Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Lisa's POV

"Amy, serious question. Am I going mental or is Lauren just not acting herself at all?" I asked her. She was coming in the office from finishing her school work.

"I agree, something is wrong with her... Or are we both crazy?" Any asked. We both looked at each other wide eyed, there's no way we both were going crazy.

"We should ask someone, since we both are already kind of crazy. CHRISTINA!" I yelled. Okay, maybe she can be a little... more like very crazy but she still is smarter than Amy and I. After we had waited a few seconds, I started calling for her again. "CHRISTINA! CHRISTINA! COME TO LISA AND AMY, CHRISTINA!"

"What do you two weenies need?!" Christina said rushing in and slightly annoyed.

"We were wondering, do you think we're going mental?." Amy blurted out.

"What?! Haha! You're mental enough for asking that question." Christina said laughing. "Thank you for wasting five precious seconds of my life, bye!"

"NO! No! That's not what we meant!" I said, starting to get up and eyeing Amy for asking such a silly question. "What we really meant was, are we going mental or is Lauren acting really different?"

"Yes, she is acting really weird. Is something bothering her? She's been super quiet lately." Christina said, suddenly serious.

"Well, she was really hyper in the morning but very confused." I said, recalling the very scary way Lauren was acting. "She didn't know where she was or really anything. Well she was talking about what she usually does on a daily basis and it was not what she really does."

"Let's just leave her alone for a bit and we'll see if she starts acting the same." Christina said calmly.

"I guess that's a good idea-" I started saying.

"Excuse me, where's the office?" Lauren asked, she looked really lost.

"You're standing right in it, Lauren." Amy said to her.

"Oh... Okay. Um... What should I do? I finished my schoolwork." Lauren said shyly and hesitantly.

"Do whatever you want." I said. Then I handed her a laptop and said, "Here, go on twitter or something."

"Uh... Okay. I'll try." She said quietly. Christina, Amy, and I all looked at each other wide eyed, what does she mean that she will try? She then took the laptop and went somewhere, who knows.

3 hours later

Camila's POV

My 'sisters' and I all were in the recording studio. It was different that's for sure, different people. Well, the guy today was really hot which was nice.

"Your turn Lauren." Dani said as she came out of the booth. I tiredly and nervously got up. Amazingly, Dani was really hyper.

I stepped into the recording booth and eagerly listened to the hot producer talk to me about what to sing. I nodded quietly and nervously, what if my voice is not what Lauren's usually sounds like? Luckily, the lyrics and music was on a music stand, making my life easier in not having to make an excuse for not memorizing the lyrics that Lauren, or 'I', probably helped writing.

I began to sing and thankfully, my voice sounded like Lauren's. The song was really good and I was slightly jealous of not singing it for Fifth Harmony (Pamela :) lol). We should have sang one of Cimorelli's songs for the X factor. Oh! I should try to convince my 'sisters' to change their name to Sixth Harmony!

"Lauren! You're done! Good job!" The hot producer guy said.

"Thank you." I said quietly and went back to the girls. I wonder how Lauren Cimorelli is doing.

1 hour later

"I'm home!" A voice from downstairs called. No one seemed to do anything but say 'Hello!' I was trying to act like the normal Lauren and go on twitter but I didn't know what to tweet. Somehow, I got her password correct on the first try. I clicked on my real twitter account that Lauren was following and began to DM her.

C: Hi!

A response immediately came back from my real account.

Lauren (on Camila's twitter): Hi, are you not Lauren?

C: Um... I'm Camila

L: Thank God, I'm Lauren

C: Something happened and I don't know what

L: Yeah, we switched lives

C: I barely know who you are

L: Yeah, same. I just heard about you guys yesterday

C: Tell me about 'my family' please!

L: Brief explanation: 6 sisters (including me), 5 brothers, mom and dad, 2 cats, sisters signed to universal records. 14, like to skateboard, shy, quiet, twitter=life

C: Okay thanks. I think your sisters think I'm crazy

L: Oh, they always do

C: No, like really crazy

L: Probs cause you're not me and they can tell

C: True

L: Tell me about you?

C: 16 as of yesterday, Sofia is my 5 year old sister, fluent in Spanish, in Fifth Harmony, single, tumblr=life, awkward, I like to eat for fun

L: We are actually so alike

C: Yes, what are you doing now?

L: Recorded all day, thankfully my voice sounds like yours

C: Same! I was so scared!

L: Haha yes, now I'm waiting with Lauren for her family to come pick us up to go out for dinner

C: Wish I could come, I'm doing nothing

L: That's all we do, we are actually the laziest, craziest, loudest, loving family ever

"Dinner time!" My new mom shouted from downstairs.

C: Oh! Gtg! Dinner time! Ttyl soon!

I quickly logged out of Lauren's twitter and headed downstairs. Everyone slowly came down and it was getting really loud. Lauren was right, this is the craziest family. As I went to sit down, I noticed I was the only one.

"Wow! You're never one of the first ones at the dinner table!" Katherine said laughing. I nervously laughed along with her. I was scared that I was going to make a fool of myself during dinner. I began to stare at the plate that stood in front of me as I thought of how I was not going to embarrass myself.

"So Alex, how was your hike?" Amy asked excitedly as everyone else began to come to sit down. I looked up to see the guy she was talking to, someone I hadn't seen before. The guy was really cute, around my age, 16, and when he smiled, I got more nervous. Ugh, how am I going to survive with this handsome guy as a brother?

Lauren's POV

"Lauren! We are over here!" A voice called from a car. I looked over to see a minivan pulling up, it took all of my might not to answer but let the other Lauren answer for me. I keep forgetting I'm Camila, not Lauren.

We ran over to the car and got in. I nervously put my seatbelt on. What else would you expect for a girl sitting in a car then going out to dinner with a family I've never met before?

"Hey Camila!" A boy's voice said from right next to me. I hadn't noticed that a boy was sitting right next to me. I then looked at him and my heart skipped a beat. An adorable boy around my age, 14, smiled at me. He looked just like Lauren and was really cute. I began to blush then looked the other way. I think I remember people asking about his girlfriend, about Chris? This life is going to be too hard, first the new people and now a boy who's swept me off of my feet already and is happily taken.

A/N: Sorry for the wait and the unexpected plot twist lol! Thank you for reading, commenting, and voting!

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