§||Chapter 3: Arrival||§

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(Mikey's POV)

As I gazed at the limp body before me, my stomach began to drop. A puddle of blood was starting to form around the butterfly's limp body and soaked into their blue fluff. "Dad! Barry!" I called in a panicked tone. That was..a lot of blood. "What's wrong Orange?" "What is the issue?" Splinter and Draxum said simultaneously as they both rushed to my side. Their faces shifted from worry to shock then horror as they took in the sight before them. "Orange, what happened?" Splinter sternly inquired. "I don't know! They just walked up here and passed out!" I exclaimed, still shocked by the situation myself. "Yoshi, go get the others and meet us at the lair. I will try to stop the bleeding. Once I do, Mikey, help me carry them." Draxum ordered. Splinter huffed in response, annoyed that Draxum was ordering him around, but did not retaliate due to the gravity of the situation. "Michel, move them onto their side." Draxum commanded. I did as I was told and flipped the insect onto their side to reveal two large gashes on their side. I grimaced at the sight crouching a bit further away to collect my thoughts as Draxum inspected their wounds.

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 I could feel myself slowly falling out of reality as my thoughts wrapped around my head. What happened to them? How long have they been bleeding? Where did they come from? My gaze fell on a trail of blood behind them. Maybe we could investigate that later. "Mi- ey" Huh? "Mikey!" I am finally snapped out of my trance as I turn my attention back to Draxum. "Y-yes?" "I need you to give me your shirt." Draxum informs me. "What for?" I ask, a bit taken aback. "I need to use it to stop the bleeding." Draxum stated simply. I took off my shirt and handed it to the disguised yokai. Draxum took it from my grasp and carefully but firmly tied the T-shirt around the paleing unconscious form's abdomen.

Afterwards, I sling the butterfly onto my back and carry them through the crowd of yokai to the nearest portal to New York, Draxum trailing behind. We get strange looks from the crowd around us, and I do my best to ignore them as we near the entrance to the surface world. Once we resurface, Draxum deactivates his cloaking broach and carries the injured body bridal style from there to the lair. When we arrive, Draxum lays them down in one of the beds in the med bay and begins to tread their wounds more thoroughly. I feel my phone buzz in my back pocket. It's from Dad. I put the phone up to my nonexistent ear. "Yes Dad?" "Ah, Orange. I maaay need your help retrieving your brothers." "Alright, I'm on my way." I rush out of the lair leaving Draxum to stitch up my soon-to-be-friend's wounds.

Yay! You finally made it to the turtles! Please let me know if I wrote splinter and Draxum right. I know the didn't have much time, but it still matters. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote the chapter if you did!

(531 Words)


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