Chapter 7- Revealed

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Obanai's POV

Ugh my back is killing, why'd you go so rough? I got up and headed to the bathroom to have a nice hot shower. I had to go on a mission with Gyomei so I had to get ready early. I was getting dressed and saw that Giyuu was still sleeping. He's so cute and he's mine. I grabbed my sword to attach to my waist and quickly pecked his forehead before leaving to meet up with Gyomei. He wanted to meet at a waterfall hmm weird. I ran to the location and saw him pushing a boulder down the hill no wonder he's the strongest hashira. "Hey Obanai." He yelled as he threw the rock away. "So where we heading?" I asked. "Shibuya. Also once we defeat the demon I need to pick up some clothes for Mui he said he needed some." He said."I swear he's your adopted child." I said chuckling. "Hmm good idea." He said and started running. "Wait. We have until dawn we don't need to rush." I called out.

Giyuu's POV

Aww he left. Shit I have a mission with Tengen. I quickly got ready and rushed to the sound mansion. I was greeted by his three wives and they led me to him. "Woah you're fancy." I said. He dramatically spun on his spinny chair and looked me dead in the eyes. "Have you been dating someone?" He asked. I blushed crazy. "No..." I shouted. "Oh cause you seem more talkative meaning someone has come into your life." His expression was scary. I guess I have lightened up. "Well anyway we have to go to Shibuya masters orders." He shouted, back to his annoying self. We left and headed straight for the city. "I need to get dresses for the girls so we're going ✨shopping✨" He yelled. I groaned as he pulled me into a billion stores. I started getting dizzy. It was night and I spotted a demon. "Hey Tengen I see it." I softly spoke and ran in the demons direction. Tegen followed with a million bags on his shoulders. His eyes showed former lower 2 maybe he wasn't strong enough weird. "Two hashiras sent for this tiny demon." Tengen shouted. "Don't underestimate it. He could be strong" I said observing the cowering demon. It fell to it's hands and knees. "Please kill me I'm sick of human flesh that's why I was kicked out of the twelve kizuki." He begged. "Pathetic. What a waste of lives gone to make you strong just for you to say you're sick of it. What a shame I was expecting a fighter not a begger." My face went to a cold stare showing no sympathy.In a matter of seconds my sword reached his neck and cut it clean. I cleaned my sword and put it away. "That was easy. Let's get back to shopping." Tengen said. "Ugh." I moaned. 

Obanai's POV

"Kaw Kaw Demon defeated." A crow shouted. "Well since that's over let's go get my so- Muichiro some new clothes."  Gyomei said almost slipping up. I hope Giyuu's ok I left without saying a word. Gyomei was quite the shopper he knew where everything was and how much they were. "That'll be 30,086.19 yen." the cashier said. I was shocked how much did Muichiro want but I looked in the bags and saw matching outfits XXL and M (Mui likes baggy clothing.) 

Luckily we are rich since we're hashira. We left and spotted a familiar loud and flashy voice, it was Tegen with mountains of bags. I saw legs of someone but their face was blocked by the bags. "Hi Tengen why've you got so much?" I ask. "These are for my wives but why has Gyomei got kids clothing?" He said. "These are for Muichiro." Gyomei spoke up. "Ahh I guess you brought one of your wives." I butted in. "What no." He said. "Then who is that?" I ask. "Who him? That's Giyuu." I blushed as I saw Giyuu step infront of the bags. "Oh hey Giyuu." My whole body was steaming hot. "Hey Obi." He said. Tengen whispered something into Giyuu's ear. Giyuu turned extremely red. Tengen giggled. "Hey how about we get drinks all on me." Tengen suggested. "Sure I don't see why not." Gyomei said. "Alright Let's go." Tengen yelled.

Tengen called his wives to come get the bags and Gyomei called Muichiro. We saw a fancy bar empty so we decided to go there. I sat down on high stools and the rest joined me. "What do you guys want?" The kind man asked. "Two shots of Vodka." I said. "Woah someone wants to be drunk. Don't forget about last time." Tengen said. "What happened last time?" Giyuu asked. "Obanai had 1 shot of tequila and passed out straight away he has the worst tolerance to alcohol." Tengen shared the most embarrassing story of my life. Giyuu giggled and I blushed of course no one saw cause of my mask. "I'll have a beer thanks, you?" Tengen said. "Umm I'll have the same as obanai." Giyuu said. "I will have a bottle of Tequila." Gyomei said, I guess big guys can take a lot of alcohol. "Coming right up." The man went to the back to make our drinks. 

5 minutes later he came back with all our drinks. "Thanks." I yelled before I chugged down both shots. "Slow down." Tengen said as he sipped his beer. My world started going dizzy even though I worked on my tolerance. "Let's dance wooo~" I screamed as I dragged myself to the disco part of the bar. Tengen laughed "This is gonna be a good night. Hey sir get me some Vodka shots" "Okay." The man rushed and made them in less than a minute. "Wow thanks." Tengen gulped the shots and started dancing. I couldn't feel a thing my head was spinning and my heart was racing I felt faint but I kept on dancing. "Work it Obanai." Tengen yelled. I started spinning on my head and felt the blood rush to my brain. Giyuu and Gyomei just watched us like single beat up middle aged moms. "Giyuu join us~" I could barely talk. He quickly drunk his drinks and walked to the dance floor. He stood there as me and Tengen tormented him. We waved his hands about and swayed his body. I think the alcohol kicked in cause he actually started dancing.

About thirty minutes in, us three were dancing and Gyomei finished his bottle and joined us. We were having a blast. Like there was no tomorrow. I ordered more drinks to get completely drunk and Giyuu did the same. The music calmed down and so did we, Tengen suggested we played truth or dare. "Hey Gyomei truth or dare?" Tengen asked. "Umm truth." Gyomei answered. "Is it true that you think of Mui as one of the orphans?" "Yes.~" "Ok Giyuu truth or dare?" Tengen asked. "Dare.~" Giyuu yelled. "I dare you to kiss Obanai." Giyuu lunged at me and pulled me into a sloppy kiss we both reeked of alcohol but I didn't care. We kissed for about 10 minutes until we realised who was here. "Woah I was right. You two are dating." Tengen said. "Yea so what.~" Giyuu said and held my hand. "He's mine so back off." He fainted due to the amount of alcohol he had.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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