Chapter 19 - Naïve

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~ Jake ~

I make my way into school. Everyone keeps laughing and loudly talking about me. What the hell? I know they know about the audio but they never make it obvious that they're talking about me.. Whatever, let me just find Sean.

"Sean! Hi!!" I call out to him before walking up next to him.
"..Hey, Jake.." Sean replies before taking a step back and looking at all the people laughing and staring at Jake.
"Whats up?"
"Nothing! Just- Ugh, I'll see you at lunch.." Sean replies before dashing off.

Maybe he's still a bit upset from yesterday and he just doesn't know how to handle his emotions? Yeah..Thats probably it..

~ Timeskip to lunch ~

I sit on a table, waiting for Sean. Its been a while, and he's not here yet..Maybe I should look for him?

I search around the whole school for Sean, but I can't seem to find him. I hope he's ok.. I faintly hear Daisy laugh; Daisy! Maybe she can help?

I follow the direction I heard her laugh. After a while, I saw Sean standing with Daisy.

"Sean, you're so funny!" Daisy giggles.
"Well, thank you!" Sean replies. They make eye contact, Sean ends up giving Daisy a kiss on the lips.
"I love you, Sean."
"I love you too, Daisy." Sean notices me, "Oh."

I feel my heart sink. My stomach churns as I fight back tears, "...What-.." I stutter.
"Wait..Don't tell me you thought I ACTUALLY loved you?! Oh my god! Jeez, you're so naïve!" Sean laughs.

I look at Daisy with a confused look; she looks at me and then Sean.

"I knew you were dumb. But I didn't think you were THAT dumb..I still can't believe he thought we ACTUALLY cared about him! Jake, no one cares about you. Everyone hates you." Daisy says. This has got to be a dream, right? There's no way Daisy would say that! But, it feels too real..

I run off to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall. I hear people laughing outside, but I do not care. I do not care for anything. I do not care about myself. I just sit on the ground and sob. I sob my heart out. I do really love Sean. But if he doesn't, then I just want him to be happy; I want him to live his life and be with the girl he loves!

I just wish he did that when we weren't together.

After a while, I walk out of the stall and splash my face with water at the sink. In the corner of my eye, I see the door the open.

Great, Drew..

"Jake?" Drew questions.
"What do you want.." I reply.
"You know..You're so worthless. I didn't actually WANT to be friends with you, I just felt bad for you! And also, it was all my idea to record you and get you kicked out of the club. I was lying. Everyone else was in on it, apart from the freaks, of course."
"Fuck off.."

I leave the bathroom. As I walk, I come across the music room. Maybe I should..

I open the door. Everyone looks at me.

"What the hell are you doing here?! And why are you crying?!" Hailey asks.
"I-..." I couldn't spit my words out, "Sean..He.."
Milly and Luke look at eachother then at me, "Did it finally happen?" Milly asks, "You know, Daisy and Sean?"
"Wha- How did you.."
"Oh yeah, Sean never loved you. Sean HATES you! He said he'll never forgive you." Luke adds.
"Wait..YOU WERE DATING SEAN?! WHAT THE FUCK, JAKE!?" Zander screams.
"Wait! I-I didn't know tha-"
"You didnt know WHAT?"

I stare at everyone, panic coating my eyes.

"Jake..Just kill yourself. No one wants you here." Zander softly speaks.
"I...Guess I don't have much else to live for.."
"Exactly! Look around Jake. EVERYONE hates you. Wake up!"

I jumped up from my bed, panting, drenched in cold sweat.

So, it was just a dream..

I calm myself down. Would Sean ever cheat on me? No, surely not..

A/N - Emo

Word count - 700

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