we saw this restaurant. We sat down to eat so Iguro could relieve himself from all the stress he has. "I will have a simmered salmon with daikon please" I said politely "I will have the same thanks" Iguro said. Whilst we waited for our food i tried to make small talk, "So how have you been since... you know?" I intriguingly asked. "I've been ok, still pissed but i bet spending time with you will help, since you seem like a trust-worthy person". I knew he wouldn't let go of her that easy but i wished he did.

Iguro's POV

Giyuu seems surprisingly trusting, i have never seen this side of him before, i like it. WAIT what! Me like Giyuu, ha pathetic ... oh wait why am i thinking about him AHHH!!!!!

Our food arrived and Giyuu smiled at the arrival of his favorite food. I love when he smiles. STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM. "Arrigato" we both said before eating our food. Giyuu finishes his food fast, but I take forever, he waited for me to finish my food so that we could talk for awhile to get rid of the past. I soon finished and the kind worker took our empty bowls. "Did that help?" He asked, hoping for a positive answer. "Sort of, the food was delicious but it wasn't enough to forget her" I said. I want him to stay a bit. "Don't worry cause that's not the only thing planned for tonight" He winked and made me blush a little, luckily i'm still wearing my mask otherwise he would have noticed.

He lead the way, going to many different stores when we finally stopped at this specific store where I would get Mitsuri food. A sad expression appeared on my face. Giyuu noticed the sad look I gave and said to forget about her but i couldn't. So Giyuu then dragged me into the store and bought me some Sakura Mochis. "Why'd you get that, it reminds me of her even more" I questioned but in response he said it's a toast to forget her for good. I chuckled at his small action and ate the Mochis.

Giyuu's POV

I tried to cheer him up and it seem to work since he was more talkative. We wondered around looking for things to buy when we looked at the time and realized it was getting late. "Would you mind if I walked you home?" I asked, hoping he would accept, which of course he did. As we were walking home, we noticed how nice the flowers look at night and how wonderful the lighting was. I was shaking because of how handsome Iguro looked at that moment. "Uh... Giyuu" shit I zoned out again. "Sorry, just seeing you in this lighting is so good" did I say that out loud. He giggled under the mask and i saw he was flattered.

I asked why he always wore a mask, he said it was because his face was morphed into something horrible. "Why don't you show me? You trust me, right" I said whilst waiting for a reply, he looked shy but finally spoke. "I'm sure you would find me ugly if you knew what I looked like under this." He said, doubting if he wanted me to see him in that way. "I don't care what you look like, as long as it's you i'm staring at then i'm sure it would be beautiful no matter what scars you have, it just shows how brave you are and how you survived a traumatizing event" He blushed and looked up straight into my eyes, knowing I was telling the truth so as slow as possible he took down his mask and it made me freeze. SO PRETTY.

I stood there shocked, Iguro thought I didn't like it so he tried to pull it back up, in shame of how he looks but I pulled it back down for him. "I think you look gorgeous with and without the mask" He blushed like hell, only then did I realize how I was touching his lips and how close I was to them. I could feel his shaky, hot breath on my neck, and it felt amazing. Without thinking I looked him in the eyes and stared for a moment, admiring his two different coloured eyes which were so hot. He blushed and I quickly pecked him on the lips not realizing what I did. I stood there whilst our lips were still touching. I shortly came back to life and saw what I did, I jumped back thinking about what I had done but soon after he pulled my kimono and grabbed me in for another kiss.

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