Chapter 11 - Project

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~ Jake ~

Well, working with Drew will certainly be..interesting. The teacher announced we had to create a powerpoint on historical landmarks; one powerpoint for each landmark. The landmarks were:
- The Roman Colosseum
- Hever Castle
- Parthenon
- The Statue Of Liberty
"You can start on these now, but they are due by next Wednesday!" The teacher said, "Now get to work."

As everyone began to talk and work on their project, me and Drew sat in silence for around a minute. It was extremely awkward..
"I'll do Hever Castle and The Statue Of Liberty, I guess.." Drew mumbled.
"Oh, um, Ok then.. I'll do the other two." I replied, my voice somewhat quiet.

I just wish things could go back to how they used to be! I felt kinda bad for flipping out at Drew, but then again, he was the one who got me kicked out of the club!


~ Drew ~

This. Is. TORTURE.

Well, we weren't really talking with eachother but still.

We were supposed to do all four powerpoints TOGETHER, but I'm not working with him..He thinks *I* did everything! I didn't send the audio OR come up with the plan! It was all Zoey and Lia. I only agreed to do it because Zoey threatened to break up with me if I didn't.

Dammit, I should've took that opportunity.

Now Jake is mad at me and im STILL not out of that hellhole relationship. Fuck my goddamn life..

"Hey, Drew..?" Jake asked me.
"Yeah?" I reply.
"Listen, I didn't give you a chance to explain, and I know how that feels so..What happened? With the audio..?"

I told him everything. It felt good to spill my heart out to someone. His eyes widened in shock.

"Oh my god, Drew, I-..I'm really sorry-!" Jake reassures me.
"Hey, its fine." I notice a couple bruises on Jakes face, "Jake? Whats with the bruises?" I ask. His face goes pale and his gaze grows stern.
"Um..Me and Zoey sorta- Got into a fight and-"
"You WHAT?!"

A couple people looked at us weirdly. Especially Zander and Hailey. I give everyone a look and they slowly turn around.

"Listen, don't make a big deal about it i'm fine-"
"She physically hurt you Jake. This is the last straw."
"I'm fine, Sean stepped in to help me-!" Jake realised what he said.
"Oh?? The guy you always blush around??" I tease him.
"I- Drew-!" He goes all flustered. I connected the dots.

Yep. I figured out they were dating.

After the lesson was over, I set off to find this Sean guy. Found him!

"Sean!" I call out.
"Huh-?" He sees me, "Drew??"
"Listen, I just want to thank you for helping Jake with Zoey. He could've gotten seriously hurt, so thanks I guess..Also, Sean.." I give him a death stare, "You ever hurt Jake and i'll rip you limb from limb, understand?"
"I don't plan on hurting him. I promise I won't do anything." Sean replies, very calm. It's concerning how he seemed so used to it??
"Good. Bye, I guess." I leave.

Are me and Jake friends now?

A/N - Sorry there's not alot of Jean!! I will make some more Jean chapters as we go along :)

Word count - 545 words

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