27 Chapter

59 2 0

Chelsea's POV

"Morning, sleepy heads." I heard a loud voice which jolted me out of my sleep.

Someone's hands were wrapped around my waist, and I remembered that I had fallen asleep with Keith trying to calm me down. Now, my boyfriend was staring right at us in bed.

I quickly sat up, and that woke Keith. It was an embarrassing situation we were in.

"Are you two getting out of bed, or do I need to kick you out?" Finn playfully started boxing with me.

To my surprise, he wasn't mad in the slightest. Not even one mention of us sleeping in one bed.

"You don't want to say anything else?" I cocked one eyebrow.

He froze for a second. "I miss you." There was a lot of confusion on his face.

"I mean, about this situation?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Oh." He smiled. "I'm sorry I wasn't with you during the full moon." He stepped closer and slowly sneaked his hands around my waist. "Detention and all."

His answer confused me. God, this guy wasn't toxic at all. He trusted his friends and me so much that it didn't even appear to him to question us.

Finn pecked a kiss on my cheek and went downstairs.

"We are best friends for a reason," Keith commented behind me. "I would never sleep with his girlfriend or vice versa. We trust each other."


When I went downstairs, Ryan and Hiro were explaining something in a horrible rush.

"What is going on?" I stepped off the last step and wrapped my arms around Finn's upper arm, leaning my head on his body.

"Um..." Ryan's eyes switched between Hiro and me. "We have found a girl in a forest. Dead."

Something inside me twisted as I took a hitched breath in.

"Dead?" I gripped tighter around Finn's arm. "Who killed her?"

"A werewolf." Hiro interrupted. "As always. The girl was in primary school too."

Time memories from yesterday flashed in front of me: the shifting, running through the woods, seeing the moon. Maybe in between all that, I had spare time to butcher a small girl...

"Just this time... The view was ghoulish. The other victims had a fever from being bit and died from that. This one was brutally killed." Hiro added more context.

I yanked myself from Finn and swerved into the hallway. My vision fooled me as I tried to act normal while thinking about a kid I had presumably killed.

"Chelsea?" Finn shouted. "Are you okay?"

I heard footsteps coming my way, so I rushed outside and took a few deep breaths.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He tried to touch me, but I cut him off.

"I killed her." Sour tears formed in my eyes as I looked at him.

Everyone ran after me and heard my confession. What better way to start a day?

"She shifted." Keith filled everyone in. "That's why she's saying this."

"Did you do that on purpose?" Hiro asked me, and I shook my head. "Then we have to run some tests on you."

"I don't want any more tests!" My anger took over me as I growled at them. "I don't want to be this monster anymore!" I didn't even notice how my fangs and claws came out.

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