Chapter 14

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~Four day til Winter Break~
I has to resist the urge to burn the Headmaster to smoldering ashes, as he tried to find ways to keep me trapped in Hogwarts over winter break. Thankfully, Narcissa had made arrangements for us and got into contact with Remus Lupin to take over our Guardianship.

"I wrote to Mr. Flamel, he agreed to meet with us after Christmas to discuss matters about 'private lessons'," (Y/N) say to me but signs 'The stone' when she says private lessons as we join up with our court for breakfast.

I was excited and nervous about meeting this legendary man who created a sway to cheat death but since this matter involves the safety of the Hogwarts students and ourselves we thought it best to return it.

The night after our first Quidditch game (Y/N), Severus, and I checked out the trap door that was under Fluffy's paw which lead to many different trials including the mountain troll that (Y/N) knocked unconscious. Until we finally got to a mirror that showed each of us our heart's deepest desire but (Y/N) was the first one to stop me from gazing too deep.

I saw quick glimpse of our parents and my mates smiling, something I've dreamed about since I could remember. It pulled at the longing ache in my heart, a desire for a loving family and I knew (Y/N) saw something similar. I watched my reflection as it pulled a ruby rock from it's pocket showing it to me before returning it back, the strange thing was that I could feel the weight of the stone.

"Let's go," i nearly stammered, and I was quickly guided away back to my dorm.

I handed (Y/N) the ruby and turned to go to bed but she stopped me and handed me a rose colored stone, already I felt the longing ache fade and the twisted urge to sit in front of the mirror drain away.

"Sleep with this in your pocket, there's was a dark spell on that mirror," she told me before hugging me tightly.

~End of Flashback~
'It's safe to assume that you hid it somewhere no one could find it,' I signed to my sister while our court cautiously watched the people around us. Ever since the Troll incident, the entire school with a few exceptions tried to join our court and respected us more. We couldn't trust anyone to just join us especially since some of those students like Cho Cheng for example was working with Dumbassdor.

'The only place I can reach,' (Y/N) signs back just as Hedwig comes flying in with mail.

I gave her a piece of bacon and took the letters from her and she flew off. One letter was from Mrs. Bones and the other was from Remus. I handed (Y/N) the letter from Mrs. Bones while I read the one from Remus.

Dear Harry and (Y/N),

I'm sorry that it took a letter from Lady Malfoy to properly meet you after eleven years. I was really close to your parents and they asked me to protect you from harm if anything would have happened to you, but I ran away because of my... condition which could've made caring for you two more difficult than it should be.

I will be waiting at the platform for you both for your break and we can discuss it more.

On a different note, I'm looking forward to seeing how much the two of you grown since I last saw you. I bet that you Harry look exactly like James but with hints of Lily while (Y/N) look more like Lily with hints of James. Lady Malfoy informed me of how advanced your magical studies are and I can't help but be so proud of the two of you.

I can't wait to see you both,


I smiled at the letter before trading it for the letter (Y/N) just finished. I was ecstatic to finally have a loving home, not that I didn't enjoy being with Narcissa and Draco but we can't take advantage of their kindness forever.

"Mrs. Bones is planning to meet with us at Gringotts the day after we arrived at the platform and hopefully will have a trial that same day," (Y/N) sums up for me and I can't help but grin in satisfaction.

We quickly finished up breakfast and head down to the chambers, planning on skipping today's classes just to practice the new spells each of us were working on before heading out to the Forbidden forest. I think (Y/N) was excited to work on her Signature Spell she created when she wants to see her mates that I keep embarrassing her in front of like a good older brother.

Once we got to the chamber, Draco and Blaise went off to the chambers Library to study new spells. Cedric, Fred, and George when over to the private Potion's room to work while Daphne and Hermione were practically transfiguration and charms. I walked over towards the secret door that leads to the basilisk's chambers for my usual meet up with Selina.

I caught (Y/N) sneaking off one time and I followed her and found her chatting with a giant snake, who was treating her like one of her newly hatch babies instead of a snack. After the startling stare down that, according to (Y/N) should've killed me but didn't because of me being a Parselmouth, Selina adopted me into her nest and that how we became friends.

"Little hatching, it's been too long," Selina hissed and she gently wraps she tail around me and pulls me close into a snake's version of a hug. "Hatchling, you're still too small. You need to eat more, I have some rats you can eat."

"No thank, Selina. I ate as much as I could, but how are you," I asked her when she finally released me and we began talking like usual and soon it was time for lunch. But before I could say my goodbye, Selina places her egg in my arms and gives me a gentle lick on my cheek.

"My only egg. Promise me hatchling that you'll care for my child. I will not be here when you return from the cold season," Selina says and I knew her time was ending.

"Your hatchling will loved and cared for," I promise and give her a gentle hug. "Rest peacefully my friend, may we see you in your next life."

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