Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Lauren's POV

"Okay, what are we doing?" Dinah asked.

"I don't know." I answered nonchalantly as I continued to scroll through twitter.

"We are going to a meeting about the tour." Lauren said. I looked up at her and nodded.

"That's cool, my sisters are going on tour." I blurted out.

"What are you talking about?" Normani asked.

"Um... Uh... Sorry, it was a dream of mine. I had a dream that I had sisters and we all went on tour." I said quickly, to hide the truth up. They thankfully bought it, Lauren didn't so much but I just ignored her.

"Okay, we're here." Ally said loudly. She reminds me so much of Amy, they both are short and are super loud and talkative and super sweet too.

We all got out of the car then headed into a business building. A man in a suit met with us in the lobby and brought us up to a big meeting room. Then a meeting happened. I don't really know what we were talking about, I just was thinking about random thoughts plus, Christina and mom always listen- wait, Christina and mom aren't here! I need to listen!

"...And that concludes our meeting." The guy said. Oh no, I have no clue what we were even talking about besides the tour. Like my usual quiet self, I just stayed silent and pretended I knew what was going on. Everyone began to stand up and leave, I followed them and tried to be normal and not act like I had no clue what was going on... I must admit I'm a pretty good actress.

"I should be an actress." I said out of the blue as I headed into the bathroom with Lauren.

"What? Hahahahaha you're crazy." She said laughing her head off.

"Thank you for informing me that I'm crazy, I already knew that." I said.

"Whatever Camz." She answered, still laughing.

"Hey Lauren, you're crazy too." Normani said as she was leaving the bathroom.

"I know." I answered before I could stop myself.

"What? Why'd you just answer that, Camila?" Lauren asked laughing, we were now the only two people in the bathroom.

"I don't know I-" I began but I didn't have an explanation. "Okay, let's be serious now, can I tell you a secret?"

"Of course Camz, you can tell me anything." She said with genuine concern.

"Okay." I said then took a deep breath. "First off, I'm not Camila, I'm Lauren."

"What?" Lauren asked, I could tell she was really confused.

"Let me explain." I said, taking another deep breath. "I'm Lauren Cimorelli. Somehow, Camila and I switched lives, like our minds and hearts switched. We have been in contact with each other ever since we switched lives, which was exactly two months ago."

"Wow, you're kidding, right?" She asked. I nodded my head. "Oh wow, that's really weird. That explains why you've been liking Dinah more than me."

"What?" I asked confused. "I only had heard about you girls the day before Camila and I switched lives."

"Oh okay, never mind then." She said laughing.

"Wait, what? You're not mad at me?" I asked, I thought she'd be mad and confused.

"No, I mean I'm still kinda weirded out by this whole thing but I'm define you not mad at you. As a matter of fact, I think you're really hot."

"Okay, this is getting weirder by the second." I stated.

Just Tell Me Where to Go (Cimorelli and Fifth Harmony FanFic) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now