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Jimin's POV

"Dr, I have enough money to pay for her for three months so is it okay if I pay beforehand?" I asked.

The doctor looked at me, biting his lip a little. Most of the money I receive from my salary goes to paying of my mom's treatment at the hospital. Dr Yoongi has been the only one knowing my struggles that I have been through. He is the one who has been listening to all my ramblings about life and I'm thankful for his existence.

"Woah, since when did you have that much money, Jiji?" Jiji is one of the nicknames he has chosen to call me by and let me tell you, there's a long list of them.

"Since I... got a blessing.. yesterday?" I guess he was a blessing. Not only was he surprisingly generous but also handsome (?) I guess...

"Okay baby Ji spill it. Who's the guy?" Okay woah wait how did he know? I blushed and moved my gaze downwards.

"Baby Ji wants to keep his mouth shut," I replied.

"Baby Ji come on! I was the first person you came out to and now you can't even tell me who's the guy? Baby Ji!!" He whined and pouted like a dog.

"I don't know him," I spilled.

"See it wasn't that hard to- Wait what? Y-you don't know him? So.. practically.. a stranger just came around, gave you money and walked off. Damn.. you lucky son!" He said, patting my back.

"Hmm.. It's more of he came to the café then.. uhm.. he.. he.. uhm.. Gosh how do I put this in a less awkward way? Aargh.. okay so after he saw me, talked to Jin-hyung and left, Jin-hyung handed me the money and told me that it was from him,"

"Was he cute?"

"Hyung! You're supposed to ask proper questions! Like.. 'Don't you think he's bribing you in doing something for him?' or.. I don't know! Something like that!?"

"Hahaha! I'm sorry, I'm sorry.. but he is right? Tell me he is!"

I rolled my eyes at how my hyung was practically shaking my shoulders wanting to know the answer.

"Uh.. yeah I guess so,"

"Jiji no! It's either he is or he is not! No 'I guess so',"

Gosh is this hyung even supposed to be a doctor? The other doctors looked at our direction and shook their heads, showing disapproving looks at Yoongi's reactions. He noticed that and quickly bowed in apology before going back on track.

"Hyung, I gotta go now,"

"Ooh! Gonna meet up with Mr. Cute Stranger?"

"What! How did you know? I- I mean no, I'm not! What? No..." I trailed off. I totally screwed up this one.

"Mhm.. Yeah, tomorrow, at our usual spot, you and me, details. Understand? Okay goodbye and have fun!" He said quickly before pushing me out of the. hospital building.

I walked towards Vixon building and looked at my watch. 7:56pm.


I ran faster and midway there, I remembered something. I didn't even pay for my mother's hospital bill just now. Gosh, curse Yoongi-hyung for distracting me.

I entered the building and looked around for the black-haired male. After minutes of looking around, I decided to call him. After a few rings, he picked up.


"I'm right behind you,"

"Wha- I can't find you!" I looked around. Nope no sign. Except..

"Are you the one with the back facing me with maroon hair in black sweater and jeans?"

"Not forgetting wearing white converse. Yes, that's me,"

"Alright," I ended the call.

Why can't he just approach me? Arrogant much?

"Hey Mr... uh I just realised I haven't gotten to know your name,"

He stared at me dead in the eye.

"You seriously have no idea who I am, don't you,"

"Is that suppose to be strange? And why are you wearing sunglasses in the mall? What's with all the black and face mask? Wait- You- You're not like a criminal or something are you?"

"Criminal? What the- Yeah, yeah that's right. I am a criminal who gave you $600. What kind of criminal would do that?"

"Then who are you? What are you?" I asked.

People passed us, glancing at Jungkook then giving second ones, as if Jungkook was someone familiar. Some were even stopping and squinting their eyes, trying to make outh the face under his mask and sunglasses.

"I think it's better if I introduce myself at a more.. secluded place. You're free right? I don't think you have classes or work for the rest of the day today. Come over to my house. My driver's arriving shortly,"

"How did you know my schedule?"

"I have my ways,"

"How am I suppose to know that you're not a psychotic murderer or rapist?"

He walked away towards the end of the building where a black car was waiting. I followed him suspiciously. He doesn't seem like a bad person. Although the way he speaks is quite intimidating.

"Search up Jeon Jungkook in the internet," he said, getting into the car when his chauffeur opened the door for him.

By the look of it, he is clearly rich. Fancy cars and chauffeur?

"I'm sorry. I don't own any smart phone or gadget," I stood outside of the car awkwardly.

"Hah, so that explains a lot. You coming in or not?"

I scoot over the other side quickly and entered, sending a quick smile and thank you to the chauffeur before doing so. I tugged at my t-shirt, nervous. I have never been to any other people's houses, especially not a rich man's one. And now I'm in a luxurious car, driving to somewhere that I guess is equally amazing.

"Here," He handed me his phone.

I opened the lock screen. It was a picture of him, all sweaty in a white t-shirt and shorts on a stage, holding out his microphone while jumping. I tapped on the Safari app, smiling a little because I learned all of this through staring at people using smart phones. I'm not those creepy ones that pretend to fall asleep but is actually peeping at your phone. Trust me, I am not.

I typed 'Jeon' and the keyboard and out came out his full name in a blink of an eye. I clicked on it and there there were pictures and articles about him. I clicked on a website with his biography and read.

|| Jeon Jungkook is male singer, dancer and artist from Busan, Korea. He is currently well-known around the world for his talents. He has released two albums since his debut in June 2013: 'Hip Hop Lover' in 2013 and 'Danger' in 2014. He has recently released another album this year called 'Sick'. The song that has been made the name of the album, 'Sick', has been topping the Billboard Charts at number 1 ever since its release. He has just ended his world tour 'The Red Bullet' and is currently taking a break in his hometown in Seoul. He is said to also be releasing the artworks of his first collection. Rumors said that he will be releasing it by the end of this month. For more news and reports of our star, Jeon Jungkook, visit our homepage. ||

I stared at the screen and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I slowly exited the app, switched off the phone, then placed it on the armrest that was between us. I withdrew my hand and huddled in the corner and looked out of the window.

I am in a famous singer/dancer/artist's car.

I looked down and played with my fingers, trying to keep the stress and nervousness away.

I need help.

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