Chapter 5: Gorou Senpai

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Brian POV:

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Brian POV:

August 27th, 1997

Days turned into weeks, and it became evident that Yelan was avoiding me. Despite my attempts to talk to her, she always had an excuse to leave quickly, as if she was afraid of me. I couldn't understand why she was so scared that she couldn't even look me in the eye.

I had to choose between continuing to pursue Yelan despite her disapproval or focusing on myself and moving on.

My mind was preoccupied with thoughts about Yelan as I sat alone in the canteen, deciding to stay there instead of attending class. Since Mike was also absent from college that day, I was even more eager to leave and go home. However, just as I was about to go, Gorou Senpai unexpectedly sat down next to me. I could tell that he wanted to talk, but I wasn't sure what it is about.

Since my first day in college, I have known Gorou senpai. We first met on the bus that I took whenever Mike was absent. Gorou senpai is easily recognizable by his black clothes and black hair that covers half of his face. His striking light green eyes add to his calm and gentle demeanor. In addition to being a fourth-year MBBS student, he was also the student president of our college's student union.

Gorou senpai was always willing to help anyone in need. His reputation as a helpful senior made most of the seniors hesitant to rag us. As a hostler, he was against seniors who ragged students in the hostels, as well as bullies who enjoyed bullying others.

Unfortunately, his supportive nature towards us made him unpopular among his classmates and seniors. Despite this, he continued to stand by our side. However, some seniors tried to secretly rag the students in his absence.

Gorou senpai treats me and Mike like his own siblings, displaying his immense affection for us. In return, we held him in high esteem and were grateful for his affection towards us.

"Hey, Brian! What's up? Why do you look so sad?" Gorou Senpai asked, noticing my gloomy expression.

"It's nothing, senpai. I'm not feeling good right now, so I'm thinking of going home," I replied, forcing a smile.

"Don't lie to me, Brian. It's about that girl, isn't it?" Gorou Senpai said, seeing right through me. "Don't be confused, Mike told me everything about what's happening with her."

I couldn't believe Mike had blabbed about my crush to Gorou Senpai. "Damn it, Mike! How many people did you tell?" I thought to myself.

Trying to play it cool, I responded, "So he spilled everything to you, huh?"

Gorou Senpai nodded. "Yes, he told me how you're crazy about her and how she keeps avoiding you every time you try to approach her. It's no wonder you're feeling down and depressed, right?"

"You're right, she's the reason why I feel this way. I'm torn between letting her go and focusing on my own problems or chasing her relentlessly, even though there's no hope of her ever loving me back," I confided with a hint of sadness.

Gorou Senpai listened attentively before asking, "So, have you come to a decision yet, Brian?"

Shaking my head, I replied, "No, I haven't decided yet. But I was wondering, what would you do if you were in my position, Senpai?"

Gorou Senpai leaned back and let out a small sigh. "You know, Brian, I was in your shoes once. There was this girl named Amber who I had a massive crush on. I tried everything to get her to notice me, but she just wasn't interested. I asked her out multiple times, but she rejected me every time."

I perked up, curious to hear more about Senpai's experience. "What did you do, Senpai?"

"Well, at first, I was really depressed, just like you," Gorou Senpai said, a faint smile on his lips as he reminisced. "But then I decided to take a different approach. Instead of focusing on trying to win her over, I focused on becoming her friend. I tried to get to know her better and show her that I cared about her, without expecting anything in return."

"And did it work?" I asked eagerly.

Gorou Senpai nodded. "Eventually, it did. It took a while, but over time, she began to see me in a different light. I think she appreciated the fact that I was there for her, even when she wasn't interested in me romantically."

"I see," I said, feeling a glimmer of hope.

"But here's the thing, Brian," Gorou Senpai said, looking me straight in the eye. "You can't give up on her. Even if she doesn't feel the same way right now, that doesn't mean she never will. You never know what the future holds, so you have to keep trying and keep putting yourself out there. And who knows, maybe one day she'll see you the way you see her."

Feeling encouraged by Senpai's words, I thanked him, and now I know what I have to do. I left the canteen with a newfound sense of hope. Maybe there was still a chance for me and my Yelan after all.

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