Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The next day

Lauren's POV

"Get up, you have to go to the studio!" I tiredly got up, it was 5:40 am. Is this some kind of joke? I never get up this early to go to the studio.

"What are you talking about?" I asked my mom as I could hear her coming into my room, my eyes were still closed. My voice sounded different as I answered her, a voice that sounded familiar but I don't know where from.

"Well, you usually get up at 5:30 and it's Monday so I let you sleep in a tiny bit." An unfamiliar voice said to me. I opened my eyes to wake up in a clean unfamiliar room with a nice big bed... two queen beds. The sunlight shined through unfamiliar blinds, not the ones Dani, Lisa, and I had in our room.

"Okay. I'm getting up now!" I yelled to the person who now is my mom and got out of my bed. I looked for the dresser at the usual place but was surprised to see it wasn't there. After about 5 minutes of just looking, I found a suitcase and began to get dressed. I've never seen these clothes before but they're nice so they'll have to do. I looked around more, still confused, and figured out I was in a hotel room. I began to head to the mirror that had makeup kits all around. I looked right into the mirror and saw someone completely different. My hair and skin color look the same but my face doesn't. I began the blink my eyes continuously, is this some kind of joke?


A noise caught my attention. I looked over at the night stand where the noise had come from and an iPhone sat. I went over to it to find a text message to me.

Hey Camila! How's your first day of being 16? :) -Ally

I was confused, my name is not Camila. Then again, nothing seems right at all. I looked into the mirror again, that's when everything clicked. Something happened and now I'm Camila Cabello from Fifth Harmony.

Camila's POV

I sleepily woke up as the sun shined through the blinds. What time is it? I never wake up to the sun shining through the blinds unless it's a weekend and I'm pretty sure it's Monday. I quickly got up and nearly fell off of the bed. I was on a bunk bed, not my hotel bed, I'm pretty sure I went to sleep on it last night.

"Mom! Why didn't you wake me up?!" I asked as I slowly got off of the bunk bed, it was an unfamiliar voice that seemed to be coming from me.

"Be quiet Lauren! Why are you yelling?" A voice asked. Where is my soulmate? I don't see Lauren Jauregui nearby. "Although, everyone else got up at 6 to do their schoolwork and it's 10 right now."

"What do you mean?" I asked, not particularly sure who I was talking to.

"Dani, be quiet! She's not the only one who didn't get up! I was actually in a deep sleep!" Another voice said.

"Well Lisa, everyone else pretty much finished their schoolwork." The girl, I guess Dani, said back to the girl named Lisa.

"Why didn't anyone wake me up at 5:30 am to go to school?" I asked, very confused.

"We always do school work at 6 or 7 am, Lauren... You fatso weenie." Dani said knowingly.

"What does fatso weenie mean?" I asked. "Is that a fat dog?"

"BAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm tweeting that out now, nice joke Lauren!" Dani replied as she typed onto a laptop.

"No seriously, what does that mean?" I asked once again.

"There is no meaning and you should hurry up and do your schoolwork because everyone else finished at like 9:30." Dani said.

"What do you mean? I always have to go to school until 3 pm. Unless we are in the studio, where I do school online." I said, still confused as I looked around. Where am I?

"Lauren, you're homeschooled. You've always been since forever and we always go to the studio later in the day." Lisa said as she got out of her bed.

"OHMYGOSH! You're Lisa Cimorelli!" I yelled excitedly.

"Yes... I am. You've known me my whole life, since you were born 14 years ago." She said slowly back to me.

"I'm 16, I just turned 16 yesterday." I replied casually correcting her. "Oh yeah, I just remembered that we are recording so I'm not in school."

"Uh... Dani? Am I going mental or is she mental?" Lisa asked scared.

"You're already kind of mental but yeah, something is REALLY wrong with Lauren. Did something fall on her head last night?" Dani, Dani Cimorelli said. I looked around the unfamiliar room and at the unfamiliar people who were my sisters. A big mirror sat right to the bunk bed I had nearly fallen off and when I looked at my reflection, a different face shone back. Then everything clicked, I'm Lauren Cimorelli.

3 hours later

Lauren's POV

Somehow, I managed to get the password to Camilla's, I mean my, iPhone lock and began to search through it. I replied to the text with just saying 'Great!' because I don't know how Camila texts.

"We are here Camila!" The little girl, I think my new little sister, Sofia, said.

"Yes we are!" I said happily then smiled at her and doted her, trying to do what Lisa and Christina do to Joey. I tried to think of what I did with Dani when she was 5 but she was so much more mature than Sophia.

I got Camila's iPhone, purse, laptop, and small bag, which were now mine and went in. Before I got into the front doors, I saw a big sign saying 'SYCO RECORDS' on the building.

"Camila! Come to mama!" I turned to see where the voice came from. Four girls were running straight at me. They looked a little familiar but definitely not my sisters.

Once we had gotten into the building and had finished a very long group hug, we went to the recording room. I managed to memorize all of their names, which is pretty good for me saying I just heard of the group, I mean our group, yesterday.

"Dinah, you should go first into the recording room." Ally commanded as we all got situated on actual beds. Wow, I wish the recording rooms I went to had beds.

"Wait, why are there beds?!" I asked, amazed.

"There have always been beds. Are you alright Camz?" Lauren asked.

"Um..." I wanted badly to say 'no' but I must except whatever new life I'm in. "Yeah, just really tired."

I went into the laptop and went on Camila's twitter. I looked through the tweets and a lot of people were wondering what we would record. Then something hit me, is my singing voice going to be different?

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