~ ☆ do you feel it?☆ ~

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finally school ends, I saw KYLE walking down the hallway with Stan and Kenny , I ran to them and started walking with them to the bus stop.

We went into the bus Stan saw the back seats were taken again " aw dude, again?! " Stan said angrily. I went to sit alone but the kyle grabbed my hand and pulled me to sit next to him. "What the f☆ck?? " I said looking at kyle confusingly, he said "shut up" and so I did.

Stan and Kenny looked at us from the seats  in front of us "hm? " I tilted my head and said while looking at them confusingly.

I saw they were looking down at us so I looked down to check what they were looking at and saw, kyle was still holding my hand?! I panicked and started blushing like f☆CKING crazy , I tried to pull my hand away but he just held my hand harder.

I looked at kyle and he was looking outside the window like nothing is happening, I sighed and gave up on the hand thing. I looked at Stan and Kenny that were still looking at us, I made a angry face at them and they turned around.

After a few moments of quiet I suddenly hear kyles voice " I'm staying over your house tonight, my parents are out of town and ike is over at his friends. " he said still looking outside the window. " o-... Ok..! " I replied. Finally, the bus stopped at my house and me and kyle went off the buss waving bye to Stan and Kenny, they were giggling and as me and kyle went off and the bus doors closed, I saw Stan starting to burst out talking to Kenny, I felt embarrassed.

Me and kyle started walking to my house , " do you know about the things everyone at school is saying about you? " kyle asked me " WHAT?!? " I replied madly "yeah, they're saying a lot of weird things like you being gay or some shit, just like they did with clyde and butters. " kyle said, that made me so mad I wanted to punch someone " WHO SAID THAT?? WHO STARTED THIS SHIT?!? " I asked kyle madly, he shrugged his shoulders . We finally came to my house, i knocked on the door twice and there was no answer. I pulled my keys out and opened the door seeing a note on the table, i read it as kyle puts his backpack next to the door and comes up to me from behind . " so your mom is out again?  " he asks scaring the absolute  shit out of me, i jumped back letting out a scream "DONT SCARE ME LIKE THAT DUMBASS!!" i yelled at kyle as he started laughing .

[ ☆~  NOTE  ~☆ ]

sorry the parts are so short ill try my best to write more school has been tough asf lately and i have alot of exams so i stay up late learning so that leaves me not much time to write. </3

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