Chapter 57 ⚠️Unwanted advances and Violence⚠️

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Damn Ace and his big mouth. I stared at my friend who was standing outside my dorm building ranting about how Riddle was being unnecessarily cruel was being all because of the tart.

"What is my life," I mumbled to myself. "My brother is mated to a man who tried to kill us when we were babies and now my friend is crying about a bloody tart."

"The tart wasn't bloody," Ace protested.

"It's a UK expression, mate. Bloody is a curse where I'm from," I clarified as I walked to the kitchen and put on a kettle for tea. "Yuu, care for a spot of tea?"

"Yes please," Yuu replied as he practices the levitation charm.

"Swish and flick," I called to him. "And speak clearly with the proper pronunciation."

"Hello?! What about my tyrant of a dorm leader," Ace whines.

"I reckon apologizing to him and quick being a git," i said as I floated a tray of tea over to the living room. "Now drink some chamomile tea then we'll head off to bed."

~Time Skip~
After classes the five of us made our way to the cafeteria. The lessons were more engaging than at Hogwarts... except for PE.

"I can't believe that you're ahead of us for all of our classes," Deuce praises while grim grumbles about wanting to do spell like I used during my lesson.

"Do you know the importance of clear pronunciation," I lecture Grim who pouts like a child.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," he huffs and before Yuu or myself could stop him, he rushes off into the line for the food.

"That bloody cat," I hisses and I forced myself to keep my scales away. "One day I will eat him."

"I wouldn't recommend it," Yuu says as he and Deuce chase after him. "He'll make you sick."

I shook my head and stood in line to get my meal when I felt the hair stand in the back of my neck when a pair of unfamiliar arms wrap around my waist.

Stranger Danger! SOS!

"Hello there, gorgeous," a voice purrs in my ears and I tense up, "why don't you come eat with us."

"L-leave me alone," I said while hating the fear in my voice. "I'm waiting for my f-friends."

"Well, I don't see them," another voice said as the stranger behind me starts caressing my hips.

I wanted to shift and run from them.... From him but the boy behind me sunk his nails into my hips as he tries to nibble on my neck.

"NOOOOO," I screamed but that earned me a slap from the second boy.

The world went silent as I fought to stay in the present. My ears were ringing but the pain was nothing compared to what I felt with.

"Shut up and be a good girl for us," he purrs. "You're going to ditch your friends and have some fun with us."

"Get away from her," a familiar voice says as Jamil storms over to me, followed by a furious looking Vil. I let my shift take over and ran into Jamil's warm and safe embrace as a mouse.

"Or what," the one who held me sneers as my rage began to boil. "You Pomefiore brats think-,"

How dare he disrespect my mate. Kill. Maul. Hurt. Devour!


Before I realized it, I shifted forms and pinned the assholes to the ground with a growl. Rage completely blinded me as my paws clicked against the tiled floor.

I lunged with my claws outstretched... and stayed in the air?

"It's alright, love. His words don't matter to me," Vil says gently as he pets my fur. "Shift back for me. I don't want you hurt."

His voice was gentle and kind, I wanted to please him... all of them. I shifted back to my human form and Jamil wrapped his jacket around my shoulders as Yuu lowers me to the ground with his wand. The delinquents from earlier now gone and the entire dinning hall was silent.

"I'm sorry," I whispered as the panic returns.

I started searching through the tattered remains of my uniform, looking for my medicine. I couldn't think clearly as I was pulled into the memory of that closet.

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