~ ☆ the new kid ☆ ~

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~ P. S. I added a characterfor drama~

((~7:54, Tuesday~))


I'm not gonna go to school today.
I don't know why but, whenever me and kyle kiss, i don't want to get out of my bed for the next day.
I don't know if I feel ashamed or nervous but the thought of seeing kyle after we kissed feels... Wrong... I love him so so much but it doesn't feel normal to hate someone for so long then just... Be with them. Even though I like it when we kiss I can't look at him the same way after.. I don't know if it's love or a feeling, but I want it to stop.

I wonder if kyle feels the same.. Do I make him feel bad/guilty?! Does he feel the same way after we kiss?? Is he-- god, I need to stop over thinking. If kyle didn't love me he wouldn't kiss me or even be my boyfriend.


where's cartman?? I came to the bus stop seeing only stan, cartman usually comes before me. Is he sick? I hope not.. Every day that he doesn't come I miss him, I hope he's gonna come to school today.. And where the f☆ck is Kenny??? I haven't seen him since yesterday! Doesn't matter,

A few minutes passed and still no sign of Kenny OR cartman... "Hey uh... Kyle?" Stan suddenly said, "yeah? " I asked " can I... Ask you something...? " Stan asked looking nervous, "anything! " I answered Stan with a smile
s:you know how me and Wendy are dating?


S:well uh.. Is there something going on between you and uh.. C-cartman?? ... Like ... Sexually..?

My face turned red, my expression turned from calm to nervous, shocked and embarrassed. I looked away mumbling, "wh-uhh what- who-- h-how did you know??? " I said stressed "it's kinda obvious also when cartman didn't come to class and u went to the bathroom and didn't come back was kinda suspicious" Stan said "oh f☆ck.. " I said looking down "yeah.. You two can act corny around me idc but if u don't want anyone to find out don't act like a couple at school. " Stan said with a smile on his face, I smiled back "thanks" I replied but suddenly I see a little figure from far away walking towards me and Stan, as the figure went closer and closer I saw, it was cartman!! I ran to the little fat boy, hugging him as I spin him in circles hugging him tightly, "CARTMAN!!! I thought you wouldn't come!! " I yelled as I carefully let cartman go with a wide smile on my face looking straight into cartmans beautiful brown eyes "yeah, I didn't want to come but I couldn't miss another school day, I'll get expelled. " cartman replied looking up at me with a smile, god this smile is the reason I'm alive, I pulled cartman in again for a hug as I kissed all over his face, cartman giggled as I kissed him and that giggle was the most heart warming sound I ever heard. God, if this ain't love then I don't know what love is. He started babbling about some kid but I couldn't listen. I was lost in his eyes. Stan looked happy for us and didn't seem to care at all. The bus finally arrived and me, Stan and cartman went and sat down. I sat next to cartman and Stan next to Wendy, all the ride I looked down at cartman with a smile on my face, cartman fell asleep, I pulled him closer next to me and gave him a kiss on the forehead. I saw some girl looking at me after, I looked at her confused as she blew a kiss to me and looked back.


I closed my eyes as I felt kyle pull me closer, I smiled but suddenly I felt someone looking at me or towards me, I half opened my eye to see what's happening as I saw a girl blowing a kiss to kyle, I. Was. Furious. I had to do something about this, if she thinks she can just flirt with MY boy like this, she is wrong. I will make her pay even if it means death. Whatever I need to do for it to stop, I will do.

The bus finally came to school and we all got off the bus, me and kyle hand in hand, I was looking around to see that girl but couldn't seem to find her but it doesn't matter, class started and Mr. Garrison walked in, "alright class, let's take our seats. Today we have a new student joining us, please welcome Jenna. " Mr Garrison said as a girl with black straight hair walked in, that's when I saw, it was the girl from earlier! As she sat down behind kyle she gave him a weird flirty look but he rolled his eyes and looked back to Mr Garrison. I looked back to the girl and gave her a mad look, I knew this was going to be a long story because that girl didn't look like she was gonna give up easily on kyle.

As the lesson ended we all left class me and kyle went to the cafeteria together as I saw Jenna walking next to me, I looked at her with a serious expression and whispered, "stay away from him. " to her. "May the best partner win. " she whispered back with a smirk and walked away. God, I HATE THIS GIRL!!! she will pay. She thinks she's SOOO tough, well I'll show her tough. I'll make her know who and who not to f☆ck with.

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