1 - Love at first sight?

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Rotxo's POV:

Aonung and I were playing in the water until everyone was starting to crowd around an unfamiliar species of Na'vi. They were darker blue than us and it made me invested on who they were. We both went to the front of the crowd. They did the 'I see you' sign. I was about to do it until Aonung quickly slapped my hand and shook his head. "Look at their tails," Aonung whispered, giggling.
I fake laughed but I found their tails cute. Later on, Tsireya came in and told Aonung to stop, she smiled at me because I didn't do anything. The dark blue Na'vi's stared at us like we weird. I pointed my ears down until I saw the most beautiful girl. She had two braids on the side of her hair and was wrapped up in a shawl.  We made quick eye contact and smiled at me and then looked away. My heart was flustered.
"Hey," the youngest son greeted Tsireya.
She just giggled but Aonung looked mad. I pat Aonung's back to stop him from doing anything and made him calmer.

After the chief let the family in, we were told that we had to help them ride Ilus. "Seriously dad?" Aonung argued.
"It has been decided," Tonowari demanded.
Aonung pulled me outside so we could just get this over and done with.
"I don't want to teach freaks," Aonung sulked.
"Come Aonung let's just do it," I said.
Tsireya followed us from behind and we soon arrived to the water. We saw the family waiting for us there. I went up to them and realised the eldest daughter wasn't there.
"You're missing someone?" I asked.
"Yes Kiri just left us, she went to explore underwater," the eldest son explained.
"Oh alright," I said. I was curious on where she went. While Tsireya was explaining to the others, I tried to go look for her.
"Hey!" Aonung whispered.
"Boy what," I whispered.
"Where are you going, you can't leave me," Aonung whispered.
"To find the eldest daughter," I argued.
"Not that freak, whatever, have fun, don't do anything weird," Aonung said.
I called for my Ilu and searched the other side of the sea. My Ilu also helped me find her too. For some reason, I felt like there was something different about her and that's what made me interested in her.

After searching the sea for a few hours, I saw an Ilu under the water. It was blurry but I could see someone riding it. I went closer and saw the eldest daughter on it. She saw me and also came closer. We both went to the top of the surface, I said,
"Hey, why are you not with the others?"
"I could ask the same to you," she said.
"That's not important, what's you're name?" I asked.
"That's not important neither, why did you follow me?" she asked.
"Me? Follow? I would never," I laughed.
"You have to find out what my name is," she said, going back underwater with her Ilu. I quickly jumped back on my Ilu and followed her. What did she mean by that?

< Few Hours Later >

It was dinner time, I was still thinking about the girl. I never got to get her name, maybe the only way was to ask her brothers or sister. The Sully family came to Aonung's house for dinner and I thought that it was the only way to talk to her. They sat at the other table but I saw one free space there and decided I should try sit there. "Hi," I greeted.
She looked at me,
"Oh you, hey."
"Ooh whose this Kiri?" Neteyam said.
"I don't even know, I just saw him earlier," she replied.
"What is you're name?" Neteyam asked.
"My name is Rotxo," I said.
"Oh how cute," Neteyam teased to her.
"Well this is Kiri so I think Kiri and Rotxo sound perfect," Neteyam giggled.
"Neteyam!" Kiri argued.
I laughed and walked away, wow me and her would be perfect together? Well I think so too.

Kiri POV:

My brother embarrassed me in front of a boy I just met. It wasn't a good first impression. The boy was smaller than me which was unexpected. We met again by sea, he was just sitting down and I decided to talk to him again. "Hi," I said. He looked at me and when he saw who I was, he smiled.
"Oh hi," he said.
"What are you doing here?" he asked.
"I don't know, you just looked lonely," I said.
"Yeah," Rotxo replied.
I looked at him confused,
"Are you ok?"
"Honestly not really, people were making fun of me earlier for being short," Rotxo cried.
I put my hand on his back,
"Ignore them, honestly you shouldn't care for their opinion," I comforted.
"I try to but it's just getting worse," Rotxo said.
I rubbed his back and smiled,
"Talk to me when you need to."
"Thank you," Rotxo thanked.

"Rotxo!" Aonung shouted. I turned my head around and stood up.
"Why are you with this freak?" Aonung asked.
"She is not!" Rotxo argued.
"What? Let's go!" Aonung shouted.
"No! Stop judging them because they're different," Rotxo screamed, gently pushing Aonung. He couldn't do much because Aonung was way taller than Rotxo.
Aonung looked shocked because Rotxo never fought back.
"Huh? Whatever you can stay with this freak," Aonung laughed. He left and gave Kiri the middle finger. She did it back cuz she a baddy. "I'm sorry about him," Rotxo apologised.
"You shouldn't be sorry for his actions," Kiri said.
He pointed his ears down,
"I have to go now, I have to help my grandma make dinner, I'll see you later?"
I nodded my head and watched him leave. Why was he so cute? Was I into shorter guys?

The whole village was alerted by the chief. My brother was apparently missing. Neteyam was holding Aonung by the Tsaheylu. "Ow!" Aonung groaned. He was pulling it because he was the reason why my brother was lost. Rotxo was also there but he was crying, he didn't like to see his friend in pain.
"Please don't pull to hard," Rotxo cried.
"Tell your FRIEND, to not mess with my brother," Neteyam argued.
"Just please let go," Rotxo pleaded.
I approached them and asked them what was going on.
"Kiri! Please tell you're brother to stop," Rotxo said.
"What happened, Tey?" I asked.
"This little dickhead decided it would be funny to take Lo'ak outside the reef," Neteyam shouted.
"Please he didn't mean to!" Rotxo shouted.
"What do you mean? If he didn't mean to why did he do it?" Neteyam shouted.
Rotxo couldn't say anything else to defend his best friend.
The village gathered around the edge of the water. Tsireya was running towards the water and when Lo'ak was there she hugged him.
Lo'ak hugged Tsireya back but was death staring Aonung. He went up to Aonung and closed up into his face,
"You're lucky this time, Aonung."
Tsireya shook her head and followed Lo'ak.
Neteyam left and followed Lo'ak too, finally releasing the Tsaheylu. Rotxo was quick to hug Aonung who just looked into space. "Does you're hair hurt?" Rotxo worried.
"I'm fine," Aonung said, pushing Rotxo out of the hug, he then soon left. Rotxo stopd there and watched his friend leave, he then looked at me.
"Why is your brother so mean?" Rotxo asked.
"He isn't he's just over protective," I said.
He she nodded his head and left.

Thank u for reading the first part <3

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