Chapter 3 - Awkward

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Obanai's POV

My back really hurts, did I sleep awkward. I gasped at the sight of Giyuu in my bed, what's he doing here? "Morning sunshine" what did he say, sunshine. Who does he think he is? "Tonight was fun, I hope to do it again sometime 😏" he said whilst smiling. What happened last night I can't remember, wait. THAT WASN'T A DREAM. OMG HELP PLEASE SAY HE'S KIDDING. "Umm did that really happen..." I asked. "Of course, you seemed like you enjoyed every bit of it". 

Giyuu's POV

It's kinda sad knowing he hoped it was a dream I really enjoyed it but he might not have. "Anyway, we have a hashira meeting today so get ready, i'm going to my house to get spare clothes so see you then. Goodbye love." I saw him blush when I said that, maybe he did like it.

Hashira Meeting (Still Giyuu's Pov)

I got there quite early, there was only me, Rengoku, Uzui and Shinobu. They were morning people, also annoying people. "Giyuu I'm so glad to see you are still alive after 6 months" Rengoku yelled, I think he has a problem with his hearing or he's just really loud. "Surprised only us four are here, surely Sanemi hasn't died, right" Uzui butted in. "Well we're quite early so we just have to be patient Uzui-san" Shinobu spoke up. Soon Mitsuri arrived and Rengoku starting running to her, hugging her and almost breaking each others ribs. Then Gyomei and Muichiro arrived, I'm pretty sure Muichiro sees Gyomei as his father and Gyomei thinks Muichiro is one of the children from his past (no spoilers, maybe)

Finally, Obanai arrived. My face began turning a shad of pink after thinking of him last night. He ignored me and climbed his tree, was he mad? Master walked up to the doors of the HQ, glaring at us happy to see all of us here, except Sanemi. He calmly waited for Sanemi to turn up since he wasn't here. We waited for half an hour until we heard an exhausted man run up to us. It was Sanemi, he explained how Genya had left the door open and rats flooded the room so he had to clean has whole house to dispose of the rats. Master smiled and Sanemi quickly joined us, still out of breath. 

"We all wish you a prolonged life sir" Mitsuri said whilst squealing because she finally got to greet him. I am glad to see that my top children are all safe and well. I have a mission for all of you but you have to be in groups of two. "Sorry to interrupt but can I be the one to have a solo mission since there's only 9 of us" Sanemi asked. "Sure as long as the demon gets killed. This mission is fairly simple and normally for the lower ranks but I believe don't all get along so I am putting you in duos" I prayed, hoping I would be with Obanai. "The groups are Rengoku and Muichiro, Gyomei and Shinobu, Mitsuri and Tengen last but not least Giyuu and Obanai. I hope you can use this to get along with one another especially Giyuu and Obanai" I'm getting along with Obanai real well. "R & M Fukuoka, G & S Osaka, M & T Sapporo, Sanemi Nara and G & O Kyoto. Be safe hashira and don't forget to cooperate."

Obanai's POV

Fuck. Out of everybody there i'm with HIM. Why master. "Oh Obanai before you go have some food to get him to talk, I really wish for him to be more social." "Will do sir see you soon and take care, goodbye" I walked up to Giyuu and saw his smirk on his face. "What are the odds we get put together" I blushed, "Maybe the gods know we did it and is punishing us for it" ( Tengen rn: 😮😧) "Maybe but he told us to get along so I'm gonna follow that advice" All of us split up, heading towards our locations. "Hey Giyuu, do you maybe want to stop here for food since I haven't eaten today" ""Oh is this a date?" He chuckled. I got flustered and starting denying even though I kinda like the thought of having a date with the man who took my virginity. We headed into a ramen shop and sat on high chairs. "I will have the shio ramen and you?" I said asking Giyuu what he wanted. Oh umm I will have the tonkotsu ramen with extra pork please" Giyuu politely. "Alright coming right up" She giggled and ran off to the kitchen. 

We sat there silently. I broke the silence "By any chance do you have anything on your mind, i'm curious of what you think about" "I have one person on my mind" "Who is it?" I asked "You" He smiled, so corny must.. resist... from ... bullying him. I failed. "That's so corny" I felt my face heat up whilst hearing him say that. "But it's true, you're on my mind 25/8" He said an I sat there in shock. Does he care about me that much. He held my hands tightly and looked deep into my eyes. His ocean blue eyes were sinking me into an abyss of sea. "You mean the world to me, I love you to the moon and back" My eyes lit up at the thought of him loving me. "Is that true" I questioned him. "I mean every word and I'm hoping you feel the same." I looked away in awe and noticed the waiter staring at us like we were a 50 year old couple.

I let go of his hands and played with my thumbs as I saw the waiter walked over. "You two would make a cute couple" (I know it's like 1910 but it's my au) She stated as she walked off. Giyuu looked at me and I looked back. He had this weird grin on his face and I despised it. 

We started eating and he kept staring at me. "Is there something on my face?" I ask. "No i'm just looking at how cute you are" I rolled my eyes and continued eating. I surprisingly finished before Giyuu and started gathering my things, getting ready to leave. 

"Don't rush we have a whole week to do this mission it's fine" "They could be eating people right now as we eat" I said but he replied with "It's day time, relax". I sat down and waited impatiently for him to finish, he must've saw i was annoyed at how slow he was eating so he rammed it down his throat in a matter of seconds. I saw him gulped it down and Omg his throat looks hot. Fuck no hate him. "Let's go then shall we" He said while holding his out for me to grab, I hit it and got up myself.

Giyuu's POV

Why is he ignoring me? Did I do something wrong? We started running towards the city Kyoto and I noticed Iguro was being unusually quiet. "Iguro did I do something?" He stopped. "You've never called me by my last name"

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