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Jungkook's POV

After Jimin got to know who.. and what i am, he seemed a little shy and nervous. I don't want him to act around me this way. I want another friend, not another stranger. Maybe I should take him out for breakfast, which means I have to force him to sleepover. It's 9pm anyway. Not like there's any problem with early nights. Why breakfast, you might ask? Simply because I'm really not in the mood now. It's been long tiring day of dance practice with the background dancers, I think I'll be sleeping the whole get-to-know-each-other.

I snapped out of my trance when my car stopped. I got out of my car and scurried to the other side to open his. I waited for him to get out but he just sat there, like an awkward child with his hands on his lap.

He was too scared to move.

I kneeled down on the ground and took one of his hands in one of mine. With the other, i lifted his chin.

"Hey, don't be nervous or anything, okay? I just want you to show around. I just want to get us to know each other better?"

"Why? Why me?" he asked, voice timidly small.

"Well.. you see.. I don't have that many friends and as a payback for my very generous deed, being a good friend to me isn't that hard, right?"

I saw a smile slowly tugging at the sides of his mouth.

"I guess," he chuckled.

It was then that he lifted his gaze from the ground and looked at me. His iris were slightly brown and his eyelashes were perfectly grown, not too long and not too short.

"You wanna come inside now?"

He nodded briefly and I stood up, bringing him towards my home.

"Woah! Your house is so cool!"

"Thanks. G-Dragon bought it for me. I told him I wanted a small and simple house but at the same time uniquely designed to my taste, so he gave me this for my birthday present,"

"G-Dragon?! Okay, him I do recognise. Like, he is my idol!"

"How can you know him and not me?!" I asked. We practically came from the same company!

"Dude everyone knows BIGBANG! Cuz tonight-night o aye o~"

"That song was like 4 years ago,"

"O-oh really? I thought it was their latest song," he said, scratching his head.

"I seriously need to get you a smart phone," I muttered.

When we reached the front door, I realised we were still holding hands and quickly released his. I looked at him only to find out a blush colouring his cheeks. He caught my gaze and quickly averted his eyes. I don't know what that boy has but it's making me feel weird.

"Sir Jungkook, welcome home," Taehyung, my butler, stood straight, holding the doors open while bowing down.

Welcome home it is.

Jimin's POV

I learnt so many things today.

1- Jungkook is an idol
2- He lives in an amazing house
3- The awesome house was from G-Dragon

and the most shocking thing of all..


I used to believe that I was BIGBANG's number one fan but now, I feel like I am the lamest, stupidest, most useless VIP on earth. Sigh. I'm not even important to them!

When we entered Jungkook's house, it was like as if I was walking into a blank space.

Almost everything was white.

The slabs of polished white marble made the floor. White curtains draped down the long windows, letting soft streams of sunlight penetrate through them. There was a long creme L-shaped sofa that sunk perfectly when I sat on it. The most comfortable place to relax your body. An oval coffee table was placed in front of it. There were cute little forget-me-nots that bloomed in a small vase on the table. In front me, there was a huge curved TV and gaming consoles under it. Everything was so perfect and simple. Coordinated.

Clearly not where I belong.

I hung my head low, unsure of what to do next. Jungkook took off his cap and shoes then stood in front of me. We made eye contact for a moment before I broke it and returned my gaze to the floor.

"I don't think you know this but it's quite sickening how you're so shy and neevous for no reason right now. Can't you just relax, for god's sake?"

Jungkook's POV

He flinched after I mentioned it. I saw him bit his lip and regret took over me almost automatically.

I sighed and looked around.

"I'm sorry. I just.. I really don't want you to feel uncomfortable- I know this is hard to accept that your in an idol's house blah blah blah but- Aargh. I'm tired and the last thing I want to do now is be in a bad mood knowing that someone is uncomfortable in my house," I blurted. This kid makes me so frustrated and soft at the same time, I feel like dough.

"Lie down," I said, pointing at the rest of the sofa.

He looked up with a confusing look on his face.

"Wha-" he started.

"I said lie down," I repeated.

He glanced at the space beside him and slowly moved over. Taking one of the pillows for neck support, he lied flat on the sofa.

"Just relax okay? I don't want you to be so tensed up,"

His muscles visually loosened.

"Now, if you don't mind, since I haven't had my sleep yet, I'll be sleeping in my room. Sleep well," I walked off.

"What? That's the whole point of you bringing me here? To sleep?"

"Basically. Yeah,"

"So, I just sleep here. On this couch. Alone,"
he stated the facts, still unsure of what to do.

"Unless... you want to sleep with me?" I smirked.

I left him there, blushing like a tomato.

Jimin's POV

I don't like this man.

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