§||Chapter 2: Removal||§

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You arrive at your house, heart racing with excitement and headache subsiding. Your now two fingered hand hovers over the door knob hesitantly before it clamps over the shiny metal, and you burst into the entryway. "Mother! I have shed my disgusting human flesh and become like you and Cody!" You excitedly yell as you run to the living room. "Y/N! You had better have a good reason for all this...racket..." Mother's eyes widen as she takes in your new form. Awe washes across her face, then fear, then anger, then rage. Before you can react, Mother punches you square in the nose. You let out a soft cry as Mother's hatred boils into words. "What is WRONG with you!? WHY would you even come HOME looking like this?!" Those words spilled off her tongue like venom. Hurt and confused tears flowed down your cheeks as you sat up on the floor. I thought she would love me like this. She always talked about how much she wished I was a yokai. I don't understand. WHY DOES SHE HATE ME?! Your thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the radiating pain of Mother's hoof in your stomach. You wanted so much to scream, to relieve some of your pain, but the air simply would not come out of your lungs as you curled up on your side in agony. You saw Cody in the corner of your vision and could barely make out him screaming at Mother. Suddenly, your headache returned in full force as your ears began to ring. You could somewhat hear Cody yelp in pain as his body was slammed beside yours. You give one last look at him before your vision blacks out.

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You feel a sharp pain in your side that you can only assume is Mother's horns.


















Your vision slowly returns as raging pain takes over your entire body. You are slumped outside Mother's house. You do not dare go back inside for fear of what she might do. You feel a pang of guilt as you realize that means you will have to leave Cody behind. M-maybe I can come back for him later. Yeah, I'll come with help. Yeah. You resolve to yourself. You try to get up, but fall back down with a pained grunt as you notice two gashes in your side. You're bleeding out. You carefully reattempt to stand, this time succeeding to struggle to your feet. You slowly make your way through crowds of yokai, holding your side and ignoring their concerned, shocked, or judging looks as you search for someplace to clean your wounds. You spot a fountain and groggily make your way over to it as you begin to pass out again. "I wish my two dads would get along." You hear just before everything once again fades to black










"Oh mi gosh! What happened to you!"





Again thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. See you next time! Next chapter will be a doozy!

(500 Words)

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