§||Chapter 4: Meeting||§

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You wake up to a throbbing pain in your right side. You stifle a scream and open your eyes to find yourself on a bed in some sort of medical room. "Good morning sleepy head." A kind voice to your left greets you. You turn your head to see a small, orange clad turtle with a wide, cheery smile. This smile makes you feel a bit calmer as its warmth contrasts the cold nature of the room.

"Good morn- Agh!" The pain in your torso suddenly gets worse as you try to speak, causing you to double over in pain. The sudden movement only adds to the problem as you let out a soft cry. "Hey. Hey, it's okay. Mikey's here. You can hold my hand if you need to. Just stop moving, so you don't rip your stitches." The orange box turtle, Mikey you assume, holds out his hand in front of you. You take it, squeezing as hard as you can.

Just then, another turtle in purple bursts in through the door of the medical room."Micheal, what's going on?" The new turtle demands, concern plastered on his face. "How did you know something was wrong Dee?" Mikey questions, as he begins to rub circles on your back, making you more relaxed. "Their vitals are through the roof Mikey!" Dee exasperates, throwing his hands in the air. "Okay. First, they woke up, tried to talk, and moved too fast. Second, when did you start tracking their vitals?" Mikey interrogates.

"Last night." Dee states as-a-matter-of factly as he crossed his arms, regaining his composure. "When last night." Mikey narrows his eyes, demeanor shifting completely. "Four." Dee mumbles under his breath. "What was that?" Mikey's gaze was now piercing into the purple turtle's soul. "Four." Dee repeated more audibly, facing away from Mikey's disappointed glare. "Donnie!" Mikey exasperated. "We talked about this." "I know." Donnie was now staring at the floor in favor of Mikey's slightly hurt eyes.

After a moment, Mikey turns to you. "Feeling better?" He asks, the warmth returning to his face. You nod. He really had helped ease the pain. "Good. I'm going to lay you on your back. Okay?" You nod again, bracing yourself for the new flare of pain. You wince as Mikey slowly lets you down before turning back to Donnie who was trying to leave. "Oh no, You're not off the hook yet mister. I'm scheduling you an appointment with doctor feelings." In response, Donnie groans dramatically before leaving the room and coming back with a pill bottle.

"Here. I wanted to wait until you woke up to give you these since we only have so many." Donnie says, holding out one of the pills and a small cup of water. You cock your head, confused. "They're for the pain." Donnie responds to your expression. You reach out to the pill before something stops you. Wait, why are these turtles helping me? Is it because they think I'm a yokai? If only they knew. They wouldn't be doing this if they knew I am a disgusting, worthless creature undeserving of such kindness. How will they react if they find out? Probably the same way Mother did when she saw my new form. Maybe I should let them help me until then. No. No, I deserve this pain.

You must have been sitting there with your arm outstretched for a while because you feel a soft tap to your shoulder. "Hey, you okay." Mikey asks, concern lacing his tone. You nod, putting on a fake smile as you pull your hand back to your side. "Are you allergic to pain medicine or something?" Donnie frowns at you. You nod. If this is what will keep them from helping more than they need to. "Ah, alright." Donnie says, putting a finger gun across his chin in thought. Mikey's face lights up as if illuminated by a light bulb going off in his head. "Omigosh! We forgot to introduce ourselves!" He says, facepalming. "Donnie, go get everyone else. This calls for a proper introduction." Mikey says, holding his hands up in a 'nice' position and setting his shoulders back while puffing out his chest. (basically the 'We're not savages' pose)

Donnie then leaves the room, returning with two new turtles. One is around Donnie's height, dressed in blue while the other is slightly taller than you, dressed in red. "So, sleepy head's awake I see." Says the blue clad turtle. "Okay, so they can't talk, but they can hear us. So, we will all take turns introducing ourselves. I'll go first." Mikey instructs his brothers. He then turns to you. "Hi, I'm Mikey, and I'm the youngest of my brothers. I'm fourteen years old."

"And I'm the one and only Leonardo, but you can call me Neon Leon." The red eared slider announces, pointing to himself. "I'm second oldest along with DonTron over here at fifteen!" He continues, wrapping an arm around his twin's shoulder.

Donnie shoves Leo off of him as he introduces himself. "My name is Donatello, however, you may refer to me as Donnie. As Nardo stated, I am the actual second eldest at fifteen and around three months." Leo begins poking Donnie's face which quickly erupts into a slap fight.

The large red turtle steps forward as Donnie and Leo go to war behind him. "You can call me Raph. I'm the oldest out of us, and I'm sixteen years old." He seemed rather sweet despite his menacing appearance. After introducing himself, he turned to the twins to break up their fight before they killed each other.

You look around and count the turtles in the room. One, two, three.....wait. Where's Mikey? As if summoned by thought, Mikey excitedly rushed into the room with a sketchpad and pencil in his arms. He set the art supplies in your lap, telling you it was your turn for introduction. You take the supplies in your hands and begin to write. [Y/N 14 youngest] You turn the pad for the others to see.

"Youngest? Y/N, you have siblings?" Mikey asks. Cody! You need to tell them about Cody! They look strong. They could help him! You begin frantically writing on the sketchpad. [Cody Brother Help him. Trapped with Mother. Hurt] When you flipped the pad around, the four turtles' faces went from concerned to determined. Mikey rested a hand on your shoulder. "Hey, don't worry. We'll get him." He said in a comforting tone. You had not noticed before, but tears were streaming down your face. You wiped your eyes with your palm, giving Mikey a small smile.

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