Chapter 5 - The park

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~ Sean ~

Date: November 6th
I waited at the park for Jake. Im not gonna lie, we've been getting a LOT closer these past 4 days, and I think me crush is getting bigger..
I just feel like I can't keep my cool around him! I try my best not to blush uncontrollably from his passionate eyes and adorable laugh. When I get home I usually just scream into a pillow for like five minutes. I just hope he likes me back, but he probably doesn't..I don't even think he's gay!

I spotted Jake.

"Oh! Jake, over here!-" I called out for him. School ended an hour ago, and the park is only five minutes away from both of us, so we had time to get ready. He waved back and sat next to me.
"Hi!" Jake smiled.
I blushed a little, "Hey!"

We talked for hours. It was starting to get dark, but both our moms didn't care if we were out late, as long  as we didn't come back later than 9pm.

"What if we got boba?" Jake suggested. (A/N - Jake basically tryna fight his ED for his crush 😭)
"This late?" I chuckled.
"Yeah! Well, its only Seven pm. Come on, I think theres a stall down there!"

Jake took me by the hand as I agreed to it. Hm, he never usually eats. I know its a drink but still- We got boba and drank it together, talking. God, I felt so happy..

"Hey Sean?" Jake asked.
"Yeah?" I responded.
"..Have you ever been in love?"
"Um, yeah..I'm in love right now. I think.."
"Really??? With who??"
"Well..He's very passionate and likes to sing. Not very many people like him but..I do."
"Oh its a he?? Cool!"


"Uhh..Im in love with a he too." Jake confessed.
"Huh?! Who??" I asked.
"Im not gonna tell you WHO but he's shy around people he doesn't know, he's always been there for me and he loves music."
Hmm..Drew? No. Definitely not, "I thought you like Daisy??"
"Nah. Not anymore."
"Oh, ok."

Well. He obviously doesn't love me. Hey maybe its someone in the music club?? I mean, Zander and Luke are together so..Wait...

"Um- I think I should start heading home now. Its late-"
"Oh, okay then. Bye Sean!"

I rushed home. Was he describing ME??

"Maybe I should confess on Monday??" I thought to myself. Probably not.. But I will do at some point!


A/N - 2 chapters until November 16th 😍
Word count - 425 words

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